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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 123 KB, 743x625, Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 7.33.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25676289 No.25676289 [Reply] [Original]

is this bullish?

>> No.25676322

Blockfi is legit.

>> No.25676358

it must be, his fund (Morgan Creek Digital) is a major investor lol

>> No.25676400
File: 71 KB, 991x662, photo_2021-01-01_12-39-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>risking your keys to earn interest

>> No.25676672

I actually put crypto on blockfi for a few months. Was worried about a rugpull but did make some interest

>> No.25676772


They are gearing up to release a BTC credit card with visa this quarter. If they were gonna rugpull, they would have done it already. They also got through the March crash in 2020 without any issues.

>> No.25676862
File: 917 KB, 1508x1500, 1609954396701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps blockfi is legit but giving your keys to someone else is still a huge risk. exchanges get hacked all the time and lose all their customer's money and then you're shit out of luck. or blockfi could go bankrupt and you'd be left holding the bag

With HEX you don't have to give your coins to anyone else to earn interest. Everything is on-chain and the contract code handles everything. HEX lets you earn without risk & gets rid of trust and gets rid of middlemen. You know, the whole point of crypto.

>> No.25676931

Had 3 btc with them for over a year. They pay interest every month like clockwork. If they were more mainstream with extensive liability insurance I'd deposit even more.

>> No.25676976


>> No.25677573

this is the way fren

>> No.25677657

not worth the risk for most
counterparty risk too high
crypto already has enough gains
imagine if you have a make it stack of eth or link and u lost it due to this shit
would be fucking suicide inducing

>> No.25677666

This. Nothing to worry about with BlockFi (other than the IRS knowing you hold crypto).
The real scam is Celsius. Known to freeze funds and stiff you out of earned interest.

>> No.25678380

I did from celsius network

>> No.25678509

Is there any con to just using a different wallet with a smaller amount for blockfi, if your main non-blockfi wallet is a lot bigger.

>> No.25678606


LOL @ comparing one of the most legit companies in the space to a scam like hex

>> No.25678615
File: 1.80 MB, 640x368, HEX to the moon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess the con would be you're earning less interest and you're still risking your coins.

why take the risk at all? I can earn interest on all of my HEX without having to give over my keys to a third party to lose

>> No.25678635

>taking investment advice from theo von

>> No.25679034

lol didn't know who that was.


rip Richard he was fun to follow pre HEX

>> No.25679106

what do you consider to be a "make it" stack?

>> No.25679225

is Blockfi disclosing customer detailed information just like cuckbase ?

>> No.25679277

all the centralized crypto exchanges/services based out of the US are. No one wants to be put out of business.

>> No.25679279

I have put a small portion of my btc and etherum in blockfi. Have had no issues yet.

>> No.25679662

Where does he say he’s withdrawing from blockfi?

>> No.25679723
File: 116 KB, 600x600, Richard Pump it final.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so mad gains aren't fun?

>> No.25679837

stopped reading at Hex

>> No.25679934
File: 79 KB, 533x500, jack sparrow hex meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll come around eventually and when you do the gains will waiting

>> No.25680610

Yes. If you kyc’d and gave your SSN you’re fucked.

>> No.25680631

Hex doesn't do anything. It's just game theory bullshit. In the end there will be winners and losers. Those who cashed out in time and those who didn't. You might make money, but the project is not a long term play.
It's worth keeping 2 bitcoin in there for the 6% interest. More than 2.5 they slash interest to 3% and it's not worth risking that much. I see the risk as negligible

>> No.25680830

I keep a couple BTC in both BlockFi and Celsius to capture the 6% interest. I'm not worried about a rugpull, they're both SEC registered.

>> No.25680908

How does BlockFi even make money?

Also how long to withdraw your shit if you pass it to them?

>> No.25681116

lol fuck you yes i am jealous

eh. he said "paid" interest. technically you are right.

>> No.25681155

okay this is funny.

>> No.25681263

it only took a couple of days for me to withdraw

institutional lending from my understanding

mentions a credit card so that will probably be another revenue stream

>> No.25682107

I've had my BTC and ETH parked in there for a month or so and honestly getting another .01 BTC a month feels pretty worth it to me. Crypto libertarian FUD tards will hit you with the "not your keys not your coins" shit which I totally get and agree with to a point -- but at the end of the day it's a legitimate company with big backers that wants to stay in business and make customers happy. When BTC is worth 200k and I've got an extra .1 of it for fucking free I don't think I'll be tripping that hard that someone else technically has my keys.

>> No.25682453

did you KYC with them ?

>> No.25682798

Fees and collateral provided by people who borrow money.

>> No.25683018

So guys, my parents have some ETH on an exchange and they want me to somehow earn interest on it for them. Who would be the best/safest to go with? Crypto.com/ blockfi / celsius?

>> No.25683288


>> No.25683342

think there is any risk of them reporting to other nations tax services? Or am I in a sweet spot using them outside of the US?

>> No.25683719

Can't quite find it on the site, but is blockfi like soft staking? Meaning If i want to withdraw it at anytime I can?

>> No.25683831

what about nexo?

>> No.25684498
File: 54 KB, 640x640, Trezor-model-t-photo-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving your BTC to Crypto Lehman so they can loan it to highly leveraged hedge fund fratgoys
Imagine not wrapping your BTC and keeping it in a maker vault for Dai and then keeping your Dai in a yearn vault. You'd rather centralize decentralized money than tokenize a token. Amazing. Also Check'em.

>> No.25684540

>at the end of the day it's a legitimate company with big backers that wants to stay in business and make customers happy.
What would win, 100 cope posts from you or three words, "Errr, sorry goy."

>> No.25684590

Isn’t someone holding your btc when you wrap it? Couldn’t they just exit scam with it?

>> No.25684685

I deposited some eth and some Bitcoin for a couple months just to try it. I withdrew the Bitcoin last month and it took about 3 days. I started a withdrawal for my eth 4 days ago and it’s still “pending”.

Definitely not going to put any more in after I get my eth out.

>> No.25684712

kys scammers

>> No.25684742

Also require more KYC for withdrawal than they do for deposit. Of course they don’t tell you until you try to initiate the withdrawal.

Overall feels pretty scuzzy.

I also tried ledn and had a much better experience, but they also seem much smaller, so I ended up withdrawing and won’t be using it again either.

>> No.25684788

But for real, I wouldn’t be surprised if BlockFi suddenly started freezing accounts and confiscating funds for bullshit reasons.

>> No.25684867

how much cumulative apy does that give you?

>> No.25685278

eye opener and most anons are not aware of this.

>> No.25685390

what happens when bitcoin moons and everyone tries to pull out of blockfi?

>> No.25685490

that is the baits to lock up your coins and you won't get them back easy, don't you fuckers see where all this is going with the likes of BlockFi, Celsius Network, Nexo, Crypto.com, etc ??

>> No.25685526

This, I’d unironically trust cz to stake with more then blockfi even tho I know they pay, cz has more to lose by not “fixing” up users if a hack happened

>> No.25685557

>most anons are not aware of this
Kek. ALL services of any sort where you can get interest for depositing your BTC/ETH/Whatever are Bitconnect-type scams. Every single one of them. And 90% of people know this and don‘t fall for it in the beginning.

>> No.25686183

Check it out