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File: 30 KB, 639x335, bancor-protocol-for-smart-tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2570090 No.2570090 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2570100

and so it begins

>> No.2570103

Nobody cares about your jew coin

>> No.2570117

check em

bancor to the moon

>> No.2570124

I think they do. I think they do...

Bye NoBancer, we wont miss you.

>> No.2570131

people but at 9 and it immediately drops under 3, lol

>> No.2570142

wow, that volume is nothing
dead on arrival?

>> No.2570146
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>> No.2570148
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just leaving that here lol.

>> No.2570181

was it just me, or did MYST *explode* once it hit bittrex

this is just kinda... stillborn so far

>> No.2570197

how to fucking commit cryptosuicide the coin: the official method

>> No.2570202
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>> No.2570207

nobody wants to get ripped off when the smart contract is that much lower

>> No.2570212

hey where did all the shills go?

>> No.2570220

top... fucking.... kek...
how are those bags you dumb fuck?

>> No.2570222


>> No.2570224

I knew this shit would bomb. Who wants jew reserve banking ?

>> No.2570227

I have more money than you and I care, so fuck off.

>> No.2570242
File: 202 KB, 900x580, bancorisliterallyunstoppable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People set really crazy offers on exchanges for weeks while it was untradable crazy shit like 1btc for 1 bnt but obviously only buying like a tiny fraction of a bnt - amongst some other crazy high offers.

No volume so these trades so they sit until trading opens and then it causes a huge spike at the start of the graph when these orders finally fill.

Anyone who bought it at ICO is up 24% already as I type this via the https://www.bancor.network/BNT smart contract

But exchange prices will probably be slightly higher cause its apparently too complex for the average crypto kiddie like yourself to use smart contracts

>> No.2570263

wow, a thread full of retards who have no idea how this works, how surprising

>> No.2570270
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You faggots are all so sure of yourself - As soon as the price goes green everyone will pile in and claim they always knew it would moon

Stop being know-it-all faggots

>> No.2570273


>> No.2570286
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>> No.2570289

we all knew it would tank I'm waiting for this little bitch to sink lower...
then when everyone screams for "old fashioned bank security" i'll be raking up on dried up dead baby whales.

>> No.2570306

it won't sink lower because it's got a fucking reserve that will hold the price. check on bancor.network - the higher the cap the higher the price. Go eat shit

>> No.2570317

it's up more than 20% from the ico price you tard

>> No.2570332

>muh bancor

>> No.2570334
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>"Please hold my bags"

>> No.2570351

comedy gold lul

>> No.2570371

The minute it dips below $3 I'm in.

>> No.2570388

What's a good price to get in lads?

>> No.2570389


>please help, I payed in ETH at an all time high of $380+ for this.

>> No.2570393

i'm waiting for 2$, personally

>coin keeps a steady price
>expecting a coin that "remains steady" to moon

>> No.2570400

wow it fucking sucks to have more money now than i did before, absolutely hellish.

>> No.2570410

I wish you guys would take some time to go research bancor and understand why its not like any other crypto and how you physically can not lose money on this at all due to the smart contract instead you retards just see a red candle and think its crashing when it was selling for over 10x the price you can buy directly from bancor instantly right this second.

Anyway a lot of people are going to go get filthy rich off this definitely one the biggest movers of 2017 incoming, I guess we will just let time prove that

>> No.2570412
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check 'em

>> No.2570426

Will 1k be enough?

>> No.2570428

god dammit... why are there so many ignorant illiterate imbeciles here?! If you were actually capable to read even a little bit of the information out there regarding Bancor, you would know that THIS SHIT IS NEVER HAPPENING!!! It simply CAN NOT go under the original ICO price... $3 is waaay under that mark. FFFFFAAAAACK

>> No.2570429
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LMAO sold my fucking bags for $5.1 when it's $4 on their smart contract. kek fucking morons

>> No.2570432

>people are buying in Bittrex for $5.20
>You can buy from Bancor for $4.00 still

Am I missing this?

>> No.2570436


>> No.2570440

It's hard for normies to use the smart contract right now

>> No.2570441


this >>2570428

>> No.2570443

It's on an exchange, it can go wherever it wants to.

