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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 198 KB, 1400x1400, E9DB4457-5032-44F6-B452-0556C5ED4428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25661544 No.25661544 [Reply] [Original]

That these faggots are about to lose everything over some fud that self proclaimed experts on biz fucking figured out? Don’t make me fucking kek out you stupid little niggers. You’re priced out and can’t accept that you missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime (which you still haven’t). Stop being fucking pathetic

>> No.25661963


>> No.25661984


>> No.25662049
File: 703 KB, 1242x918, F4B097E7-DD29-46D3-AD35-5A667327AFD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re going to dump their bags on all of us
Cash out ( if you even can )

>> No.25662123

>can’t cash out meme is back
Extremely bullish

>> No.25662149

What are you rambling about

>> No.25662176

Did you even try bro everything broke

>> No.25662198

these guys are such chads

>> No.25662204


Yes because they are still 100% in BTC and have literally 0 dollars in other assets

(ps wouldnt be the first time these guys lose their shit)

>> No.25662211

They own an exchange, they dont give a fuck about the price of bitcoin. They make their money with trading and exchange fees.

>> No.25662264

newfags everywhere

>> No.25662324

Kek, they are in about twenty different coins you nigger cocksucker.

>> No.25662329

No because I’m not a cuck that falls for biz fud which only starts appearing after an influx of Reddit newfags started showing up. Although you wouldn’t know that since you’re probably one of them

>> No.25662331

I still associate them with The Social Network

>> No.25662395
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>> No.25662540

They not that dumb, they are max 60% on crypto. They have real estate, boomer metals, stocks and so on

>> No.25662639
File: 32 KB, 750x673, BA83BC65-F03B-46F0-8889-8FDDC0A15DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s being sarcastic you retarded faggot. Where the fuck did you come from?

>> No.25662676


I was being sarcastic you fucking autists.

>> No.25662747

That said you’re also retarded if you think biz of all places figured out the fucking tether mystery and those chads are going to be rugpulled

>> No.25662787
File: 92 KB, 750x902, AB19836C-4B37-415A-8948-EA8FEDF5F455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like they’ve ever been rugged before oh wait

>> No.25662822

They don't know shit about anything, they know so little they think BTC tech is actually good.

Look at their dumb eyes.

>> No.25662928

>implying getting rugged by zuckercunt is the same as priced out newfags on biz

>> No.25662936

no u

>> No.25663138

Why do so many tech billionaires have that “punch me in the face” look? Same with Dorsey. Gates too.

>> No.25663172

Look at those dudes and tell me life is fair. They stole the chadness of at least 1000men. Fuck this shit

>> No.25663220

holy 90iq
or esl, which is the same
either way, the top is in

>> No.25663249

They're constantly post-coom also jewish.

>> No.25663251

>They not that dumb
You're right, they aren't dumb. Which is exactly why they are 99% in crypto and don't have worthless assets like metals and stocks. you fucking retard, those are dogshit investments

>> No.25663261

it's less "their face" and more "your jealousy"

>> No.25663274

Kike genes.

>> No.25663303

beyond a certain level of wealth it takes mental illness to keep pushing 100%. most men would feel fulfilled

>> No.25663362
File: 18 KB, 250x250, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real estate is a dogshit investment
get a load of this brainlet

>> No.25663370
File: 391 KB, 1225x713, 1609975866061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25663570


>> No.25663817

hearty kek thank you

>> No.25663914

Those “dumb eyes” that went to Harvard

>> No.25664047
File: 96 KB, 1081x618, eyeredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is plebbit tier cope and jealousy. They're chads. They have the eyes of kings

>> No.25664171

listened to interview with them and they seem pretty bright. I'm sure you are retarded here anon no offence.

>> No.25664205

I didnt read properly, now stop callin me retarded or autist

>> No.25664255
File: 8 KB, 253x199, 9CBEFBD7-EC02-4E28-BB12-FE6B7877E561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zey sink zey are ze strongest pair...
Femboy supremacy

>> No.25664277

>these faggots are about to lose everything over some fud that self proclaimed experts on biz fucking figured out?

Mhmm yeah...unless of course they know....use your fkn brain you mong. If it's true they'll dump on you faggots before you'll even see it on the news. Ppl are so dumb its crazy. These rich folks dont walk with the same circle as you and me

>> No.25664283

>I was only pretending
Sure buddy

>> No.25664581

>use your brain
>suggests the entire crypto market is a conspiracy theory
Lay off the adderall you schizo

>> No.25664614

They have a 115-120iq, I guess you guys are impressed. Also chads? They just look Dutch I guess you guys grew up around el goblinos or something.

>> No.25664664

yeah man they already have fuck tons of money and they are telling everybody it will go to 500k so they cash out and ruin their reputation forever

>> No.25664690

Kek. Only time will tell I guess but that statement OP made makes no fkn sense. Can you also read you fkn mong? I said:
>If it's true

You know what "if" means? I know you most likely went to DeVry but try to use that brain of yours sometimes. You're too emotionally attached to your investment and it shows

>> No.25664783

>implying that's impressive
Harvard is a daycare for over privileged kikes and suffers from rampant grade inflation.