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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2569081 No.2569081 [Reply] [Original]

I'm like fucking Kramer. Nobody knows what I do to support myself.

>> No.2569118

Karmer is the personality I channel while trading crypto, its worked well for me so far.

>> No.2569141

Are you really rich or just LARPing? If the former, how would you prove it?

More importantly, though, how did you get rich? Which coin are we talking about here?

>> No.2569146

What do you tell people?

>> No.2569232
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Kramer is a good role model, maybe with a dash of ingvar Kamprad.

Kamprad is a billionaire who
>drives a 24 year old Volvo wagon
>writes on both sides of paper
>pockets salt & pepper packets at restaurants
>wears 2nd hand clothing
>furnishes his own home with IKEA

>> No.2569281

> "Oh I do this n that"

>> No.2569297
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I'm not a racist that's what's so insane about this

>> No.2569309

whats the point of being a billionaire then

>> No.2569311

Drive the most economical, safe car you know so that when you ultimately run into your co-workers, they’ll think you’re frugal or poor. Take public transportation and proclaim your love for buses and trains profusely.

Pretend you do not understand. You might be a brilliant person, but brilliant people are intimidating. Instead, pretend you don’t fully understand what another is saying by asking questions. Don’t think you’re better than others just because you see solutions easily. Guard your intelligence like you guard your full income and wealth

Praise others for their success. Always be encouraging and positive of other people’s milestones. People who are insecure tend to be the ones who want to toot their horn the most. You know the types who constantly post pictures of themselves online, name drop who they hung out with the other day, or constantly share how great they are. Once in a while is absolutely fine. All the time just cries for desperation and attention. Try really hard to bite your tongue and not “one-up” someone else despite any successes you have.

>> No.2569316


I like to put on my ragged clothes and blend in with the local homeless crowd a bit. You can learn a lot about human nature doing this.

>> No.2569335

Look at this face. This is the face of someone who doesn't give a fuck because he can do anything he wants and is in total control. He can make you such his shriveled dick for hours by giving you money you can't resist. He can make anyone his bitch. I wanna be like Ingvar.

>> No.2569339

it's most likely an ocd obsession

>> No.2569366

One of my favorite scenes in movies is in the first part of Batman Begins, when Bruce Wayne travels the world as a poor man

I would do the same

>> No.2569397


Its not great if you made all your money selling drugs and simply not motivated to get a real job or pursue higher education.


When applying for a new apartment
When I meet new people and we go through the usual questions to get to know someone.
When I visit with extended family that wants to know what I've been up to.

It fucking sucks. I wish i had more going for me than being able to live off drug profits and great crypto gains. almost no one can relate to that and its not like an amazing thing to have accomplished really anyways.

>> No.2569406

Some of the most interesting people I know are freaks, NEETs and hippies.
They're outside, looking in.
People inside the mainstream can't see well.

>> No.2569467

just say you do freelance programming

>> No.2569480

sues for spilled hot coffee lol

>> No.2569490


A couple of years ago, I spent three months walking a trail with my life on my back. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. You don't need a lot of things to be happy.

>> No.2569530

not all rich people burn their money on status symbols and expensive shit you don't need.

>> No.2569536

Not many of them. Agreed otherwise though.

>> No.2569541

Sounds like a miserable git tbqh

>> No.2570163

What would you do?
Drive Lamborghinis and wear gold jewelry?

>> No.2570209
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Probably the best option. This is what you look like when you brag.

>> No.2570246

>lucker dog bragging about being a real life tony stark

wow really makes me think

>> No.2570257

>walks around with old greasy salt packets from fast food stands

yeah definitely being severely mentally ill is a good life goal

>> No.2570294


>You can either spend all your money on bling and lambos or walk around stealing salt and pepper packets.

Read more Aristotle, any extreme is bad. For me wealth is about freedom, freedom from thinking about money. Wealth means I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks so I dress however I like, but wealth also means I don't worry about money so I don't have to make compromises and take the cheapest option.

In other words, true wealth, true freedom from money, is being comfy 24/7. If I decide I just want to sit in the warm mediterranean sun, I book a first class flight. Not to impress some dumb bitch, but because I want to spend every living moment before I die in maximum comfort. Any other approach is stupid desu.