>> No.2570445
File: 250 KB, 740x557, IMG_1793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LMAO I sold Stratis for a 25% profit! Have fun bagholding this shit retards.

>> No.2570449

the cope is real

>> No.2570452

there's a $34mn buy wall at ICO price, no risk for me you cuck

>> No.2570454
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>> No.2570457

what was the Ico price in Btc ?

>> No.2570470

if it can't go under the ico price what happens if literally everyone wants to sell it?

Bancor will buy back ALL the coins for a huge loss? you really think those kikes are going to do that? kek

>> No.2570472

this is the most anticlimactic thing ever

>> No.2570474

Oh yeah some people are going to become filthy rich from it. Those who are on top of the ponzi basically :


>> No.2570479

when everyone loses their money on this I hope it sparks the new reich

>> No.2570481

Whats a good price to buy in? suggestions?

>> No.2570494
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>has no idea about how bancor works

>> No.2570496

ill buy it when it eventually crashes like BAT did.

>> No.2570498


>> No.2570502

>up 26%

>> No.2570506


That article has been addressed by Bancor already, please provide a link to that as well?

... ok sure ...

>> No.2570508

now tbqh....is rising at 10% an hour or something

>> No.2570509

Just go do some fucking reading fag... maybe if you're lucky you can even figure out what the term "whitepaper" actually means (hint: it is not entirely white). Go back to mommy now, precious little nooblet.

>> No.2570513


Nah I'll stay in litecoin, thanks. This smells like some whales about to take a dump. If it isn't, I'll buy some after it dumps down to -150%.

>> No.2570516

its up in terms of eth but down in terms of fiat?

guess which one matters?

when you buy youre lambo youre going to be paying the salesman in usd not eth

>> No.2570517

Bancor was literally impossible to lose money on because of the buy wall and you idiots missed it.

Newfags think "bags" means "whatever you are holding." They don't understand that you have to have bought above the current price for them to be "bags." Someone didn't explain the terms right to them. I swear I've been watching them.

>> No.2570527

You know how bancor works? About the smart contract? The buy wall @ 0.01 ETH? This thing will keep rising and you missed it

>> No.2570528

ETH is going to $500 by August too. God you are retarded.

>> No.2570529

So you think there are financial contracts that promise you that its impossible to lose money, but also give the chance of wildly high returns?

just lol at how gullible you idiots are

>> No.2570533

Ok, up 4% in terms of fiat. Unless you think eth is fucked forever, then these still aren't bags.

>> No.2570538

Bancor is gonna be the pump of the century.

>> No.2570544

Bittrex uses BTC. The price listed is in BTC, not ETH.

>> No.2570545
File: 231 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170622-182439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow bangers, ignore the FUD and keep refreshing blockfolio. We mooning

>> No.2570547

Guys, I need to know. Given what bancor is aiming to do, is this really the last EVER moon mission? Godspeed fellas.

>> No.2570553

there are multiple ICOs every week now. just relax

>> No.2570557

Time to invest time in learning solidity.
Hopefully I will get ready to abuse such opportunities in the short and long term.

>> No.2570559

I have to agree. I wasn't educated about the buy wall.
and people are SLEEPING on those buy walls. more than that are staying away.

i'm thankful i got in near ICO price... count 'em up

>> No.2570562

I don't think you actually read that article but if you actually care they answered and crushed every point raised in that article here https://blog.bancor.network/response-to-bancor-unchained-cdb3bd2ba505 .

Also if you buy right now you literally are on the top of the ponzi lmao, it takes a long time for the price on https://www.bancor.network/BNT to adjust and its still only a mere 26% above starting price and it's only going one direction buddy.

You're seriously dumb if you miss out on this one at this stage of the market

>> No.2570568

Who are you talking to?

Everyone knows that already....

>> No.2570575


I managed to get into MYST and STATUS at least, I wasn't really sure on this one. I don't go into something without at least feeling confident about it.

