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File: 42 KB, 1514x671, NANO-Cryptocurrency-Price-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25695955 No.25695955 [Reply] [Original]

>Reddit coin, full of autists
>no inflation like IOTA but this coin actually works
>Pumps proven, just needs more buyers
>still less than $5 per coin.

This is an easy 20x to stop being a wagecuck. EOY 2022 easily $100

>> No.25696006

Can't even transact data

>> No.25696040

newfrens get some free NANO in your area. check out wenano app and Natrium wallet so you can try it out for free.

>> No.25696096

by eoy 2022 were gonna be back to 4k btc.

>> No.25696338

>he fell for the platform meme
it's not cryptoplatform, crypto smart contracts or cryptodefi. it's called cryptoCURRENCY. they tricked you into thinking of cryptocurrencies like stocks.
>announcement pumps
it's all bullshit to distract you from the truth: be your own bank and fuck rent seekers. that is the entire point of crypto and they can't let you know that as it threatens their debt slavery system. wake the fuck up.

>> No.25696395

no business is going to store their internal data on an open source network. if you believe that, you're an idiot. they will use the technology to make their own version so they can control it.

>> No.25696475

I bought a 500 bag this morning, whats the suicide stack?

>> No.25696661


>> No.25696752

Have a 1,000 bag I bought at 3USD, also wondering what the suicide stack is.

>> No.25696787
File: 48 KB, 511x671, 1606769444684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What inflation? All IOTA tokens pre-mined.

>No understanding

>> No.25696847

I bought 6000 nanos two years ago, my losses are 100,000 dollars thanks to this shitcoin. Never again nano.

>> No.25696910

so much irony in this post

>> No.25696917

>He bought near the top, didn't DCA down their buy in price, and blames it on the crypto.
You're a retarded faggot lol

>> No.25696964

This coin will be dumped by devs forever to come fucking shitcoin wankers

>> No.25696982

Suicide probably 1-2k

Did you sell? Also a bit retarded to buy during a bear market when we didn't bottom yet.

>> No.25697099

>EOY 2022 easily $100
you had me going until then. the markets will be bearish by then.

>> No.25697167

I should have been more specific. My prediction is Nano will hit $100 sometime before EOY 2022, not necessarily on Dec 31st, 2022

>> No.25697196

The dev fund is empty fucktard

>> No.25697255

if I have about 7k$ between kucoin/binance/bittrex
if I haven't logged in since the last bubble can I still log in and send to a wallet without kyc?
I have about 3k$ worth of nano on kucoin and 4k xlm split between binance/bittrex

the goal would be to withdraw xlm from binance/bittrex to kucoin without kyc, exchange for nano, then send all the nano too a wallet

>> No.25697282

This is the best argument against smart contracts

>> No.25697299

I'm located in WA, USA
I don't want to get locked out immediately but I read they let you withdraw 2btc without kyc on all these exchanges

>> No.25697303

You are too dumb for words.
If the option to transact utility is made easy enough then why would something with no utility ever be of value?
Nano is a third party/second layer payment solution at best.
Kill yourself for being thick as pig shit.

>> No.25697337

That's hilarious, I bought a similar amount but paid under 1k. Sucks to be you wagie redditor faggot

>> No.25697371
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1606780385015s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its one of the most decentralized tokens out there. stable at 4 Dollar.
>insane network, constant tweets,
>active devs that actually try to promote more and more
>not a single pajeet

You wait untill monday. you will sell over the weekend. Then Rope monday. mark my words bobo

>> No.25697405

best bet may be to use a vpn, i know binance checks your IP at least

>> No.25697409

because scarcity, and transfer of value has utility, actually quite a lot. There's very little to gain by opening it up for data layers, smart contracts etc.
Besides, other coins do that well already. This coin is great as an alternative to Bitcoin..

>> No.25697535

Do you motherfuckers jsut go and look at charts and never even bother reading up on what NANO actually does and how its used ? Or you just sprew shit out you heard on other threads ?. Fuc kyou nigger

>> No.25697625
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1557725365465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25697627

Nano is best coin.

>> No.25697650

ok anon I think I'll just do that. I haven't logged in because I lost about 40,000$ on nano/xlm etc way back when. It wasn't horrible because my initial investment into the market was only 1,000$ but I got lucky with a few 10x/20x on kucoin in shit like bounty/kcs/drgn. Anyways "technically" for the 2018 tax year I would owe 39000$ in captial gains tax even though I could take that loss next tax season but they limit to 3k$/yr so I just don't want to bother with it

>> No.25697693

Put it this way. XRP is the most BOOMER SHIT REDDIT GARGE FUCKING KEK COIN THERE IS . it got 91k Follows
NANO ? 100k and people even hate on it .- when the fomo begins its gonna be unstoppable.

>> No.25697731
File: 47 KB, 512x512, colin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What nano needs is to be on more exchanges. It would be the fastest way to transfer value between exchanges, you could withdraw and deposit to another exchange in under 10 seconds (if the exchange you were withdrawing from sent it instantly). This coin does have a use-case, the devs are just too lazy to get it listed anywhere it would seem.

>> No.25697749
File: 311 KB, 805x566, 1610041712410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech will win

>> No.25697785

It's going to pull a Litecoin this cycle, going from $1 to above $100 overnight.

Gotta get those suicide bags now anon

>> No.25697843

This is great. Such utility in IOTA but it's so bloated and impractical nobody will carry it in their pocket to use daily. Reach for that lil sharp knife on the left, I'd carry that every day.

>> No.25698131

That's like saying you prefer a wristwatch to a s smartphone

>> No.25698183

I really dislike newfags.

>> No.25698196

if the smartphone can't tell you what time it is without needing to reconnect, restart, or jump through other retarded hoops, yes.

For telling time, that cheap ass Casio can't be beat.

>> No.25698570

NANO WILL REACH 1-5K price in the next 10 years so better buy cheap. IOTA is an UNFINISHED and OVERMARKETED S H I T C O I N that will drown in the sea of shitcoins that is the crypto industry today

>> No.25698737
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25699213

Nano is literally bitcoin but thousands of time more efficient, contained in it's own ecosystem without having to add layers and more shit on top of it to get it to work. People should be buying it instead of bitcoin. We all know how the world works though .. hype and slow adoption.

>> No.25699616

It took normies over 10 years to accept bitcoin. We're extremely early with nano. Definitely a long term hold.

>> No.25699834

Yall forgot that itlian guy stole like half of all riablocks in 2017

>> No.25699910

They stole less then 70,000. Fud.

>> No.25700420

anon, do you know what happened with the NANOs in the Bitgrail exchange ?

>> No.25700509

still in custody, they will likely be sold to pay creditors

>> No.25700553

Nobody cares, normies want the next bitcoin and they want it to be just like bitcoin

>> No.25700677

Only better obviously. Which is going to get hyped. Also someone should make nano is “Satoshi’s vision” memes or something, I can’t do it because I’m a boomer.

>> No.25700756

fuuck I wan to my NANOs back