>> No.2570314

>being comfy 24/7
Personal growth comes from adversity.

>> No.2570323

This kid is a great motivator to keep my future millions a secret to 90 percent of people that know me

or atleast not make it obvious I came into a lot of money. It's really easy to dislike a conceited rich person.

>> No.2570327

what Aristotle book would you recommend?
Bear in mind I'm a retard just starting with literature.

>> No.2570337

>Personal growth comes from adversity.

no it doesn't, personal growth comes from reading large books, eating good food, exercising and looking at trees n shit

all of that requires effort but none of it would be filed under "adversity"

>> No.2570341


>invested in bitcoins
>real life tony stark

Oh God I wanna punch him in the dick so bad.

>> No.2570358
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He makes me understand how nocoiners feel. It's disgusting.

>> No.2570374

That's why we're all building character suffering now.

>> No.2570380

I have a 155 iq and you're 100% right about guarding your intelligence. I used to intimidate people very easily but now I do my best to mollify those feelings.

>> No.2570382

Ok but that doesnt andwer the wuestion
>be poor live like hobo
>get rich still live like hobo
Youve accomplished nothing except some arbitrary numbers

>> No.2570396

It's about security and knowing you can live comfortably without the burden of finances. No one needs a fucking lambo.

>> No.2570407

Thats what poor people say

>> No.2570408

Oh god, I can see a modern episode now. Kramer trying to get Jerry to invest
>Bitcoin Jerry! Its the future!! To the moon Jerry, we're going to the moon and you wont even buy a ticket!!
But instead he gas to get Newman involved and they lose all their money on the new Ant coin from China that his friend Bob Sacamano told him about. George, who only had a dollar invested, comes off as the most annoyed at the loss

>> No.2570422

No, that would be garish and distasteful.

I would spend it on things I enjoy, or otherwise give it to somebody else than might benefit from it.

>> No.2570434

Good god that's repulsive.

>> No.2570450

>Thats what poor people say
So is that.

>> No.2570461

> Don't wait for the perfect opportunity to start working on your goal, with the right ammount of drive and determination you too can buy a shitload of Bitcoin for $10 each.

>> No.2570512

Sounds like a classless jew faggot who needs to learn how to enjoy his money.

>> No.2570534

How is any of this "advice" related to how he acquired his money?

The best advice he could possibly give, given his situation, is "Don't be afraid to take risks" or some shit like that.

>> No.2570565

>enjoy his money
It seems he's doing exactly that.

>> No.2570681
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Kramer here, got 10k+ worth of ETH

>> No.2570741

the pocketing s&p packets thing was taken out of context. hes not doing it just to be a cheap ass, its just to have them. theyre quite nifty ya know

>> No.2570766

> Kramer here, got 10k+ worth of ETH
My condolences.

>> No.2570793


Millionaire at 18, poor again at 22.

>> No.2570819

At least a million dollars won't last him long since he thinks he's a billionaire genius.

>> No.2570864


well thats that. im selling my ETH.

>> No.2570872

please god let this happen

>> No.2570924

Didn't that retard say he was going to day trade with 30k? I wonder how that went lol


>> No.2572136

TCB - y'know, taking care of business

>> No.2572356
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>people that spend more money on higher quality tier furniture than ikea-tier are burning their money on status symbols

>> No.2573074

>they stole my flag ;-;

>> No.2573124

>not also hiring thugs while being a billionaire hobo so that you can rape the other hobos whenever you feel like it instead of when they get blasted off a micky
not gonna make it/10

>> No.2573139

To look down your nose at other billionaires

>> No.2573140

>catches a perfect opportunity to make millions without doing anything
>advises people to not catch a perfect opportunity to make millions without doing anything
also why do i need to do 2 captchas everytime i post jfc niggerjewgle

>> No.2573169


If you're a billionare and you're pocketing salt and pepper packets, you'll never have a sense of comfort or security; That's mental illness level of fear and delusion.

>> No.2573178

most billionares are people who build things, and the point of being a billionaire is to build more/bigger things.

>> No.2573184

Norm Macdonald is who I try to emulate.
>genius tier IQ
>doesn't gaf
>feigns ignorance
>loves to joke around

Him and Tom Hanks. They are the golden retrievers of people.

