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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 800x450, usdt-tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25676219 No.25676219 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight, /biz/. How serious is the Tether problem?

>> No.25676279

for real? semi apocaliptic. If BTC doesn't do -15k in a day, I will be fully convinced Bill Gates is buying

>> No.25676306

Thethet problem is not btc problem
Usualy when there is tether panic people sell it for btc so chill

>> No.25676315


>> No.25676327

Very serious.

>> No.25676335

And the sanctuary will be the Idle Yearn USDC Vault.
I've been saying it for weeks.
Be ready.

>> No.25676345


>> No.25676367

National headlines.

>> No.25676368

Alta won't be relevant a week from now.

>> No.25676426
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If it's real and it pops, it will drive away institutional investors, normies, neets and old grannies for the next 20 years from the sheer magnitude of the collapse.

You can perhaps convince your dog to buy BTC to avoid a total loss.

>> No.25676458

Tether is all part of the plan to initiate the great reset.

>governements worldwide work together to use covid as an excuse to crash the economy
>people fomo into crypto out with their last money out of desperation
>tether gets taken down and takes the whole market down to the stone age
>FIAT is ruined, Crypto is ruined
>the great reset gets initiated
>everyone will get an universal income
>you will own nothing
>and you will like it

>> No.25676481

It's going to give millions of people an idea of what it was like to get goxed 8 years ago.

>> No.25676544


>> No.25676584

When is this due?

>> No.25676610

It's just a meme I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.25676628

very fucked IF something happens

>> No.25676678
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>> No.25676695

I don't understand why the tether fud would impact bitcoin? I get that USDT could go to 0, but why would that matter for BTC? There are many more stablecoins available like USDC, TUSD, BUSD, DAI, etc.

>> No.25676743

most exchanges are traded on usdt

>> No.25676882

And? Why would USDT going to 0 impact BTC negatively? If anything, people would want to jump out of tether into BTC / or ALTS

>> No.25677020

>people would want to jump out of tether into BTC or ALTS

Not if it the tether wallet is disabled because everyone, especially exchanges, realize it's worthless.

>> No.25677072

imagine BTC and USDT going down at the same time. Now imagine leveraged positions in USDT/BTC.

>> No.25677128

Who cares. People have been scared of the tether collapse since the beginning of times. Just ignore it or learn to love the tether printer.

>> No.25677185

When you talk about bitcoin, rational biz is no longer present. These bitcoin maximalists are straight out of Twitter and Reddit and all they can say is LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU PRICE GO UP LALALALA
The truth is these dumb niggers think that because the tether market cap isnt the same as bitcoin market cap, then there is no correlation.
They claim BTC/USD is the pair that makes the price, but it’s actually BTC/USDT. Tether has ties to CCP, which also owns 65% of all bitcoin miners. Bitcoin maximalist unironically what the American economic to collaps and the Chinese economy to surpass us, they don’t realize chinks are PRINTING OUR MONEY. Bitcoin isn’t dead but tether should be fucking murdered and USDC shall take its place.

>> No.25677211

Really serious. Sell now and never look back.

>> No.25677295

you dont realize that 5% increase in 1 day is a fucking LOT right? They are pumping the fuck out of it.

>> No.25677311

Been known since 2017 but bears are trying to spread fomo to get a better buying price.

>> No.25677443

so just ignore the tether fud. Fuck bitcoin though, it's useless dinosaur tech

>> No.25677499

What's the safe coin to move to? I want to make it.

>> No.25677538

Kleros, sir

>> No.25677543

>it's the same old fud and nothing ever happens
$2b Tethers in 2019 were 75% ""backed"" by loans to bitfinex. BTC is priced in USDT.
Now we're in 2021 and there are $25b tethers. If this hasn't been backe dup by real deposits, then there's only $1.5b in loans to bitfinex backing the other 90% of the crypto market. This bomb is going to explode.

>thinking anything is safe from tether when every alt has a tether pair and defi has made everything one giant pyramid
gold is the only safe haven and 2021 is the year economic newfags are going to learn this.

>> No.25677599

I'm just waiting a week or two. DYOR.

