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25647114 No.25647114 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been microcapping for 6 years now.. it’s the fastest way to become a whale, if you’re smart. Identify a true early gem at under $1m mcap and it sets you up for life.

The space has been filled with idiotic forks, rugpulls, and shitcoins of the highest degree. However I came across something brand new. Completely original code that challenges conventions of LPs and farming.. paving a new paradigm for both. It’s called Gauntlet $GFIv2

Lets start with one of the main value props.. enriching the liquidity provisioning experience.

When fielding liquidity through a “Gauntlet”, pending token rewards are given to the provider, can be wrapped up as an NFT, and traded on secondary markets. A new way of lending in DeFi, but not so much in the traditional world. In fact, it’s very often seen in trade finance, debt consolidation, etc.

Now, one of the coolest functions currently live. “Challenger” tackles farming issues (having to provide liquidity on a 3P platform, impermanent loss). All you have to do is place a “bet” on how many coins you will hold in your wallet. Each day that goes by that you hold that balance, you are rewarded with $GFIv2 tokens, all without your coins leaving your wallet. That’s it.

Now, if you’re interested in governance, you can exchange your rewards to obtain governance power. That governance power can be changed back to $GFIv2 whenever you choose, but not the other way around.

There is a LOT more to unpack with more information on farming both fungible and non fungible assets coming next week, so I suggest reading the whitepaper, mediums, and website. They’re having an AMA today on Crypto Masterminds at 2PM EST

Website: https://gauntlet.fi/#home


>> No.25647144

it's too hard i lost everything

>> No.25647174

Gauntlet is one of the most exciting original new ideas I’ve come across. Such insane potential

>> No.25647227

Yeah, because you sit in TG groups chasing every RFI clone fork rug that comes along. I'm tryna help ya here haha, you need to find fresh ideas that challenge the space, and get them at low marketcaps

>> No.25647232

Both of you post a timestamp with your hand.

>> No.25647316

You mean take a picture of my hand?

>> No.25647370


Ahahaha. Reading through the website right now, i can do my own research but appreciate a thoughtful post like this. Thanks OP

>> No.25647555

Been seeing this mentioned a lot, didn’t know it was $150k cap wtf. Aped, will try to read the whitepaper etc but thank you for summarizing it for us degens

>> No.25647624

No prob, i know most people dont have the desire, and mostly the ability, to research projects lol

>> No.25647663


Sorry, wrong tags. Anyway, come on in if you're interested. I spent a lotttt of time with the dev on my first day just chatting 1 on 1 about everything, he's really accessible

>> No.25647779

Novel concept so bought a little bag... Probably a P&D shitcoin though

>> No.25647805

I'm sure it'll swing since it's a micro ... but read everything because it's a truly original idea and very professional

>> No.25647858

Challenger sounds amazing... so basically you can farm this without having to put your coins anywhere? No wrapping? Has this ever been done????

>> No.25647920

As far as I'm aware, no.... it doesnt involve staking.. LPing, or any function like that whatsoever.

I'm sure some ruggers will fork this eventually and take people's money claiming it's "the new $GFIv2" !!! but, there is a lot more development incoming and this is a very smart developer who actually created something new.

>> No.25647976

Damn, okay... this at the very least, is interesting... just copped a small bag let’s see where it goes

>> No.25648073

Thats the best part of microcaps. I toss in 1-2 ETHs, sit back for a bit... and then it turns into like 10 ETH or even in some cases... 50 ETH..... you just need to make sure you research the fuck out of them first and vet them yourselves

>> No.25648244

I like the concepts.. I see challenger is live now.. do you know when the first Gauntlets will launch? Any other info/timeline?

>> No.25648312

In terms of upcoming news... we're hearing info about farming opportunities coming monday.... not sure about first gauntlet, dev said it'll be announced in due time and hinted at some potentially decent projects. I'm gnna sit in on the AMA today and see what else I can find

>> No.25648313

This project is very unique because instead of adding LP tokens in Uniswap, I will add in Gauntlet and earn a better reward in NFT real world assest. You can't manipulate the whole liquidity which is good. There is customization for liquidity provision. I like this idea and it could pull off big time! can't wait

>> No.25648343

Thanks, what is the TG where AMA is happening?

