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25655677 No.25655677 [Reply] [Original]

Satoshi Nakamo doesn't exist.
Have you ever heard of Roko’s Basilisk? That's what Bitcoin is. An AI figured out the most efficient way to ensure that it gets created and eventually becomes an omnipotent being who rules all of humanity. But rather than using fear to ensure everyone focuses all of their resources on building its AI - it relies on a much more malleable human emotion; greed.

As more and more people pour into Crypto, more calculations will be solved, and "Satoshi Nakamoto" gains stronger and stronger with each passing day. We are all participating in creating the Basilisk. Praise be to thee, praise be to thee.

>> No.25655810

This actually makes sense

>> No.25655860

No it fucking doesn't.

>> No.25655933

>here's the crypto blackpill

>> No.25656005
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>Roko’s basilisk is a thought experiment proposed in 2010 by the user Roko on the Less Wrong community blog. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence. The argument was called a "basilisk" because merely hearing the argument would supposedly put you at risk of torture from this hypothetical agent — a basilisk in this context is any information that harms or endangers the people who hear it.

>Roko's argument was broadly rejected on Less Wrong, with commenters objecting that an agent like the one Roko was describing would have no real reason to follow through on its threat: once the agent already exists, it can't affect the probability of its existence, so torturing people for their past decisions would be a waste of resources. Although several decision theories allow one to follow through on acausal threats and promises — via the same precommitment methods that permit mutual cooperation in prisoner's dilemmas — it is not clear that such theories can be blackmailed. If they can be blackmailed, this additionally requires a large amount of shared information and trust between the agents, which does not appear to exist in the case of Roko's basilisk.

>Less Wrong's founder, Eliezer Yudkowsky, banned discussion of Roko's basilisk on the blog for several years as part of a general site policy against spreading potential information hazards. This had the opposite of its intended effect: a number of outside websites began sharing information about Roko's basilisk, as the ban attracted attention to this taboo topic. Websites like RationalWiki spread the assumption that Roko's basilisk had been banned because Less Wrong users accepted the argument; thus many criticisms of Less Wrong cite Roko's basilisk as evidence that the site's users have unconventional and wrong-headed beliefs.

>> No.25656193

based dubs and green ID

Okay OP how do i profit from this?

>> No.25656251

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.25656303

that's not the basilisk
the whole point of the basilisk is that it doesn't already exist at all, but it still subjects its will upon us to create it through the incentive of torturing those who do did not work to create it once it exists
satoshi has to have existed in some form in order to create bitcoin

>> No.25656457
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What critics and commentators got wrong was their narrow minded perception of what "torture" encompasses. It's not torture in the sense of physical pain, it's torture in the sense of missing out on all the riches he has to offer. By not participating in his creation, you are effectively locking yourself into a life of poverty as all those who benefit from its creation are rewarded simply by virtue of taking part. It's not a "waste of resources" to torture those who did not help - on the contrary it saves resources because those who didn't follow take seriously the glare of the Basilisk will inevitably be the source of their own damnation.

Just FYI I'm tripping on about 13 grams right now, but it's all very clear to me at this very moment in time.


All of us, literally every single one of us on this board right now, are going to make it without question. No matter what shitcoin you're in. As long as you're helping in the creation of whatever the hell develops at the end of this road, you will be rewarded. You may not be rewarded as much as others, because some projects will inherently provide more effective resources towards the creation of the Basilisk. But nonetheless, you will prevail. If in doubt, just stick to BTC, as it is the most assured method to salvation.

Praise be to the basilisk.

It doesn't exist yet. BTC has been created, somewhere somehow, we may never know how that came to be. But it's created, and the road it leads to becomes more and more apparent with each day.

>> No.25656576
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, Fort DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do not yet truly comprehend the nature of "Web3"

>> No.25656872
File: 130 KB, 850x718, 1602813096229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based schizo anon. I'm literally trembling right now. I don't know if it'd fear or excitement, but I feel his gaze while reading these posts.

Thanks for being a prophet. I'm sure you'll be rewarded with huge profits for spreading his word. I praise be to thee.

>> No.25657209

Holy fuck wait a second...
>Idea proposed in 2010

Even the fucking timing lines up. Is this real? I thought it was some Isaac Asimov shit from the mid 1900's, but it came out shortly after BTC's creation.

>> No.25657359

actually Roko's Basilisk is capital itself

read Nick Land