>> No.25677643

$1trillion crypto cap

It’s bad FUD

>> No.25677687

The argument plebbit fudders use is the Civil lawsuit against tether by plebs Over alleged market manipulation, nyag has never accused tether of this their case is about wether and why tether loaned Bitfinex 850m when they had cash seized, also after this Bitfinex raised 1b in cash from investors for Leo token which would’ve sorted any short fall, and if belief in Bitfinex and tether was so low they’d never raise 1b in 10 days during peak fud

>> No.25677691

INATBA coins are THE ONLY COINS that matter. There is 0 argument. Cryptocurrencies are the future but there’s just too many shitcoins that won’t see the adoption all these brainlets expect. Just get it into your head anon, globohomo is in full force, crypto is coming and with that comes mandatory KYC, as do many new business models and market opportunities.

>> No.25677693

it had a volume of 120 million today but go ahead and be a dumbass

>> No.25677717
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>Tether is being printed and pumping Bitcoin guys!

Literally after 14 seconds of research.

>> No.25677738

you mean exchanges who hold the most usdt for market making, they’d lose the most, they’re insiders yet they still continue to hold more and more usdt. It’s gonna be ok kids
t 2015fag

>> No.25677760

>civil lawsuit
This is a RICO lawsuit lmao seethe. Nobody has ever won a RICO lawsuit, you need to be caught red handed to end up in one.

>> No.25677773

Unironically fiat

>> No.25677780

this basically

>> No.25677802

Tell me what the bitcoin dominance % is you fucking brainlet. Have you ever taken an IQ test? Lmao

>> No.25677831

Cme did 4b cash volume on btc the other day grayscale hold tethers market cap in crypto, usdc is 4.5b and growing faster then tether. Chinks use tether to dodge the ccp cause look what they’re doing to jack ma, once cash is in usdt it can be moved anonymously unlike bank to bank for chinks and Russians/Iranians Enough said really . Capital flight is real

>> No.25677848
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t. r/buttcoin economically illiterate conspiritards

>> No.25677858

This is what I’m thinking as well, the market is way bigger than usdt, even if usdt went to 0, why would it affect everything else when there are other stable coins that could be used to get money off the exchanges?

>> No.25677869

if tether devalues, everything does. btc, eth, even you stinkies

>> No.25677919


Lol, thanks for proving my point even more. Line up the charts. HAHAHAHA

>> No.25677924

exactly there's no way anyone has that much money and wants that much btc even if they had friends

>> No.25677934

Is coinbase safe?

>> No.25677979

Nope, BTC will crash. ETH will take over because boomers cant into research. Crypto was made by glowies.

>> No.25677988

Where the fuck do you think that value came from Jesus Christ you’re not even one of those smart types of autistic freaks

>> No.25678018


>tether FUDer outed as a goldbug
Lmao, the absolute COPE.

>> No.25678072


>> No.25678143

No libertarian wet dream I take it. None of the members seem to be coins I've heard of. I've got to look more into which coins they back.


Like what the USD? Isn't that any probably most other currencies getting printed like crazy now?

>> No.25678156

hey fag
never gonna make it

>> No.25678223

BITCOIN = Crabs all throughout till October.
DeFi = FUCKING EXPLODES all through summer up until today.
USDT (and all stablecoins) = EXPLODING in perfect tandem with DeFi up until today.
USDT movement doesn't change at all even during Bitcoins bull run.

Are you completely oblivious to Ethereum and DeFi?

>> No.25678311

15th, but people will probably cash out/stable coin it by end of this weekend

>> No.25678360
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Not serious.
It's just seething XRP holders fudding.

>> No.25678439

other stablecoins do exists, you know.
Exchanges will just move to USDC or TUSD.

>> No.25678520


And as you so brilliantly pointed out, Bitcoin dominance crumbled when USDT exploded. Fucking lol.

After the Tether FUD collapses. How are you going to rationalize Bitcoins run up? May want to take a gander at the ol' macro.

>> No.25678558

Don't you queerbaits think the exchanges with everything to lose would have moved off of USDT trading pairs a fucking long time ago if there was actually that much risk?

