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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 225x150, 225px-Council_of_Europe_flag_1953.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25639650 No.25639650 [Reply] [Original]

where do you use to trade stonks or crypto?

been using coinbase and etoro but they are pretty bullshit

>> No.25639666

"where do you use" i'm going to kill myself

>> No.25639719

Try KuCoin. Pretty based exchange with all the features you could want.

If you want to make me happy use this ref code: E3mUgW

>> No.25639754
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Was using Coinbase when I was new, now I switched for CoinMetro. Give it a try and experience 24/7 custommer support on your own and then decide for yourself.
Yesterday I mentioned my issue in telegram and I got voice reply from CEO himself which is common practise for him as I learned.

>> No.25639766

Etoro have a customer aquisition fee of $800. There is no way that they aren't trading against their clients if it costs them on average $800 of advertising for every new user on the platform.

>> No.25639801

KuCoin more like scamcoin.

Use if you want to 'lose' your tokens or want them to be stuck on there forever due to 'node maintenance' which lasts for months now and they can't provide an ETA.

>> No.25639804

CoinMetro has really good customer support, but I am just a bit wary because barely anyone uses it. Doesnt that mean that liquidity on it is shit?

>> No.25639809

stop with the shilling.

no one is gonna use ur shitty slavic exchange with 312 token holders on etherscan.

coinmetro is gonna die soon

>> No.25639847

I'm confused now

>> No.25639856

I have no problems with KuCoin whatsoever. Also they got hacked and reimbursed all the lost crypto, because they're insured. Speaks for them.

KuCoin is the exchange of the future. Fight me.

>> No.25639870

Just use coinbase pro, its the easiest and most widely used for a reason. Their customer support is pretty horrible though

>> No.25639890

Chink scam exchange. They listed good shit in 2017 why should I trust them now?

>> No.25639903

>Coinbase and Kraken

>> No.25639905

This thread is asking for opinions on exchanges, no one is shilling (or everyone is..).

Why do you have a chip of your shoulder bro, go outside and take a breath

>> No.25639906

French here, I use Kraken and Binance.

eToro is scammy by the way, they buy their way at the top of every "top 10 exchanges list", and that's why you ended up there. Some sites like Coingecko will have the honesty to display a "sponsored" label, most don't.
You really can't trust an exchange that try to fool its customers into selecting them.

>> No.25639931

Honestly another vote for CoinMetro.

Instand SEPA/GBP (also USD for burgers)
Lowest fees
Excellent liquidity
Instant 24/7 support
CEO will literally help you out
Growing exponentially

I ditched coinbase and bit stamp for them

>> No.25639935
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you couldn't be more wrong, but since you don't care do some baseless fudding there is no chance that you will ever accept that you are wrong.
>312 token holders on etherscan
it's an utility token on the exchange, there is no need to leave the ecosystem. that's the sole definition of a legit utility token. the 312 holders on etherscan are just the people who decided to withdraw their xcm to their own wallets or bought via uniswap. people who hold xcm is in the thousands on the exchange with xcm getting more and more utility.
>coinmetro is gonna die soon
quite the opposite, but see above, you don't care about facts

>> No.25639939

>Chink scam exchange
Good argument, friend.
They still list good shit.

>> No.25639950

I also have been using CoinMetro for a few years now. Agreed... excellent support. Not in the EU, but sent a large EUR wire transfer via SWIFT a few days ago and got there within 24 hours. Withdraw in fiat is also super easy. They have liquidity providers on all the majors and a heathy book on most others.... never had a problem there

>> No.25639955

Technical support told me they had the FTM mainnet token, so I sent them to my mainnet address.

"OOPSIE we actually only have the erc20, so sorry that you lost your tokens by sending them to the wrong address on the WRONG BLOCKCHAIN. We cannot help you further, please contact Fantom support"

Luckily it was FTM and not ETH, stupid chinks
Also, 'Node maintenance' for many coins so you can't withdraw them, basically holding them hostage.

Oh yes very based. Back to China pls

>> No.25639969

Kraken/Coinbase for crypto.
For stocks I used DeGiro, but I closed my account since I went all in crypto. What are my options for trading stocks now?

>> No.25639985


nice, the thread got posted into the coin metro discourd group.
they all came here to defend their coin.
estonian scammers

>> No.25639998



>> No.25640001

Yes liquidity is lower than on bigger exchanges obviously but the pros far outweight this one con.
If for you the pros are not worth it, just leave it be and come when CoinMetro will be #100 in volume.
It is growing fast.
I did the same. I came in august but liquidity was little too low for my taste now I came back and it's okeyish. And thinking about coinbase fees and current uniswap gas fees it is even superior. But it is for you to decide.

>> No.25640051

why are you so mad?

>> No.25640079

Just wanted to reply to this.

They're growing a lot - a look at their daily volume the last few days and they're almost on par with Bitpanda. They will overtake them soon.

I've never had issues with liquidity and they are onboarding another liquidity provider shortly for even more. You'll be able to margin trade small caps like PRQ, QNT etc.