>> No.2573198


>> No.2573202


>no drivers licence
>never leaves the house

he's literally /ourguy/

>> No.2573208

start a drug habit and fuck all the hookers you want.

thats what i want. i want to buy my way into partying because i got excluded out all my 20s.

>> No.2573222

sounds like a typical /biz/ day

>> No.2573232
File: 275 KB, 902x1369, 1419048078744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your family thinks you're a hacker that steals money from banks or something

If I tried to explain crypto to them it'd probably just reaffirm their belief that I'm hacking

>> No.2573247

Having enough money that you can spare a few fuckup-generations of descendants but know that your line will still go on

>> No.2573262

>know that your line will still go on

I hate this meme

>> No.2573276

Subtle brag. Which category do you fall in?

>> No.2573292
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>> No.2573295

his latest special is called Hitler's Dog.
also he has a virulent anti-semetic puppet named Alec Majerison and makes holocaust jokes

>> No.2573324

Do none of you strive to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children?

>> No.2573340

im guessing no

>> No.2573346

norm is just a cool dude

>> No.2573349

Why does it matter?

>> No.2573355

Nicomachean Ethics is where he discusses finding the golden mean for virtues, avoiding too much or too little. A great book on how to be virtuous and live a good life, to find eudamonia (happiness).

>> No.2573394
File: 40 KB, 487x594, 1493859277740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you missed the bitcoin investment chance
>tfw you were super upset in 2014-2015 because of it
>tfw you find out about ETH today and get double upset.
Guide me Kramer

>> No.2573430

Not today, /pol

>> No.2573461

who cares lol. why does that matter at all

>> No.2573467
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We here, senpai

>> No.2573479

click clack oogy boogy

>> No.2573609

That's literally a fake quote

>> No.2573699
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>> No.2573749

I have this irrational fear that I'm going to upgrade Bitcoin core and armory to their respective latest versions and restore my bitcoins using my paper seed and my bitcoins will be gone ( even though I've already done it and it worked out fine)

I also don't have much trust in these faggots making these hardware wallets, they're too popular. Look at how popular coinbase is and it's a cancer just waiting to get shut down or replaced

>> No.2573997


Or, perhaps kleptomania.

>> No.2574033

A lot of you guys want to travel as a poor man and see the world that way, and I do too. It's the exploring I have always wanted to do with the comfort of knowing that at any time you can have a nice meal or shower at a hotel. Get homesick, fly home for a month and then start where you left off. Rent a car one day and then backpack under the stars the next. That's my real dream.

But don't you guys think of the opposite end of the spectrum too? I want to spend time with the homeless and outcasts of society, but I also want to brush shoulders with the rich and elite. Nobody too powerful, probably and obviously, but people who have never really had to work a day in their lives. People who go to clubs, drop a couple thousand and walk out like it's pocket change. Just to see what it's like, you know? To see how they view life and the average person.

I don't think being rich (hopefully) would change me. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't look down on anyone or drive a lambo. Like most people said, it's the ability to live comfortably how you want.

>> No.2574080


how do you eat

>> No.2574147

Loling out loud irl rn

>> No.2574158


You carry your food and resupply at spots along the way. 7 - 10 days between resupplies works well for me.

>> No.2574159

i eat my own poo

>> No.2574371

Import export

>> No.2574379

Copy pasta from financialsamurai pls go

>> No.2574440

>Drive the most economical, safe car you know so that when you ultimately run into your co-workers, they’ll think you’re frugal or poor.
Fuck your shitbox, bitch. I want to use money to enjoy my life, not find ways to exaggerate my autism.

>> No.2574540

rich and poor is meaningless. the ocean front used to be the dump now tvhead thinks its rich.
That lambo is fun for your gf a couple times then it sits ther cause its not comfy or usable for much
ferrari makes a great sound then breaks

bill gates warrren buffet and waltons alike are worth zero in a very short time from now

>> No.2574704

You're actually just a fucking loser so those are the only people who will come into contact with you desu

>> No.2574806

i guess this speech 2 weeks before his death was fake too lmao


>> No.2574983
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>> No.2575007
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>tfw stealth poor
i keep telling people i have a PhD but I'm really just a NEET

>> No.2575017

I dunno man your mom has a jolly old time sucking my knob

>> No.2575486

You're a fake individual and a massive faggot if you do this shit.

