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25673143 No.25673143 [Reply] [Original]

And is the proper terminology wallets?
Newbiz fag here, bought my first BTC and Eth yesterday, have coinbase pro and blockfolio set up, but I'd like to potentially invest in things like RSR or LCX that aren't obtainable through coinbase pro...
Any and all advice on setups would be amazing, thanks.

>> No.25673209

Transfer your ETH to a metamask wallet. Store your seed safely or your money is lost forever. Go to uniswap and swap your eth for your desired token.

You can buy RSR through Binance and PRQ through Coinmetro, as well.

>> No.25673253

i like kraken and coinmetro is also great.. get out of binance, it will be slowed down

>> No.25673328
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>> No.25673342

cb mobile wallet, just transfer eth from cb to wallet - link wallet to uniswap, find whatever alt coin you're wanting and trade eth for it. unless you're trading large amounts be prepared for a disproportionately large eth gas fee though

>> No.25673351
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>Store your seed safely
What exactly do you mean by this? Also, I shouldn't use blockfolio for exchanges correct?

I know it may be alot to ask, but the "storing your seed safely" is really what I'd like to figure out, am willing to watch/read whatever.
So get metamask, move coinbase pro ETH AND BTC? or just ETH? get uniswap and connect my metamask wallet? Then thats it?
Thanks much.

>> No.25673463
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Have it engraved, check out mine fren

>> No.25673508

fuck wrong image how do i change my seed guys

>> No.25673534

>What exactly do you mean by this?
When you create a personal wallet, it generates a series of random words that can be used to restore it. That's a seed phrase. There is no "forgot my password" option for crypto wallets, so if you lose your seeds (or somebody takes them), your money will be lost. Therefore, you should write your generated seed phrase in two or three pieces of paper and store them safely.

>So get metamask, move coinbase pro ETH AND BTC? or just ETH? get uniswap and connect my metamask wallet? Then thats it?
Just eth, metamask is an eth wallet and normally you don't use BTC to swap for altcoins anyway. You should still move your BTC to a personal wallet, because exchanges have rugpulled in the past and are never trustworthy. The seed advice also applies to your BTC wallet

Be aware that, as >>25673342 said, the fees in uniswap will be quite high.

>> No.25673582

High IQ encryption esq shit I see...
What am I looking at? References to pick letters from to remember your passwords with?

Or something more that I'm not understanding?
Either way, thank you for the advice thus far. I'm trying to interpret it the best I can.

>> No.25673622

$20 fees for $10 txn. I hope ethereum dies soon.