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25718794 No.25718794 [Reply] [Original]

>make 100,000,000 dollars
>put 5,000,000 aside
>use it to start a savings account
>savings earnings are my "fun" budget

Here's what I'd do:
>hire starving leftist poorfags and make them write pro-right-wing propaganda
>pay liberals $100 to research redpills and read them for 8 hours
>start amazon turk jobs and just make people read anti-gun-control info, then make them write an essay on why guns are good
>make furfag artists draw 50s-style paintings of nuclear families
>allocate 100,000 dollars to host a convention for degenerates, but the real theme is anti-industrialism
>do this all anonymously
>chuckle heartily from my isolated, reinforced compound innawoods

>> No.25718823

Holy Based

>> No.25718872

>make furfag artists draw 50s-style paintings of nuclear families

You do realize most of them actually hate their job because they find it repulsive right?

>> No.25718886

Fundamentally based

>> No.25718887


>> No.25718958

Have you heard of Ron Unz?

>> No.25719042

Now fire the leftists at the most unconvenient time and say its to make space for diversity hires, then hire a bunch of blacks and mexicans to do the same

>> No.25719082

Poor fag here ,Can I have a job anon?

>> No.25719132

>make fuck tons of money
>spend all your time thinking about leftists

>> No.25719138
File: 215 KB, 800x791, e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get used to it

>> No.25719146

t. furfag artist that hates their job

>> No.25719189

This but pay the diversity hires less so that it goes full circle for maximum dose of red in their pill

>> No.25719253

I'm genuinely interested. Is it because of the people that commision you, you need to interact with? Is it the art itself?
It's not like you can't branch out and start drawing ecchi anime and cash in some other fanbase. Kind regards, anon-kun.

>> No.25719333
File: 33 KB, 548x447, 1596555144315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based beyond belief

>> No.25719428

pay an extra under the table and redpill them on taxes, minorities leaving the plantation is a good thing. also dont act or look rich, make it seem like you're barely scraping by and be their compadre while also imposing respect, that way they won't try to steal as much

>> No.25719510

Rich furfags are more common that you'd think. I saw a commision screenshot of a guy that paid 500 for a drawing of a tiger shitting on a lion.

>> No.25719584

I've seen miles-df ask for a 4 figure for commisions once and people said "he's an established artist, he can do this", so I totally do not doubt what you're saying. Don't ask me how I know about this guy

>> No.25719663

furfags will literally pay any amount
you can make thousands off of doing 3 or 4 commissions if you have the stomach for what these degenerates will ask you for

>> No.25719739

I kind of wanna ironically improve my drawing and increase my BTC stack by doing shitty commissions like that for a while kek

>> No.25720474
File: 46 KB, 128x128, 1609797684032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good place to get more people into crypto is the art space. after all, who would be interested in monero without monerochan

>> No.25720636

The problem is most popular sites that cater to artists (deviant art, Tumblr, vemno etc) are filled with furfags, so the artist either draws stuff that he likes or sells his soul to buy food

>> No.25720762

I'm afraid that's the case with any artform. You either do what the majority supports or you get left out because of your obscure interests. You're lucky if you like and create what the majority likes as well, and get to profit financially and emotionally.
t. musician

>> No.25721121