>> No.2570577

>Bancor selling at $4
>Liqui exchange at a little over $4
>Bittrex at $5

Chance of it diving lower than $4 in the forseeable future? Nearly zero.

>> No.2570585

It's on an exchange, buy walls shift all the time, please off yourself it can dip to nothing if it wants to..


>> No.2570589


hop on Apollo 13 baby!!! wooooo this is going to be fun mission...

>> No.2570590

it's not about the contracts. it's about the state of the economy.

>> No.2570595

you realize that price is before the tokens were tradeable and people paper traded IOUs on hitbtc?
it was a total scam by hitbtc and some suckers fell for it thinking this would be another BAT (it's impossible to hit 6x in short term since we need like $30 million just to double the ico price)

>> No.2570604

>1 post by this ID
>woo yeah moon XD

>> No.2570610

Friendly reminder that we are being raided by BTC maximalists who will spread FUD about ANY altcoin because they don't want their bitcoins to fail

>> No.2570614
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>We are guaranteed to not lose money, and also will also get a super high return moon mission

>> No.2570622

it will moon, but very slowly, that's how the fucking formula works

>> No.2570637
File: 73 KB, 750x719, 1495706596664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i become a goyim and invest in this?

>> No.2570644


clearly you faggots don't know what happened to Apollo 13th lol


yes, bancor is a jew coin

>> No.2570649

yeah some people on /biz/ are too retarded to understand the whole concept that makes this project so valueable lol
27% up btw

>> No.2570653

Can you send directly from MyEtherWallet to the wallet address you generate on Bittrex?

>> No.2570654

This >>2570614
When (((some government))) shoots down a plane full of these cryptocurrency devs or some equivalent accident happens you faggots will regret it all.

>> No.2570658



>> No.2570659

damn, you went knee deep into banc, I've only bought around 3k bnc.

>> No.2570667

never said anything about wild high returns. there are systems in place to guarantee (to a certain extent) a base price that can be maintained in and through out most events. "wild high returns" is just a bunch of /biz fags circle jerking each other with idiotic lambos and moons and bla bla bla. The important thing is and will always be the guarantee of a bottom price... again, it's in the whitepaper, it's in the contract, it is fucking anywhere relating to Bancor, don't be fucking lazy and your homework... you god damn cum guzzling anal discharge of a pre-teen excuse for a being.

>> No.2570686
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>p-p-p-please buy my eth

>> No.2570696
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I haven't even recieved my BNT from bitcoin suisse yet

Is this what I get for entering early ?

anyone else

>> No.2570706

if you believed them why wouldnt you?

its literally impossible to lose money. worst case scenario you just cash out at the ico price

>> No.2570713

all the dumb investors already lost there money on digibyte

>> No.2570740


I don't think that very many of you understand the significance of this coin yet.

These steady gains since its activation are fucking unreal. Given how the coin operates, I was honestly expecting a slower climb. Of course it won't "spike" the same way dumb tokens (as opposed to Smart Tokens like Bancor) function, but holy fuck the demand is real.

Not selling until $1000 per banger.

>> No.2570744

>you god damn cum guzzling anal discharge of a pre-teen excuse for a being.
have you tried aromatherapy anon

>> No.2570753

yes but that price is denominated in ETH, not BTC
should ETH continue on its way down, wouldn't that reflect BNT's bottom being lower in BTC terms?

>> No.2570754

Why do you care? Unless you actually want to sell lol

>> No.2570761

nah... it just makes me all angry and upset

>> No.2570769

Except for the fact that you'd have to be retarded to sell it on an exchange when there is a higher buy offer available via the smart contract. Granted, crypto market is far from logical or sensible, but still.

If anyone is waiting for this to go much lower than ICO price, they'll be waiting a while.

>> No.2570771


>> No.2570772

Well, why not diversify a bit, you can ride more moons that why.

>> No.2570777


Lol so in the end it's better to just buy ETH. This is just a controlled Jew token pinned to ETH from what I'm seeing as I cut through all the smoke and mirrors.

>when BNT goes up 20%
>ETH goes up 80%

Thanks but no thanks

>> No.2570779


rekt as fuck

good goys

>> No.2570780


>> No.2570791
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Feel like a nobanc without my BNT

>> No.2570794

It's inefficient and reserves will bleed out due to gaming and fees.

