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25659649 No.25659649 [Reply] [Original]

WHY do boomer realtors require me to talk on the phone? I just want to buy a house you fucks. LET ME E-MAIL YOU. I want to correspond DIGITALLY. It's the 21st century.

>> No.25659824
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please mail me a check

>> No.25659873

The fuck you want to talk about? Make the offer or go away

>> No.25659904
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Jesus, what if you had to meet in person and sign some stuff?

>> No.25659956

i dont think u understand. all these fucks do is drive around and talk to people on the phone, their minds go haywire if they arent talking on the phone.
t. my dad is a realtor and he talks to me like he's on a phone call all the fking time

>> No.25659980

lmao faggot. I ALWAYS prefer talking to a person instead even if my issue can be solved by rtfm

>> No.25660018

hey anon dad here I just wanted to check in and see if you wanna come down for dinner some time

>> No.25660019

tell them you don't have a tongue and they are racist for not provide option for trans woman like you to converse via email. Cancel them later

>> No.25660060

My house's previous owners invited me to have dinner with them after I made a good offer on it. I almost backed out of the entire deal but instead said I was busy that night.

>> No.25660059

This is why I could never cut it in real estate. I fucking hate talking to people about inane shit all day, just doesn’t suit my personality. Trading shitcoins is the real life

>> No.25660321


>> No.25660430

>invited me to have dinner with them
What the fuck? You're selling a house, not giving away your daughter

>> No.25660454
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ITT: The reason "communication" technology will be the downfall of the human race, motherfuckers are so frightened of any form of connection that isn't black and white text on a screen. Though there are decent gainz to be made in the mean time as any younger person with basic soft skills blow their competition out of the water.

>> No.25660487

Based asperger

>> No.25660664

The house is less used than their daughter.

>> No.25660726

I get ignored whenever I try emailing a realtor... fuck realtors!

>> No.25660785

It's a sales job innit. Easier to squeeze someone and get them to overcommit on the phone than it is on an email.

>> No.25660813

now this is based

>> No.25660827

>I am autístico

>> No.25660836

Phone calls are comfy and I wish everyone did them

>> No.25660919

I like talking and connecting with people I actually like, not boomer realtors who smile and joke with me while they fuck me in the ass and sell me an overpriced cuckshed

>> No.25661007

I feel you OP, I'm terrified of phone calls as well

>> No.25661064

Actually, I know realtors are fucking snakes and they try to press you at every opportunity to make a retarded fucking decision. I'd rather have everything in text.

>> No.25661324

same here man
I even had a job for a year where I had to be on the phone with customers answering stuff that was out of my expertise, and not even in my mother tongue, you'd think that should've made me more confident and less scared of phone calls but nope, 2-3 months after I finished the job my phone phobia returned
I made good money in crypto but holy shit, many things I want to do with that money now require calling and talking to people, Jesus Christ

>> No.25661350

Living your life day to day constantly on calls talking about something as absolutely horseshit as real estate isn't a genuine form of connection

>> No.25661493

Talking to salesmen is just so annoying.
Wide stance to "command room" to the point of straining
Pointing pen at thing
"You're not gonna get a better deal than RIGHT NOW, this deal is GONNA BE GONE"

>> No.25661631


You fags can keep writing your emails and texts, deleting and retyping sentences and paragraphs in different manners until you finally convey some bullshit message in the specific way you want to, instead of skipping those minutes wasted and saying what you want to say in 20 seconds.

>> No.25661752

>buying boomer bags
>complains about dealing with boomers

>> No.25661901

You all sound like a bunch of zoomer special ed cases

>> No.25662012

Wha whaa me scared phone! How are you even at the point of being able to buy a house having been so scared of talking Mano a Mano? Basic skills man.

>> No.25662592

You're cute, OP.

>> No.25663123

Saul Goodman?

>> No.25663330