I'm not trying to shill just telling you how it is. Try them yourself, signup and verification takes only minutes and if you don't like it, you don't have to use it :)

>> No.25640093

Why are you in their discord group? Better question why are you on /biz/ discord tranny.

Like what? What have they listed that is not available elsewhere to induce me to trust Chinks with my money. Sell your exchange to me Chinaman.

>> No.25640138

stop spamming the thread with coinmetro shilling.
u fucking retard go work on the product instead of shilling on 4chan.
kevin u are the biggest retard in crypto u bald fuckers

>> No.25640150

Actually Coin Metro is around since 2017 and it is growing while team is working hard on improving. So no, CoinMetro is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about this.

>> No.25640159
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But I do use Coinmetro as my exchange

>> No.25640182

Coimetro is a small estonian exchange that is shilled very hard by their founders on /biz/, they may be legit but their behaviors do not inspire trust. If past history is any indication, I would advise users to never let any significant amount of crypto in their coinmetro account.

As for fees, a 0% Maker fee is very, very suspicious.
please be cautious.

>> No.25640188

I'm not here to coax you into using KuCoin. Research yourself which coins are not listed elsewhere.
I use KuCoin since 2017, never had problems and I'm quite happy with it.

>> No.25640210
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>> No.25640244


>> No.25640260

lol, you think the coinmetro team bother coming to this shithole?

>> No.25640287

fuck this bald scammer.
I hope he loses all his hair and he gets finally sued.

American founding Exchange in a baltic state?
huge red flag.

>> No.25640290

I use DeGiro for stocks, but it's an absolute piece of shit.

>> No.25640334

Can you elaborate? I want to switch from Binance but I'm not sure there is any reason to do that. How is customer service?

>> No.25640380

Regardless of what you think of the exchange, can you cool it with the baldshaming?
I actually made a doctors appointment to talk about my MPB, which is a serious condition.

>> No.25640409

hey kevin, work on your product instead of shilling ur shitty copy pasta exchange.
maybe trust facebook ads?
biz wont fall for ur scam.

>> No.25640431

Been using Coinmetro for a few years, the customer support is nothing short of amazing- you will also get a reply within a few minutes.

High recommend, and it's coin is pumping right now too. Watch this space, Coinmetro will become the biggest exchange in crypto!!!!

>> No.25640458

where did you get this number anon? i believe you entirely, seeing their ads everywhere including on national radio is a major redflag

>> No.25640464
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I will just leave it here. But no worries keep using coinbase or binance for now. And after something goes wrong and you get cucked by their customer support, you are welcome to come over to CoinMetro.

Also I always advise keeping most of your long term holds in your own wallet with your own keys. That is the most safu way.

>> No.25640487

all the scammy crypto exchanges have some kind of token tied to it retards gamble on, so it is speculative
it's also /biz/ worst kept secret the coinmetro guys have been shilling their exchange here since inception

>> No.25640495


ban these bots.
coinmetro huge red flag discussed here:

>> No.25640511

What is good then? I feel like buy some stocks, but I don't want to use DeGiro again. I wish there was something like Robinhood for EU.
It's pretty good I had no problems with them so far. Deposits and withdrawals are always on time. Binance is pretty good too, but I hold a grudge against chinks after getting scammed in '17 so I don't use it anymore.

>> No.25640512

Back in loo, poo

>> No.25640524

pro trader here.
trade stocks:
interactivebrokers if you're ok to pay 10$ in fees per month even if you don't trade.
otherwise, tradestation global that uses interactivebrokers but without the monthly fees.

trade crypto:
kraken or coinbase for your fiat gateway fiat -> crypto. then transfer your crypto to binance/ftx/okex if you want to trade with less fees (50% less expensive).

>> No.25640525

coinmetro is the right answer

>> No.25640545

Yeah I get their retarded ads on every fucking youtube video. They seems like platform for stupid young money. Their ads actually catter to most retarded investors that are not ashamed of that.
I trade stocks on Revolut because of brother recommendation and it's fine but can't compare with others desu.

>> No.25640578

Your the first and only person I've say a bad word about Coinmetro. So... I can conclude you're an idiot!

Coinmetro is by far the best exchange- go have a look

>> No.25640669


how much do you get paid by kevin?
or is he using VPN?
go fuck yourself with your scam.


>> No.25640755
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>Small legit EU exchange that is around for years and keeps getting better and better
>Enthusiastic user base recommends this exchange to other investors
OMG! Those must be bots! BAN them reeeee!

If you would actually give it a try, you would understand why are we enthusiastic about CoinMetro. But from the outside we are just shill bots to you. Sad.

>> No.25640798

wow shilling with paid reviews.
slavic people have the lowest IQ.
europeans will never us your slavic exchange.
stay poor.

>> No.25640890

You must be burger to be this ignorant...
/Biz should have IP based flags just like /pol

>> No.25640893

Imagine being this triggered by an up and coming crypto exchange


>> No.25641021


then we will see your shitty estonian flag.
u poor fucker.
how can you live wih 200€ in a month?

I make 5k€ a month.

>> No.25641072
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>bragging about 5k per month.