>> No.2575562

this is true. wealth buys freedom, not happiness. But if I had enough money to easily buy twenty lambos, I wouldn't. I'm comfortable living the middle-class life, and I'd rather spend my money on charities/people/organizations to influence the world around me rather than spend it on frivolities.

>> No.2575736

I hope this faggot gets ass cancer

>> No.2575741
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>> No.2575818

kek pretty sure he bought it at ATH

>> No.2575857

ITT: Normies get upset when rich people don't buy the garish status symbols they would

>> No.2575890

haha this nigga is gonna be broke fast. women are gonna eat him alive

>> No.2575908

charities, you dumb niggers!

Charities are a scam, how come the director of a ''charity'' always earns 700k a year

That tit cancer ''charity'' Spends more money on promoting their charity than they actually earn.
That means 0 dollar goes to cancer research

Dont do charity. Do something that you can actually see. Like a pet shelter help them out with some cash. You can actually see what they are doing.

Charity's are just a way to scam people out of more money because they make you feel guilty for not giving ''Wont you help the little african babys anon?''
Then the managers of the charity go on a 3 week vacation to some tropical resort on your money.

>> No.2576076

>I have a 155 iq and you're 100% right about guarding your intelligence. I used to intimidate people very easily but now I do my best to mollify those feelings.
I don't know my IQ, but given that I never had to put in any effort in HS and am now doing a PhD, I'd guess I'm not doing too bad.
When I went on dates through tinder, I went for the whole "cultured man of class" angle, instead of "bby, want sum fuck?" and at some point I went to a museum with some chick (also university educated) and we were chatting about all the random exhibits there, and I could tell her something about every single one of them, and at some point she was
>anon, you are frightening me!
>you now stuff about every single thing. That's not normal!
So I toned it down after this episode.

>In other words, true wealth, true freedom from money, is being comfy 24/7. If I decide I just want to sit in the warm mediterranean sun, I book a first class flight. Not to impress some dumb bitch, but because I want to spend every living moment before I die in maximum comfort. Any other approach is stupid desu.
Wouldn't go for 24/7 comfy, but that right there is close to my approach. I'm still far away from lamboland, but I'm a bit better off than the average of my age and social group. Now I don't like to waste money, but the occasional spending for "comfy" or fun? Why not? After all, why collect money when it does not do anything for you?

>> No.2576122

>furnishes his own home with IKEA

IKEA is overpriced garbage. Would be more fascinating if he made his own furniture.

>> No.2576175

(((charity))) (((philanthropy)))
show me one charity which isn't some jewish embezzlement scenario, or a shakedown operation, or a way for people to not pay taxes.

>> No.2576185

wish I was you anon. try not to lose humility and gratitude. not all of us are gifted. put it to good use. and when you get rich don't blow all your money on drugs and boypussy. grids is real.

t. your friend, anonymous anon

>> No.2576287

Thanks for the warm wishes. May the coins be with you, my friend!
And don't worry about me. I have been brought up with a "One has money. One does not talk about ones money" attitude and I'm neither interested in drugs nor boypussy. Found the perfect girlpussy, so no need.

>> No.2577430

>I would give all my billions of dllars to other people
jesus christ talk about being so fearful of change.

or are you trying to virtue signal on a fucking anonymous image board. either one is pathetic to read.

>> No.2577596

This is my fantasy. To live like Kramer

>> No.2578170
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he does make his own furniture...

>> No.2578919

Most rich-looking people are..not really rich despite how their expensive clothes and other expensive shit they have. Still you have to buy commodities that appreciates like lands and metals. Land ownership papers here is considered a monetary value and if it's stolen then your whole land is stolen.

>> No.2579323

I somehow doubt he pays retail.

>> No.2579457
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>I hope this faggot gets ass cancer
Jealousy incarnate :^)
Kamprad is alive and well at 91 :^)

>> No.2579524

>>OP makes starts a thread about being stealth rich
>>proceeds to ask him to prove it

What's it like having sub 80 IQ?

>> No.2579655

Well done man