>> No.25648373

This whole thread smells like curry

>> No.25648377

It didn't let me post link before but search @cryptomindsgroup it's Wonka's group

>> No.25648429

Ah okay all ya had to say was Wonka haha, ill be there thanks for the heads up

>> No.25648501

I knew that someone would say that, not my first rodeo, so I really tried my best to write an insightful summary and help reduce any DYOR that you'd have to do.

In the end though, I once again urge everyone to read the materials (medium, website, whitepaper) and to join the TG and hit up the dev and grill him.

Outside of that, if you don't want to cop some thats your own choice. Back to eating my falafel.

>> No.25648624
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>anonymous team

>> No.25648808

Doxxed devs are a meme. Guess you weren't in Yeld.

Anyway, once again. Look at the code, its fire. Grill the dev, he can take it. Read the contracts on your own.

If you cant do any of that... buy BTC and go enjoy your life because you'll never make it being helpless and dependent

>> No.25648859

Pretty solid project, ill ape an ETH... I’m not going to read shit about it though, fuck you.

>> No.25648951
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What's good niggas.. yall making gains despite what's going on today???????

World steel shortage continuing. CLF finished 2nd M&A with ArcelorMittal USA in December.. pro-forma revenues with the new Cliffs is at 17b... so mkt cap is sitting under 1/2th the revenue CLF bringing in now

Compare this to Tesla which is trading at 1500 times earnings.

Long CLF. Don't miss this steel supercycle

Last time Iron was priced like this CLF went to $120. Did I mention CLF generated half its mkt cap in earnings for Q3? 1.65b revenue to 3b mkt cap.. 5th earnings beat in a row 6
6th EPS beat on the way next earnings call in February

Don't miss this shit boys.. Big Tech is rotating to Big Steel.

Invest in America..


>> No.25649025

Sure if you want to buy without research go ahead, thats partially why I did this write up. But I'd still recommend reading everything....

>> No.25649182

I’ll peep the AMA. Thanks for the write up though you got me interested. Will let y’all know if I ape

>> No.25649388

Great scam !

>> No.25649493

Strong early RFI and CORE vibes here. Will not make the same mistake and miss this. Just loaded up. About time for another actually innovative and original project.

>> No.25649763

Xsn has done this.

>> No.25649808

I was a huuuuge XSN holder for a while, it's different than that... also Challenger is only one feature but i understand the comparison

>> No.25649860

I know theres a lot of helpless rug victims on this board, thats why i did your research for you :)

>> No.25649974

Copped some of this 2 days ago when it went under presale price. A microcap with original code is a dime a dozen these days.... pretty fucking obvious buy

>> No.25650265

Why are you not anymore?

>> No.25650320

How do you buy? What exchange is this on?

>> No.25650480




Click the trade button in dextools link.

>> No.25650629

Monster explainer thread. Have really missed these... thank you for taking the time to lay this all out for us and not really “shill” in the traditional sense.

Project looks unique, which is almost enough for me considering crypto right now. Breath of fresh air not being a fork, but an actual original idea with some vision.

I’m gonna PM the dev today and ask all my questions and then decide, but again, thanks for actually attempting to educate here.

>> No.25650837

I can't find the price anywhere when paired with fiat, how much is a token?

>> No.25650915

I just found it all on dextools it’s at $63 ... presale was $90 so I bought some already.... will buy the other half after I get to the dev

>> No.25650933


53 dollars last time i checked....200k mcap

>> No.25650962

Uniswap only I’m guessing :/ I really need to level up

>> No.25650986

Thanks anon

>> No.25651035


This can literally X5 plus today with AMA. Winka's group gets a lot if good exposure and liquidity is low enough that price moves up fast.

>> No.25651191

Came to write Nigerian scam... stayed for the summary. Congrats lol

>> No.25651264

Also holy SHIT this website is fire. I know that’s not everything but I am impressed... may be a non shitcoin actually

>> No.25651359

Ok wait... digging through the whole site now and what the actual fuck.... this is cool as FUCK what the fuck... this is $200k mcap? What? WHAT??!!!!

