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256509 No.256509 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get a job on wallstreet?
can you go there with STEM degrees? if so which ones?
what age is too old?

>> No.256544

computer engineering
algorithmic trading

[insert industry] engineering, analyst for that industry

some science "woo hoo, look at me, I can science, that means I'm smart, I will now train my refined critical thinking skills onto the world of finance"

just throwing a few ideas out there

>> No.256548

can scientists finance?

>> No.256629

literally so many do, especially physicists

>> No.256721

scientists finance better than fincancists

>> No.256895

you can major in douchebaggery, sociopathy, or being hated by everyone. there's lots of options

>> No.256897

liberal arts major detected

>> No.256902

computer engineering actually. We're the guys who makes more money than you while actually contributing to society

>> No.256905

wall street loves stem majors. they have the math skills needed to come up with new ways to screw the goyim.

A business/finance degree didn't come up with HFT, or how you can use HFT to legally front run client stock trades.

>> No.256910
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>being hated by everyone

Generally, to be a douchebag, you have to be liked by a certain group of people to oppress another person or group.

Also, sociopathy derives from being hated by everyone.

>> No.256912

>How do you get a job on wallstreet?
Apply for open slots. Also, find out what contractors place IT people at firms, and then apply to those contractors saying you want to work in finance.

>can you go there with STEM degrees?

> if so which ones?
Computer Science. Math for quants. People like Jim Simons even hire physicists and astronomers to sift through data.

>what age is too old?
For employees they prefer young 20 somethings fresh out of school or maybe with one job behind them. For contractors they don't care. And if you're a contractor and you get in with them they'll hire you no matter the age.

Really, if you learn data mining and decision trees and all of that stuff well enough, you can name your price not just on Wall Street but any where. But it is not easy, it is 24/7 year after year after year of tough, tough work to learn that stuff.

>> No.256932

What computer engineers are making more than $40,000 a month?

>> No.256950

>job on wall street

sell siders are the bottom of the barrel. all of the talent has moved to the buy side. whats left are idiots willing to work 100+hrs/wk getting coffee and making DCFs, pushing their bullshit analysis to their angry clientele while the traders are all getting fired for losing then colluding to try to break-even.

>> No.257004
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part of a degree in economics and im a equity broker im really dumb as bricks but i can sell shit to a outhouse but you really got to know what your doing.
>dont work on wall street
>work in another countries finance sector

>> No.257137


The butthurt is strong with this one