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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25713996 No.25713996 [Reply] [Original]

Press F to spit on the jew

>> No.25714108


>> No.25714161

>a law firm with jewish lawyers

wow shocking

>> No.25714185

itt a retard learns what plaintiff means

>> No.25714209
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>> No.25714238

>Pinchas Goldshtein

>> No.25714258


>> No.25714295

Usually we press S to spit

>> No.25714327


>> No.25714370

Hahahah I’m sure the lawsuit will be very succesful, bitfinex’ed btfo

>> No.25714403

don't bet against the jew anon

>> No.25714475
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Who would have even thunk... S on Adolf for not gassing them for real.

>> No.25714495

shocking news: hook nose bad!

>> No.25714508

fucking kikes

>> No.25714533
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You can't make this shit up...

>> No.25714534

Most of the people posting about it on /biz/ are a salty group of XRP maxis

>> No.25714545


>> No.25714583


>> No.25714661

Well imagine my shock

>> No.25714695

XRP is also a kike coin, and the SEC is also a fucking kike shitshow. It's all a big shitshow run by the tribe to fuck you over again and again, and dumb goyim cattle will forever be too dumb to understand.

>> No.25714722

fucking based i hope these jews crash it to 5k i fuckred up and need more corn. also fuck the weak handed gentiles who fall for this

>> No.25714765

>files lawsuit
>it's FUD

someone must be holding some heavy bags

>> No.25714915

Do you avoid any business that’s got a civil suit ongoing against them? you must go nowhere then

>> No.25714977

wow what a SHOCKING revelation that jews would do such a thing!!! those nazis were just so bad and evil and wronG!@!!!!31231

>> No.25715156

This is a war on opposing stable coins. ((They)) want to implant the USDC fully regulated and tracked as the replacement to Tether. Hence, doing everything they can to destroy it (see the current FUD campaign going on right now on biz)

>> No.25715174

This. Go jews.

>> No.25715260

kek i own a small business and don't have any civil suits pending. neither do any of the businesses i service.

you're not even making any sense lmao. the cope is real.

>> No.25715374

Owns a small shit business servicing a few plebs, compares to a financial business managing 20b usd servicing tens of Thousands+ of high net worth, lawsuit hungry investors in a very high risk, new investment class. Exchanges get sued all the time retard, even with etoro and robin hood

>> No.25715431

Triggered goldstein detected

>> No.25716138


la fragrance of cope tears is intoxicating

>> No.25716494

official thread theme