>> No.2570800

haha you have no idea do you

>> No.2570803

gonna invest 500$ in this it better gets mooingn

>> No.2570806
File: 35 KB, 535x577, 1414414088687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most painful 9 days ever felt like a nobanc as well

>> No.2570807

You haven't cut through anything. Nice trips tho

>> No.2570873

1500 bangers sitting comfy in the ledger.

Holding till 20x by the end of summer.

BNT will be going up 10% every day minimum.

This isn't a pump and dump coin, this is a steady climb consistently coin.

>> No.2570893

Do I buy with ETH or BTC?

>> No.2570927

srsly should i buy or not man i dont what ge fucking in my butt

>> No.2570933

You really can't Google Bancor?

>> No.2570973

I see two markets on Bittrex..

>> No.2570984

cums up with flawed token

>> No.2570995

Niigga, buy from the contract with Ether it's cheaper

>> No.2570999

I have 2k bnt and I really hope it happens. This isn't a shitcoin compared to all else

>> No.2571024

Can you do some research yourself? 50% will tell you it's shit (its not) and 50% will tell you its the new moon in the sky.

I did my research and if crypto keeps growing, this bancor protocol will be a game changer. Total different way of economy. Go read about it, learn about it and be amazed.

>> No.2571027

Every time you buy from the contract the price goes up. This coin increases with contract buys. Buy from the contract.

>> No.2571039


>> No.2571053

>the only thing special this coin will do is bridging

um, ark is already supposed to do that though but you still dumped 150m on this shitcoin anyway but whatever

>> No.2571059


This is the smart contract price. If people know how to program a bot that will arbitrage with smart contract and exchange --> you will be rich now cuz your the first atm.

>> No.2571063

Myst had an initial valuation of something like $12 million, Bancor had one of over $300 million. Also only 40 lines of code. Bancor is by far the most overhyped shitty ICO to have ever occurred.

>> No.2571067

>ark is already supposed to do that
>supposed to
this is key and it is missing atm

>> No.2571070

it was only hyped because actually believed "never bet against the jews"

lmao except this time it was impossible to win with this trade off

>> No.2571075

It has over 10k lines of code, ffs do SOME research you fcking retard

>> No.2571088

ok but this doesn't do that either bonehead

at least ark actually has a former satellite developer, meanwhile your shitcoin can't even get the code audited by a professional

amazing potential such wow

>> No.2571094
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>> No.2571101

10k lines of code doesn't mean anything.
my data vis homework was 2000 lines of complete shit

>> No.2571103

actually what he meant to say was it mostly copy pasted except for 40 lines of code actually being worked on

>> No.2571141

more overhyped than BAT and SNT? hard to say...

>> No.2571142
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>> No.2571172
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>BUY BUY BUY my bags

>> No.2571179

>tfw bought at 194k

>> No.2571205

196 here
hodl strong or we will get burned

>> No.2571217

If I "buy from the contract", when do I get my coins?

>> No.2571222

Yes, by far when considering valuation. BAT has stayed over 4x its initial valuation for a reason.

>> No.2571230


>> No.2571231

they are sent to the address you send the eth from, so you'd have to use the right wallet

>> No.2571242

what was the ico price?

>> No.2571249

Which wallet do you use? From what I understand, I can't send from my exchange address.

>> No.2571253

buying from the smart contract is to much effort gonna stick to bitsex

>> No.2571266

Well ETH was around $390 then, so 1 BNT ~ $3.90 at ICO price.

>> No.2571279

Fly me to the moon, cryptokikes.

>> No.2571296
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>> No.2571299

Sell when it hits $7 tonight or you will be burned. I warned you.

>> No.2571324

You need to email nicolai with your address

>> No.2571348

yes do not do that you will lose your eth. myetherwallet works well, and there are instructions for it on the website

>> No.2571353
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>> No.2571356

You will dump your bags on me, won't you?

>> No.2571360

>be a yes banc already
>buy over 9000 more through the smart contract
>sell them all on b*ttrex for 7% profit
Explain to me why I shouldn't do this.

