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25702707 No.25702707 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin oldfags general

At this point we are just holding for intergenerational wealth.

What's the point? Sure our kids might turn out fine but the grandkids are going to spend it all anyways.

1st generation is born poor works hard, saves and builds enough capital to start.

2nd generation watches mom and dad struggle growing up and uses the wealth to go to school make connection and grow the family empire.

3rd generation grows up rich never see struggle and doesn't understand how hard that first $100,000 is. They blow it all and the cycle restarts.

I have enough to live comphy life but still have this desire to expand. What's wrong with me.

>> No.25703073
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>> No.25703219

>What's the point? Sure our kids might turn out fine but the grandkids are going to spend it all anyways.
That's an interesting take.
Raise your kids right and make sure they raise their kids right.
It's possible to raise a child in a wealthy household and have them not turn out to be entitled brats. But it takes good parenting.
And their parents will learn from their parents (you).

>> No.25703265

>1st generation works hard
Shitposting on 4channel while looking at your magic internet money isnt working hard you faggot

>> No.25703269

Did she get infested with bogdabots?

>> No.25703493

>3rd generation
>finally hit 8 figures in crypto this week, started with ~$9k in 2013
>don't give up, have kids

>> No.25703513

Not replying seriously until sauce is posted

>> No.25703563

Don't give up, you can teach your kids to manage money and set up a system with trusts, etc. to protect the money. Besides, if you get stupid rich they'll have to go out of their way to sabotage themselves.

>> No.25703588
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That the problem. You can only instil so many of the old values, but some are lost every generation.

I have friend that grew up extremely rich and still work hard and are frugal so there is some truth to your statement.

Thinking about it the worst kids are the ones are the ones that grew up in predominantly white neighborhood around other privileged whites kids.

I think I will be sending my boys to public school and girls to some fancy private school. That way the girls can go to ivy league and get in at big law and not depend on a man. And the boys can get some life skills and take over the family business.

>> No.25703679

>1st generation fights for subsequent generations' rights and wealth
>2nd gen becomes spoilt and entitled and starts being violent unruly thugs using politics to get their way
>3rd gen and onwards are a bunch of lousy Shaneequas collecting child support and welfare

This is why I don't have kids.

>> No.25703742

speak for yourself dad

>> No.25703770

I literally dead ass know an ugly fat white girl who pawned off the family jewels to buy a house for a neo-Nazi golddigger who pointed a shotgun at her own grandmother. She married him too.

Live for yourself, pick whomever you want. Don't have kids, live on through your ideas instead.

>> No.25703791

Why are you saving pics of 4/10 thots, coomer faggot

>> No.25703834

Set up a trust with appropriate criteria for getting the money
My kids are going to bust their fucking ass just on principle
Raise your kids like aristocrats would raise theirs.

>> No.25703872
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Actual oldfag here. Start thinking of an exit plan. Big discounts ahead.

>> No.25703912

>1st generation is born poor works hard, saves and builds enough capital to start.
>2nd generation watches mom and dad struggle growing up and uses the wealth to go to school make connection and grow the family empire.
>3rd generation grows up rich never see struggle and doesn't understand how hard that first $100,000 is. They blow it all and the cycle restarts.
This is why it's crucial for a family to maintain a superior work ethic and intellect if it's to maintain its power. Spoiling children only results in ruin

>> No.25703964

OP pic is in Toronto. is she canadian?

>> No.25703968

I really would have sex with that woman

>> No.25703976

>Raise your kids like aristocrats would raise theirs.
So, really badly?

>> No.25703999
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Absolute shit advice actally. Kids like that are actually the worst because they have no concept of the money. Coddled all their lives.

The most successful ones I see are the ones given the keys to the kingdom early. Kids don't grow unless they are forced too. True for anyone actually, if you not feeling uncomfortable then your not improving. Make thouse faggots start working at age 14.

>> No.25704030

>literally dead ass
Is this what happens when niggers ride the pump?

>> No.25704047

buy XMR

>> No.25704053

He's handsome. What's his name?

>> No.25704202

That's the rare worst case scenario. Most wealthy families tend to stay wealthy over time, and have learned habits that benefit them for life. At worst, the regress to the mean. You just never hear about them.

>> No.25704207

>intergenerational wealth
You sound like a stuffy old bore. Get some interesting hobbies, travel or give it to charity. Make your kids/family resent you for blowing it all while giving them a modest life and a college fund. That will set them up for success.

>> No.25704316


It's funny how transparent demoralization posts are online but irl if some boomer said this in a crowded room most people would nod.

In a nutshell, this individual's core message is: You, an individual, are powerless to influence your bloodline's destiny, and it is a fool's errand to assume it is possible to do so. Meanwhile, for generations, there are bloodlines that have done exactly that - so what's this guy's deal? He's obviously a worm of some sort. Oh well!

>> No.25704362

I might leave my kids assets, probably will that's the plan. But it would just be one component of a larger plan. If I realize I have failed in raising them then I wouldn't leave them as much. But you know you can plan to not fail your child like most retarded boomers failed theirs. You can actually think about the best ways to raise a human being and put conscious effort into it. Bitcoin affords you the opportunity to not have to work long hours and neglect your children. You can teach your children how to raise their children, make it a family tradition of parenting excellence.

>> No.25704653
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>> No.25704756

What didn't you understand? Your OP spoke of a doomer attitude towards raising your children and passing along some of your wealth. I commented on that.

>> No.25704806

Not too true OP, if we consider all the successful families throughout history like the myriad nobles of Europe who lasted for thousands of years. From Greeks, to Romans, to medieval kings

They pick their children’s destiny and drilled it into their heads that they have a duty to uphold the family’s reputation.

>> No.25704840
File: 125 KB, 640x1137, 42922707_354057908733345_98466153137301918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in full agreement, just posting the infamous Sopranos scene where Tony kills his nephew Christopher. After he fails to live up to being the successor to family crown due to his drug habit.

>> No.25704919


>> No.25705125

Oh.. I've never watched the Sopranos. But to add to the discussion:

>I have enough to live comphy life but still have this desire to expand. What's wrong with me.
Nothing so long as you don't let that consume you.

>> No.25705991

One of the main things keeping me going is dedicating myself to unseating jewish power.