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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25683855 No.25683855 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25683883

They're unironically going to be the NYSE of crypto

>> No.25683966

Does the NYSE 404 aswell every time there's high volume?

>> No.25683979

The CB shills have arrived.

>> No.25684003

of course

>> No.25684036

Get DOT and NANO shill, and we'll talk.

>> No.25684406

What should I use instead of coinbase?

>> No.25684431 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 818x443, save-your-tears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>load ze cash out fud

>> No.25684686


>> No.25684779

they legitimately do give like $40 in comp lumens and graph for signing up if you watch the intro videos. I transferred that all into btc at 18k and cashed it out the other day it ended up being a pretty good deal

I still have all 4 invites left, so you can get an extra $10 in XLM or COMP with my link, they only let me give out 4 though

free lumens:
coinbase \earn\xlm\invite\45n3zv68

free comp:
coinbase \earn\comp\invite\8sfgy2jb

if those run out you can get $10 BTC if you plan on trading with more than $100


>> No.25684829

How is it okay for them to just crash every time stuff moons?
“Whoops, you just lost 30% of your net worth cause our site was down. Silly us heheh ;^)”

>> No.25684839

Binance crashes all the time too

>> No.25685150


>> No.25685303

Compared to Shillbase? No

>> No.25685318


>> No.25685534

Might as well put my links here too
Help a poorfag
coinbase \earn\xlm\invite\37myzdjr

coinbase \earn\comp\invite\60gb4q8p

>> No.25686132

Compared to Shillbase? No.

>> No.25686177

Hey, this is pretty neat.
Even with how low the rewards are, it's good enough for me since the dollar is worth a lot in my shithole of a country.
I probably won't get the rewards because I'm in a shitty country, but I know a few people interested in crypto so I probably can get them to sign in using my links.