>> No.2571380

do it, this is how the prices stay balanced. there are already people doing this.

>> No.2571388
File: 66 KB, 500x375, 1449408645076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 60k lines of code, and as the Gnosis developer pointed out to Emin Cuck Sirer, the smart contract must have as few lines of code as possible. So much that Gnosis doesn't have much more than 40 lines of coide in it either.
I bet you niggers wouldn't have invested in Google because "it's just a webpage with a search bar". Kys.

>> No.2571399

I just hope those guys are gonna buy my bags, the bids start at the smart contract price...

>> No.2571408
File: 598 KB, 808x805, 1498081049210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought at ATH
nobody else bought that high
i must be retarded

>> No.2571418

Coin just got added and a bot already drives the price down? KEK

>> No.2571424

this shit is never going abouve 5 dollars. you missed the pump.

when its on 4chan its already too late

>> No.2571426

I'll buy all your bnt anon, I can see the future after all

>> No.2571432

I think I was also pretty stupid

>> No.2571444

yeah haha just like btc and eth right? they didn't increase much after it got onto 4chan

>> No.2571446

It's arbitrage you dumb fuck.

>> No.2571464

good lord, you bancers are a salty bunch

>> No.2571470

No there was a bot selling the same amount periodically, seems like it stopped

>> No.2571483

I'm only selling the coins I'll buy now for arbitrage.
Hodling my 500 bancs from ICO :3

>> No.2571484
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>> No.2571486

I just did. Easy $30

>> No.2571498


>> No.2571513

I wish I had 500 anon, we're gonna make it

>> No.2571519



are we going to get le massive whale manipulation with this smart contract shit?

>> No.2571539

which price?
floating around 4 on trex

>> No.2571550

on their page

shot up to 0.02 ETH something ($8.80) for like 30 seconds before halving

>> No.2571579

397 here.
This is the one coin that I'll be holding on for dear life.

>> No.2571737

I hope there's still chance of this getting to $7 at least, bought at 4.50

>> No.2571750
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1492625552536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For arbitrage to be profitable right now, the price on bittrex should be over 0.0017 btc. Am I doing the math right ?

>> No.2571784


Withdrawal limits

>> No.2571790

use this https://www.coingecko.com/en/price_charts/ethereum/btc

>> No.2571815

at this moment contract price is 155551 sats so selling over that you'd be positive, fees excluded

>> No.2571820

Baby's first time seeing a coin hit an exchange?

>> No.2571836

>bancor fags right now after they realised that the price didnt open at x10 the ico value


>> No.2571837

>he didn't see MYST hit bittrex
oh wow, are you that new?

>> No.2571842

if the price is destined to rise, wouldn't it be wise to sell all non-bagholding alts and get all-in on the bancor train?

>> No.2571844


>> No.2571860

tfw could have bought some for 15 but hesitated and got it for 16
hopefully i dont lose money on this

>> No.2571883

I'm just looking at the price in ETH. The price in the contract is 0.013153 and the bids on bittrex are around 0.0135

>> No.2571884

I've detected one rise in the contract price so far
seriously considering all-in
anons who got their PhDs on BNT please advise ASAP

>> No.2571901

I used whatever best ask was available for BNT contract amount of ETH on bittrex at the time

>> No.2571904
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This is what MYST looked like when it hit bittrex. If you think that initial red candle means anything you're retarded.

>> No.2571912

Volume is actually increasing pretty fast.

>> No.2571916

I dunno m8 it's gonna go up but the question is how much? It could just be a creep to a stable point at 2-3x ico. Or it could change crypto. I'm betting on the latter

>> No.2571952

fucking approve function for bnt token changer takes forever ree ree

>> No.2571961

look at the price without the initial candle, and it doubled within hours
BANC on the otherhand... yawn

>> No.2571964



>> No.2572067

finally just bought 770 bancorinos at 0.013
here we go boyoooooooooooos

>> No.2572069

looking at the chart on bittrex makes me wonder what are all those chumps thinking? could they be so ill-informed that they don't know they are buying a coin which is easily accessible at a lower cost at the fucking source?

