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25683505 No.25683505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

50 LINK if you can help me solve this situation

There is this person underneath me jerking off 12 hours a day shaking the apartment like crazy.

Called the lease office and they said they cant find any shaking happening.

The fuck do i do? My chair is shaking right now from this serial coomer underneath me

>> No.25683556

get a nice speaker make it face the floor and keep some annoying music while you are gone

>> No.25683569

then i disturb everyone.

situation: not solved

>> No.25683572

you should get off his lap

>> No.25683604

wait for link to moon and then buy a comfy house in a nice place.

>> No.25683606

then go suck his dick and maybe he wont jerk off anymore. also you write like a plebbitor so you should go back and ask them what to do. i heard that now you can tip fellow plebbitors with moon tokens maybe try that

>> No.25683619

that's what i was thinking but it hasnt mooned enough yet so

situation: not solved

>> No.25683625

How does one jerk off for 12 hours????
Anyway if you know who it is slide a note under their door and ask if they could be more polite about their cooming habits

>> No.25683660

kek are you the same guy the other day whos housemate was supposedly doing it

>> No.25683675
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Give me the address and I'll take care of your problem

>> No.25683694

Maybe just leave a note on his door.... asking him if you can join?

>> No.25683717
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If you aren't a complete autist go down and tell him his dryer or speakers must be shaking your room because you can feel vibrations from the floor above. If he's not a complete retard or asshole, he will prob understand that it was his furious masturbating and either switch rooms or slow the fuck down. If this is impossible, move your computer into another area of the apartment. If this is impossible, Masturbate even harder and blare porn sounds downward every time he does it until he gets the message, literally every time you can feel it point a speaker downward, blare moaning, and shake everything in your apartment vigorously.

>> No.25683723

Slide a note under his door saying “i know what youre doing there sexy ;)” if not a degenerate he will stop

>> No.25683728
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wait a minute, you were certain it was your roommate, now you're certain it's somebody living in the apartment below you?

did you already embarrass yourself by accusing your roommate?

dude, unironically, if you're in your early 20s, you should talk to a doctor about schizophrenia. serious.

>> No.25683785

Why does it have to be masturbation. Maybe it's a pipe or fan

>> No.25683804

it's both. its roommate and down below. sometimes at the same time. roommate does it a handful of times, the guy below does it 12 hours straight everyday

>> No.25683817

sticky situation, man.

>> No.25683821

cause when i stomp on the floor he/she stops for a moment and then slowly comes back to full speed.

>> No.25683838


>> No.25683866

Where are my linkies reee

>> No.25683879
File: 104 KB, 1100x516, 1389688_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual solution:

>piss on an oven sheet
>freeze it so you can carry it without piss spilling all over the place
>take the piss filled sheet and drop the piss icicles through his mailbox every time he's jerking off
>the piss icicles will melt into his floor and carpets, smelling awful
>he will be conditioned by this piss smell punishment every time he makes the building shake with his retarded behavior

You won't bother others and there's no way to trace this back to you, yet he will know exactly why this is happening to him if you time it right multiple times.

>> No.25683933

thing is i dont know who it is. theres like 2 units under me and both deny it.

>> No.25683963

You can locate the right unit quite easily with a little big of investigative work. Just go down and listen through the doors

>> No.25683973
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Bang on his door and tell him to stop jerking off so hard.

His he consists knock his door down and beat him... off

>> No.25684005
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>Move all your shit out
>Turn the taps on
>Leave the apartment

>> No.25684014


>> No.25684020

Just put some earplugs in.

Or , if money is no option , buy a decibal reader and find the location through the detection. Then the choice is up to you , confront him yourself , or let management take care of it.

>> No.25684037

but there's no mailbox on the door anyways. its a block away in boxes

>> No.25684038
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OP, I know it's not what you want to hear, but no joke I think you're imagining it. You need to talk to a doctor. People with schizophrenia can live totally normal lives with the right meds. Please OP. Talk to a doctor. Or at least come up with some way of proving whether it's in your head or not (e.g. post a video on here of a seismograph recording your room shaking, before and after the stealth masturbator starts masturbating).

>> No.25684059

Get a seismometer. You can make one easily yourself with some string sand and a pen. Measure the shaking and present your findings to the building authority

>> No.25684064

dude my monitor is shaking off my desk almost falling onto the floor. i can record it and see it visibly is like a constant earthquake.

>> No.25684086

Sorry, bro I'll try to be quieter in the future

>> No.25684088

yes it is. OP needs help

>> No.25684110


>> No.25684165

ill have to look to see who has the coomer arm

>> No.25684173

Just ask him nicely if he's noticed the apartment vibrating? If you're autistic, then get some sound absorbing foam and lay it under your chair and whatever you want to stop vibrating.