>> No.25678661

Whales don’t seem concerned. A few hundo milly transactions in both directions today.

>> No.25678678

Exchanges are corrupted af.

>> No.25678701

i dont get it

>> No.25678742

Whales would tank the market and do suicide, there is not enough liquidity.

>> No.25678828

Honestly this. /thread

>> No.25678891
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin maximalist unironically what the American economic to collaps and the Chinese economy to surpass us

>> No.25679647

20B is more than enough to manipulate price... You only need enough to send false signal of higher demand.

>> No.25679746

non-issue fucking newfag.

>> No.25679853

How is it a non issue. Fake dollars buying btc means false price signaling. No one knows what the true price of btc is without knowing whether tether is backed.

>> No.25680028

>this exact scenario happened in 2013 and you can prove it on the blockchain
>this exact scenario happened in 2017 and you can prove it on the blockchain
>exchanges are once again playing the SAME game and you still doubt
40k is not the usd price. It is the usdt price.

>> No.25680058


China is based, I wish we had a NatSoc government that just executed a banker for accepting bribes.

>> No.25680100

t. nocoiner fag who doesn't have the coins to test that the price/liquidity is real

>> No.25680116
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tether fud is all bullshit
I mean look at this letter, this proves they're legit af and have the funds

>> No.25680290

This seems legit

>> No.25680422

>some random nigger's gay blog post is proof Tether is a scam

>> No.25680717


>> No.25680734

lol crypto is not btc, it will move on.

tether fud is retarded both ways, true or not

>> No.25680766

Well you left out where you will get a monthly stipend to spend, and you can never save money.

>> No.25680922

I just woke up from a coma. What did happen this time?

>> No.25680961

coordinated fud 8/10

>> No.25681131

Selling now

>> No.25681294

What is the point of Tether? Are you guys worried people will dump BTC for Tether or what?

>> No.25681304 [DELETED] 
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>load ze tether fud

>> No.25681477

Ah yes, squiggly line, the famous CEO willing to put his reputation and career at stake.

Lets play around with this though. Even IF Tether really did have this amount stored with the bank for longer than the day this letter way written, why not just get an audit? And if nobody will audit you, as you claim, why not just be open and transparent? The CEO and CTO have disappeared, there are no headquarters, and the CFO spends all day on Twitter replying to Whale Alert tweets of $500,000,000 tether prints as "this is normal demand". Why not just state which assets are backing Tether, if you claim to have $25b in backing, rather than obfuscating everything with "loans to affiliated entities" and other such non-language? Just say you have x cash, x btc and x loans to Bitfinex aka yourselves?

>> No.25681487

sooo you're saying to buy Algorand right?

>> No.25681519

Gold ID babyyyyyy

>> No.25682055


>> No.25682231

well that was uncalled for

>> No.25683119


>> No.25683261

cuz no bank wants to deal with tether
so they used proxy accounts (read, business accounts opened with false information) to store the deposits
if they just hand out the records and get audited, the cover will blow

>> No.25683283

yeah I know my english is shit, that's because I'm a chang who deal with most of the tether-fiat conversion in asia

>> No.25683362

January 15
2 days before that

>> No.25683387
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>> No.25683453
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>> No.25683507

>Tether problem
lol anon. what problem? this tether fud is a classic. it repeats. every time.

>> No.25683662

And yet coinbase, circle, grayscale, have no problems finding a bank and releasing properly audited accounts.

But somehow they are buying the same asset, one with hard US currency, the other with what can only charitably be described as... shady notes.

>> No.25683673

do these tards know how stupid they look throwing up unproven claims from a civil suit against bitfinex/tether as gospel? kek

>> No.25683703

All these documents only surfaced because of the NYAG action against finex. Imagine what documents will be revealed this Friday and how their contents will affect the market and sentiment.

Remember: "the wheels of justice grind slow, yet they grind exceedingly small."