>> No.2572104
File: 25 KB, 396x400, dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably don't know how to buy at the smard gontract :DDDDD

>> No.2572117

Noob here, how do I buy Bancors without using Bittrex? I buy ETH and then buy Bancor using an ETH wallet?

>> No.2572128

I guess that's how porsches (better than lambo=audi) get bought by anons who do know XD

>> No.2572133

haha! nuub :DD
yes, but it takes a while, especially first time
it's quite convoluted at this point but you'll buy cheaper

>> No.2572135

just hold, it will go much higher than that eventually

>> No.2572139


Click on your wallet - MEW or Parity -- for a step by step.

>> No.2572140
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>bittrex confirmations: 0/36

>> No.2572144

can anyone do a quick rundown on the price discovery mechanism at BNT contract?

>> No.2572178

if you had read the whitepaper you'd already know it will take time to reach 2x because the smart contract price is exponential

>> No.2572212

formula for price is Reserve/SupplyxCRR (constant reserve ratio, 0.1 in this case)
>let's say they started with 80000 (80k) ETH in Reserve
>initial supply was 80000000 (80 million), with the CRR 0.1
>initial price is 80000/80 million x 0.1 (8 million) = 0.01
>now what happens when someone buys, for instance, 100 ETH worth of BNT: Reserve is now 80100, Supply is now 80010000 (80 million 10k BNT)
>80100/80010000 x 0.1 (8001000) = 0.0100112
>the price has increased because someone bought
same deal with selling

>> No.2572240

Why are there no offers? How am I supposed to buy?

>> No.2572244

thank you very much m8
I reckon people will seek refuge during turbulent times for ETH in BNT and the likelihood of mass BNT selling is improbable, making the price rise rise rise

I should read more, anyway going all-in on this one

>> No.2572251

yeah I think about just leaving my ETH in BNT

>> No.2572256
File: 425 KB, 1000x1000, 1495941150682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 20 am i going to be rich

>> No.2572327

you need one more

>> No.2572335


Even if BNT goes to 5,000 you aren't going to be rich

>> No.2572402

It's not pinned to ETH, it is on the Ethereum blockchain, it's price is independent.

>> No.2572413


>> No.2572440

trips of truth?

>> No.2572518

give my bancorbros a hint here

the instructions for mew and parity are a giant dickpain with contracts and changes and shit

there's an instant exchange they put up on their website, won't put the addy here but the blog has the deets


arb is good

>> No.2572561

gotta hand it to jews on this one; they truly live up to their moneychanging rep and the execution seems flawless despite the initial hiccups
shame that the participants of the ICO got caught in the happening and their ETH opportunity cost turned out to be pretty high, nonetheless I hope it works out the best for all of us

>> No.2572691

Yes. Though keep your eth and maybe a few btc just in case.

>> No.2572733

tfw unemployed and could only afford 185 bangers

>> No.2572773

of course, I meant all-in with my altcoin stash; I never go under 50% BTC unless there's a moon mission/predictable volatility somewhere

>> No.2572863

Well, though I think it will rise a fuckton, most likely won't be overnight. If you want some play money for potencial +150% pumps in a day, maybe leave it aside.
Still, I see bancor as the thing that will make crypto accesible to the normie masses and the money wastefully stashed in their pockets, so that's that.

>> No.2572915

Kek i just realized why this shit will never rise. It was so simple but I could not see the issue.

>Bancor will be at lowest 0.01 ETH
>Price rises if more bancor is made
>Whale immediately converts to ether
>Buys back in for lower since bankor is now worth less.

Top fucking kek lul.

>> No.2572918

looks like the sheeple woke up and don't want to buy much higher than on the contract
well I'll leave the order for the night

>> No.2572946


>> No.2572988

>Price rises if more bancor is made

>> No.2573009

having traded with BNT for several cycles now I can see that it's a pretty active engagement; I find it best to buy on maket sell dumps by setting up several low bids and timing own sells on contract price increases
I think I'll be pulling out into BTC overnight
very interesting coin and a novel idea indeed

>> No.2573017
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x1200, nobancs_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2573022

So basically what whales already do with every crypto in existence, which miraculously manage to keep rising in spite of that? Who would have guessed.
With the exception that bancon can not flash crash since massive sells at low volume times aren't a factor since value its calculated through a formula.