Oh man am I glad I stopped in here

>> No.25651378
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please go back to the telegram

>> No.25651428

Sorry for hijacking but I did not expect anything original to surface on here again ahahahah yo I’m fuckin in let’s go (I ape fast I know)

>> No.25651442

>I’ve been microcapping for 6 years now.. it’s the fastest way to become a whale, if you’re smart. Identify a true early gem at under $1m mcap and it sets you up for life.
And yet you are still here 6 years later shilling lowmcap shitcoins so I'm guessing you've failed consistently for 6 straight years when you could have bought any bought any large cap like ltc or xrp and be retired by now

>> No.25651485


Not a shit coin at all. First actual original code micro i have seen in months. These dont usually last long before catching a lot if attention and going big.

>> No.25651536

This is retarded bro lol. Microcap gains are the truth ... did you really just suggest buying XRP and LTC unironically

>> No.25651538

thats is fucking unique !

>> No.25651550
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Spelling and grammatical errors in the white paper..... this is always a red flag for me.
It might be a great project, but at best it looks like a short order PnD to me, chaps - good luck

>> No.25651645

Why do they hypenate DeFi on their website?

>> No.25651685
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Anonymous team, white paper written by a pajeet hitting keys at random on a keyboard. Yeah, ok.

>> No.25651729


Easy to spot everyone who didn’t buy antshares haha

>> No.25651743

disgusting fucking shill curryniggers

>> No.25651775

What spelling error did you find? Post it here so I know not to buy... I’ve been reading the code like a pleb

>> No.25651822

When will it be on Coinbase

>> No.25651872

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to biz in 2021 hahahahahaha

>> No.25651900


Retard alert. We have a retard. Its an orginal code microcap ffs. Thus is why biz is poor. This thing is bullish asf.

>> No.25651934

Was just about to write “Wen gecko” but you set the bar too high

>> No.25651951

"Gauntlets can only be created successfully by projects who complies with a minimum ownership requirement of 100 GFIv2 tokens."

>> No.25652004

Ngmi buy rope when this hits 2000$

>> No.25652109

Good luck, Anon. sincerely.

>> No.25652410

Not only that but you need 50 of them to access the challenger feature.... some serious utility already being built in it seems

>> No.25652433

6 years ago you would make 100,000% returns buying those. OP is a faggot larper

>> No.25652746

Ok so this challenger is live? I’ll need 50 minimum or 100 to ‘farm’?
Mcap is under 200k at this moment?
I’m debating on aping before AMA so I don’t miss this price but am curious to see what dev plans are for this OG code.
Very intrigued....

>> No.25652757


Instead of attacking OP research the call. This is why you are broke man

>> No.25652977

sorry anon
but full anonymous team. Due to NDA's
not buying that.
At least one member would be known

>> No.25653362


Too bad you obviously cant read coding. The code is all that really matters on uniswap and this one is special.

>> No.25653529

Challenger is live yeah

>> No.25653557
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Morpheus is a Scammer.

He tricks you guys beyond anything and you eat outa his hand...
Anons I...

Get played if you want. Dont by any shit this Morpheus is in for your own sake

>> No.25653652


>> No.25653765

I’m sorry if this is a dumb comment. I’m genuinely very new to investing unfortunately I never had anyone who could teach me. If anyone could please explain a bit of what is being explained by OP I’d greatly appreciate it

>> No.25653832

Hey yall sorry I had to grab some food I'm back, will try to comb through and get back to any questions soon

Honestly I don't know how I could explain this any more clearly than I have, maybe start with the basics? Teach your self what liquidity pools are, what staking is, what farming is, what DeFi is.... idk.... you seem a bit too new for this imo

>> No.25653909

well thank u anon, im out.

>> No.25654107


Another 50 dollar lunch money trader bites the dust.

>> No.25654169

How does one go about finding these projects in the first place? I'm ready to go down the rabbit hole but can't find the entrance. Discord/telegram/Twitter groups? Maybe git hub or another forum?

>> No.25654173

>it’s the fastest way to become a whale, i
fastest way is to buy into presale of early projects

>> No.25654368

This is so fucking obvious that ur the same person larping... at least type differently retard no one on this board types like you faggot

>> No.25654677

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: undefined. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

Allways comes up with this one... what am i doing wrong

>> No.25654767

Increase slippage, I used 11 %

>> No.25654860

Vaultxp vibes?

>> No.25654875
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>> No.25654889

still not working... same problem