>> No.25683754
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ah, no anon. Nyag have never accused tether of market manipulation, not once, this solely is about the loan tether May have given Bitfinex Causing them to be short usd while claiming to be backed 1:1. Prepare to be disappointed, yet again

>> No.25683764

it's a vicious cycle now
tether is sketchy->no bank wants to touch it->tether can only engage with sketchy banks->tether is even more sketchy now

>> No.25683814

Pro tip, banks do this everyday,
23million cases of money laundering + other beaches, 1b fine. Tether will be fine, they wouldn’t still be printing nor would exchanges be holding so much of them otherwise, Literal nothingburger

>> No.25683858

Holy shit banks are fucked lol and still going business as usual

>> No.25683881

If it was a nothing burger, there's nothing for you to worry about, is there? The fact that you feel compelled to reeee in response shows that you are too emotionally intertwined with your own investment, and are no different from the legion of Musk-eteers screaming how TSLA is undervalued because it represents The Future whenever anyone goes "wow that's a bit expensive, innit"

>> No.25683922

>tether goes down
>USDC exists
what's the problem? Just move from tether to USDC before the 15th

>> No.25683961
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It's a ticking time bomb.
It's only a matter of time, but it's really hard to time it.
Nobody knows exactly when it's going to blow, but people are getting nervous.
You can just tell by the amount of shills on /biz/ trying to get you not to sell BTC (and buy more). They need the current price and liquidity, so that they can jump ship.

>> No.25684056

You guys realize that nothing happens on the 15th, no ruling or anything, its just a deadline for Tether to hand over document's relevant to the case

>> No.25684067

And if they don't?

>> No.25684309

theyve been saying this for 6 years bro.

its fake FUD. and YOU are part of it

>> No.25684427

this. It‘s true

>> No.25684546
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Giancarlo, the floor is yours.

>> No.25684644

xmr or real estate

>> No.25684849

What about PAXG? Gold is crabbing atm, but.

>> No.25684909

Nobody needs the price and liquidity at this point. Especially to jump ship (to what if everything is going to 'go back to the stone age') You've had new ATH every few days with ample opportunity to sell. It isn't like there is anybody here saying "oh shit another 1k and I'll finally be green and can dump these bags". Anybody sat on 100+ BTC will have been holding since it was cheap and any exit at this point is a good exit with 100+.

The reason why people are like this is because crypto is in part a philosophy. It touches upon post/trans humanism, accelerationism, dystopian concepts, privacy, security state etc etc. Things get pretty fucking weird which is why it can be so cringe. People desperately want to see fiat inflate into infinity and crypto scale into infinity bringing about some 40k citadel compound shit. Bunch of losers who aren't making it in the real world so want the world to match the fantasy in their heads and think they'll get there by staring at a computer and clicking on a screen 24 hours a day (like fucking usual).

>> No.25685012

If it implodes i get to pay back my Aave collateral for cents on the dollar. Every loan I take out is in usdt just in case it implodes.

>> No.25685077

It's pretty scary tbqh

>> No.25685100

i will still own a james coburn action figure and a large collection of ww2 bringback items like medieval samurai swords. the time to invest in some collectibles was 12 months ago

>> No.25685124

The fact that Tether went up 10b while USDC crabbed should ring alarm bells. If you're a billionaire and want stablecoins -- you use the one that has been audited, not the one that's currently being sued for market manipulation.

>> No.25685147

I'll explain to you Bitfinex's position here because you seem to be mentally challenged.

Bitfinex purchases a certain # of a crypto like ETH or Bitcoin, then they flood exchanges with USDT liquidity when they need to pump that coin. As that coin pumps, they 2-3x their position and start unloading that coin. They did that with ETH the past 2 weeks, notice their cold wallet and how ETH starts crabbing when they start offloading and taking cash value:

It's market manipulation of the highest order.

>> No.25685208

USDC is backed by cash value. That's why when they mint USDC on whale alert you see uneven numbers like "$1,021,494" while USDT mints look like flat cash bricks ready to exitscam.

>> No.25685389

Tether makes up 70% of all available liquidity. Tether dying is a rug pull on an institutional scale

>> No.25685556


>> No.25686166
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Tether is paying fudders to make the Tether ponzi hypothesis look bad while Bitcoin moons. Once it moons and everyone piles in because "it really was just Tether fud all along" Bitcoin will crash

>> No.25686182

i'm getting paid jack shit here kiddo