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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 326x500, image969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25717215 No.25717215 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 35 years old, upper middle management in a large corporation
>new young employees start in the office
>7 of them are great, extroverted, funny
>1 of them almost mumbles sometimes, isn't as enthusiastic, is the only one that wears glasses (not fashionable ones either)
>isn't as polished as the other recruits
>hasn't travelled to as many countries as other people
>told him to do training on the computer instead of going to the client presentation
>another time, we're discussing politics at lunch
>he just stared at the table awkwardly when we made jokes about Trump (I like Trump, but still, you have to pretend)

I asked the receptionist (9/10 25 year old blonde) what she thought of him based on their interactions and she said, "He's kind of quiet. He hasn't really talked to me, he just says Hi and Bye"

But the killer was:
>we all had to work 100 % remote when coronavirus hit
>his productivity went UP

That's the last straw. If not being around your team mates ENERGIZES you, then you're some sick twisted freak. We're going to put him on furlough (Government pays 80 % of wages of redundant staff) this week and cut his contract when the scheme ends.

He casually mentioned he had signed a 9 month lease. Wew, I hope furlough lasts that long! Remember kids, don't be awkward!

>> No.25717339

Fuck boomers

>> No.25717341
File: 586 KB, 1826x1242, 282D15EF-273D-4208-9A4D-20E5DCD3EFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m mad now

>> No.25717423

I'll kill you with my bare hands

>> No.25717437

Is this the state of larping on biz?

>> No.25717485

If you’re not hiring hyper productive remote tech savvy autistic introverts, you’re a fucking retard and I hope your business fails. On the “front end” of business you need the team oriented extroverts with great smiles. Beyond that, hire the autist more than half the time.

>> No.25717497

Weird larp bro. Are you the kid who got fired larping as your chad former-manager?

>> No.25717523

Nice roleplay faggot. Next time I wanna be the 9/10 blonde.

>> No.25717538

r u a gril?

>> No.25717619

I know this is bait but if its true and he had half a brain, your ass is getting sued.

>> No.25717728

>hasn't travelled to as many countries as other people

ahaha what a queer. he hasn't vacationed in antigua, bermuda, or the bahamas? that fool doesnt know what hes missing

>> No.25717783

this is old recycled demoralization baitposting

>> No.25717798

Copypasta faggot.

>> No.25717806
File: 164 KB, 498x498, 1609935997882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be surprised when that kid shows up to your house at midnight with 4 of his weird friends.

>> No.25717880

Wrong! He is most likely an introvert and you are a retarded fake ass extrovert. I can tell from the way you describe the others. He's probably way smarter than all of you. Stop conspiring against him like a fucking cunt would do. wtf is wrong with you

>> No.25717984

Nice larp faggot. I'm exactly like that kid except I'm attractive. Everyone on my team was sent home to remote work. Before I was sent home my boss told me he wished everyone on the team was just like me and promoted me. Its been about a year now and I got promoted again. Quiet hard working employees are valuable. There's no office drama bs and work actually gets done.

>> No.25718017

It's going to be funny when he's your boss.

>> No.25718154

>be me, OP
>think I'm chad, but still get fired anyway
>make up larp and post it on /biz/

>> No.25718193

Whew OP absolutely EXPOSED. Imagine baiting people with stale pasta. Why haven't you killed yourself yet, OP?

>> No.25718196

This is a tactile biz missile. I need to leave.

>> No.25718200

>not wearing fashionable glasses
what an idiot, thats like corpo etiquette lesson 1.

>> No.25718225

This pasta is nearly a year old

Let that sink in

>> No.25718258

imagine being 35 without basicc intelligence still

>> No.25718264

lmaoing at you OP. You are so assblasted tp the point of making a thread

>> No.25718282

If it isnt your own business, then you don't give a fuck. You just don't want to work with autists.

>> No.25718322

>Let that sink in
No! It's dirty and leaks

>> No.25718463

>If you’re not hiring hyper productive remote tech savvy autistic introverts, you’re a fucking retard and I hope your business fails
The thing is that only few “appearing autists” are actually genius smart, but even they have niche hobbies like chess, designing chips or obscure video games they interact and talk with other people. The biggest part of them are just above average broken inside, scraping by, either not willing to diagnose or therapy seemingly without effect

>> No.25718492
File: 66 KB, 750x733, 1610052822930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice copypasta faggot, now fuck off back to /b/

>> No.25718497

my mom got robbed in the Bahamas like 30 years ago. can't imagine that its much better now

>> No.25718509

imagine being so new that you don't recognize this copypasta.

>> No.25718633 [DELETED] 

>what LARP can i come up with today to piss off the socially awkward weirdos of 4chin
Who's really the loser here?

>> No.25718657
File: 534 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of this larp is that when OP (faggot) gets to the part of his simulation concerning the "9/10 25yo blonde" he just has zero, absolutely zero, idea how to make his ruse seem believable. He almost glosses over the interaction, but he can't help but inject his projection of what an actual real grill might say, even though his dialog makes obvious the fact that he has no relevant real life experience with attractive women.

It's like a gay playwright attempting to write a play about what it means to lose a child during childbirth. Just so out of touch that anyone with a clue sees right through it.

Nice job OP.

>> No.25718662

Imagine spending so much time in this shithole you recognize these pastas

>> No.25718710

>If not being around your team mates ENERGIZES you, then you're some sick twisted freak.
or you all are the problem. maybe you should look in the mirror

>> No.25718738

>he just stared at the table awkwardly when we made jokes about Trump (I like Trump, but still, you have to pretend)

Wow what a coward. I'll make note of that during the revolution. The world should thrive with correct genetics!

>> No.25718805

literally a fellow ANON. OP hates himself and sees sees inside a mirror if he sees the awkward anon daily. sabotaging him means he likes to put himself in misery.

go make a therapy OP.

>> No.25719743


Fuck you faggot judging someone being introvert.
If he is more productive be happy fucking retard.