>> No.2573031

So they built a coin that sets its own price? Fucking kek this is a Jew coin

>> No.2573110

>buy 1 eth worth at ico, for 100 bancor tokens

>sell my 100 bancor tokens at any given time

>receive 1 ethereum back

so what if ethereum goes up 80%? my 100 bancor tokens are (at the very LEAST) worth 1 eth, as written in the whitepaper.

>> No.2573221


>> No.2573264

Where can I buy BTC with USD?

>> No.2573284


>> No.2573302

I mean a place that won't fuck my ass.

>> No.2573331

lol good luck
maybe kracken?
only other place i know

>> No.2573343

Fuck I know it's only been on bittrex a few hours but I'm already losing my ass on this shit. How far is it going to fall?

>> No.2573379

1) Whales accumulate
2) Pump
3) Get out

Bought this at 198K, hoping for a friendly whale to pump the price up.

>> No.2573454
File: 31 KB, 400x320, 1495184813284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I bought a Bancor

>> No.2573615

How to use Bittrex, can i link a bank account? or do i have to pay in bitcoin?

>> No.2573729
File: 91 KB, 1045x634, Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 8.05.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I just tried following the instructions from https://blog.bancor.network/how-to-trade-your-bnt-on-myetherwallet-bd91ebd78c9d I followed them to a T and got pic related. You should just be able to send ETH in and get BNT, or send BNT in and get ETH. Or make a website that works with Metamask or something. It's too complicated or time consuming to be worth it to do it straight from the contract.

>> No.2573750

Pay with Bitcoin or ETH or whatever coin they have a trading pair with.

>> No.2573760


>> No.2573774

I don't mind taking a bit of time if it works.

>> No.2573781

They have a simplified version up for ETH -> BNT. They are working on an equivalent for BNT -> ETH.

>> No.2573782

They put out a one step, now. You just send to an address and get it back. Easy peasy. https://blog.bancor.network/experimental-simple-bnt-purchasing-aafd51d03b30

>> No.2573800
File: 7 KB, 426x209, Screenshot_2017-06-22_23-06-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send .11 eth to bittrex and only got .98 deposited into my account. a few dollars are still sitting in the deposit address. did i just get jewed

>> No.2573801

they put out a much simpler way to do it a couple hours ago. just send ETH to the contract (from a wallet, not an exchange) and they send back BNT instantly.


>> No.2573831

being this retarded...

seriously dude i can't stand bancor and am kind of bitter that i didn't get in too but screencaping coinmarketcap.com and trying to spread fud with this BS thats just poor

>> No.2573851


Jesus, I wish I had known, I feel like I have wasted a lot of gas the last couple days. Thanks

>> No.2573861

well well well if it isn't booger breath and the mushroom tip.

>> No.2574250


>> No.2574307

I'm up 81% in fiat

believe it or not, eth was available to buy at various prices before the ico

>> No.2574365

You don't need to buy from the contract to increase the price, because eventually someone will come along and take advantage of any arbitrage opportunities until the price reaches an equilibrium. The only reason to choose contract or exchange would be price, or if dealing with shitcoins in the future, liquidity.

>> No.2574366

It looked good for a few minutes there.

>> No.2574495

if a whale liquidates everything via contract, he can't lock in a high price. let's say he has enough to move the market deeply, 50%. He can't sell 50% back to the contract and get one price, the price will be dynamic and fall in line with the amount of BNT sold, also when buying back in the price is dynamic, so he can't buy 50% at one price because he has moved the market 50%, so some portion of his coins will end up being the price he just moved it to.

>> No.2574883

Waves platform has a usd gateway, you just move the Waves to your favourite exchange. It's through coinomat but they peobably don't have very long line-ups.

Anyone else see Bancor just double to 8.00 momentairly? I think the whale pod is swimming up slowly.