>> No.25684174

Give them a fleshlight

They'll be more gentle and will most likely take the hint


Thank you

>> No.25684179

someone is operating machinery in their apartment, maybe even masturbation machine. Put a camera on a long string and lower it to look through the windows of the apartments below you

>> No.25684269

I didn’t expect you to pay me but u can at least thank me jerk off

>> No.25684274

fucking genius

>> No.25684291
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Anti-Vibration pads akin to this. It should happen the shaking, I imagine it's not that much, how much can a coomer really shake an apartment?

>> No.25684329

Go over with a knife and half a dozen of homies, threaten him for real.

>> No.25684355
File: 146 KB, 539x468, 1470982552399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck does someone wank hard enough to shake a whole apartment building?
why is jerking off the first thing you think of when your room starts shaking?
why - and I mean this - the FUCK would you think it's a good idea to accuse your flatmate and two of your neighbours of cooming too much?
you ain't living in the real world dude

>> No.25684372

>how the fuck does someone wank hard enough to shake a whole apartment building?


>> No.25684381

what else could it be? it's not a fucking treadmill for 12 hours a day. its some sort of dildo action or genital masturbation addict

>> No.25684392

knock on his door and hold out a bottle of lube to him. say something like "yo, I've been hearing ya have to really hammer it while you spank the money. It's no biggy, I just wanted to do a homie a favor and give you some of this shit. Makes it nice and easy. You have a good day now." He'll be fucking mortified, and he can't be spiteful because you were so nice, so he'll shut up.

>> No.25684402

It could be a slightly broken washing machine

>> No.25684421

but if i get the wrong neighbor...

>> No.25684446

no washing machine runs for 4-5 times a day 7 days a week. this has been going on for like 2 weeks. also washing machines dont stop when you stomp on the floor above hem

>> No.25684449

do both, it will have the desired reaction either way

>> No.25684479

seems like the plan has holes in it. need something more solid

>> No.25684508

Blanket punishment

Buy little sachets of lube and post them to every resident who you suspect it may be.

>> No.25684523

Well then keep stomping on the floor then, seems to work.

>> No.25684530

Nah, you use the exact same strategy on both neighbors. The one who isn't doing it will correct you. The one who is may correct you, but regardless of whether he takes the lube he'll be embarrassed about it.

>> No.25684588

How the fuck do you people live in apartments and shared units. Im in a suburb and my neighbours are a pain in the ass being a house away. Cant imagine just a floor or a wall being the only thing between me and the faggot next door.

>> No.25684604

idk honestly. i wont make this mistake again. i can literally hear their conversations

>> No.25684657

Yeah i dated a girl who lived in apartment.

>Chinks and Indians cooking stinks the entire place up
>Can hear conversations of people next door either through the wall or the verandas.
>Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights are noisy. People get drunk, play music and yell till 5am.

Fuck that.

>> No.25684658
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>what else could it be? it's not a fucking treadmill for 12 hours a day. its some sort of dildo action or genital masturbation addict
You are seriously nuts bro, sorry. The fact that you immediately jumped to masturbation is entirely a projection of yourself. The fact that you genuinely ask "WHAT ELSE CAN IT BE" shows you are not grounded in reality, have not experienced much of the real world, and have spent WAAAYYY too much time on the internet. No amount of jacking off or masturbation machines are going to shake your apartment to the point that your monitor is falling over, that would take heavy machinery and you would hear it. Are you a third worlder with an apartment made out of cardboard?

>> No.25684691

it sounds like masturbation though. i can hear moans sometimes

>> No.25684738
File: 3 KB, 113x125, 1608814267095s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't giving away no links for that. If someone is able to masturbate 12 hours a day they are probably on meth. Go complain to your apartment manager of the meth user downstairs and they send someone to investigate.

Solved your problem for free. If you still want to give away links I'd be happy to take them. Lmk if I should post an address.

>> No.25684795

I've been in your situation before, I confronted them about it and they found a solution. Try confronting them


>> No.25684844
File: 1.04 MB, 1125x1501, DA0D51C9-7F4A-4D32-B7FF-E3FEB58485EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably don’t want to do this but just knock on his door and tell him you can feel the shaking. he’ll be so embarrassed that he’ll knock it off. if he isn’t a psychopath that is.

>> No.25684845

This is the dumbest reply itt. What if the guy is reasonable and happy to work out some deal? You know the first thing he will do is try to shake hands right away.

>> No.25685015

Loud death metal and scream along. Deposit here please 0x34D511654F872470431D6150eB74D3D01D8D343c

>> No.25685087
File: 69 KB, 512x424, 20ADDDC7-5C92-4F4C-848D-FCF3A5032C22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme stealer