>> No.25641296
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>>>25640890 (You)
>then we will see your shitty estonian flag.
Not Estonian but I'm a Slav indeed.
>u poor fucker.
I'm doing quite alright thank you.
>how can you live wih 200€ in a month?
You just proved you are ignorant burger because even western Europeans can't be so obvious to the fact that Estonian Average wage is around 1500€
>I make 5k€ a month.
Good for you burgeranon. But in Estonia you can live at the same level with 1500€ minus the niggers and muslims in your proximity. Even working class whites with 800€ are living in better surroundings than you.
And when they commute to their work trough 99,8% white city they work on some of the best crypto, banking, trading projects out there.

>> No.25641307


>> No.25641322

OP here, lol what the fuck is going on here

>> No.25641953

LCX launched few days ago and holders go hard against CoinMetro insulting it left and right to convince people to buy in LCX instead of XCM.
But they are missing the point that I'm not shilling you XCM token, but exchange itself.
And with that they have problem as well because it's based in Estonia and they don't understand what country Estonia is.
Imagine if they realized that Skype, Coinbase, eToro, Taxify, Bolt, Transferwise, Parsiq are all Estonian too.

>> No.25641982

Kraken is the best, good support. Drawback is their trading engine shits the bed on high volume.

>> No.25641996
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the amount of hatred cm fud makes me unbelievably bullish for cm

>> No.25642032

all me uWu

>> No.25642034

I use Binance

>> No.25642045

Estonia is based.
Why do you retards shill an exchange that just came out with no liquidity?
the problem with coinetro is that there isn't a lot of liquidity and I dont trust the team not to be hacked at some point.
kraken bitstamp coinbase are for the moment the best fiat onramps for europeans.

>> No.25642058

sell signal

>> No.25642160


>> No.25642205


>> No.25642209

no one said something about LCX.
wtf is wrong with you.

>> No.25642274

If liquidity is that much of a concern then stick with Coinbase/Coinbase Pro, Huobi, Okex or other big exchanges.

If hack is your concern well CoinMetro is partnered with Parsiq so it does not matter if they get hacked. Hackers got btfo everytime.
CoinMetro actually got hacked already once and as I said, hacker achieved nothing.
But if you are concerned about hacks the best way is to keep funds safu in your own wallet! And use Coinbase/Coinmetro just as cash in/out.

CoinMetro should be your choice if customer support is your concern.

I will send you a screen of current liquidity spreads so you can judge if it is that bad.

>> No.25642293

nice 0 volume exchange stupid faggot

>> No.25642342

it launched 3 days ago.
coinmetro launched in 2017 and has only 317 token holders, lcx already has 5500.

/ thread

>> No.25642393


>> No.25642401

i would open an account if my national currency was in eur but trade in usd and coinmetro has a 50$ fees. i already have an account with all exchanges so i dont really need a new one.

good thing about coinmetro: 0.1% taker fee. So if you're an eurofag with eur in your bank account and dont plan to buy a lot yes you should try coinmetro.

>> No.25642427

and? your exchange is not functional at the moment so stfu it's useless.

>> No.25642431

Coin metro

>> No.25642447

one hack and its all gone.
fuck your scam.
and fuck you.

>> No.25642605

CM off course, why would i overpay for shitty customer service, im not an idiot.

thanks kevin for making me rich on PRQ lol, i am forever grateful.

>> No.25642679


>> No.25642701
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paid pajeet shills

>> No.25642879
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So I checked for BTC/EUR and ETH/EUR pairs spread is around 0,1%
For established alt coins like PRQ, LINK, XLM, XCM, ENJ its EUR pairs has spread around 0,2-1,4%
But for newly launched altcoins like DNA and VXV its as high as 10%

So judge for yourself if it is acceptable. Also they have listed only like 20 coins so far because they have high standards. So if you want trade all random altcoins than binance is the way.

By the way CoinMetro hack was detected in under 7 minutes thanks to Parsiq/CoinMetro partnership and they btfo him epicly ;)

>> No.25642939
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>CMs office building is a public toilet.
Have I told you the story how Kevin made millions during the first lock down of 2020 by selling toilet paper to desperate burgers?

>> No.25642955

Ehh bonjour pútain.
Is kraken any good? I have a account but still scared about moving all my stuff there because off the capability to get a neat cost resume from eFaggo.

Also my leadger nano came today... idk if I want to have that stuff on there. Already 7k in the plus. You guys think I can hold a year and sell ez at peak. Or I move to Portugal and wait just a half year...
So much to think. Ledger my ass fuck.

>> No.25642958


kevin stop it.
you really have no life.
LMAOOO the bots are insane

>> No.25642978

why are you so mad and bitter?

>> No.25642984

Stocks - Saxobank
Options - tastyworks
Crypto - kraken but I sold everything

>> No.25643031

spoken like a true noob.
saxobanks: fees to high -> use tradestation international instead
tastyworks: fees to high -> tradestation international
crytpo: kraken is good.

>> No.25643055
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Bittrex Global for CEX
mooniswap and 1inch for DEX
Swissquote for stonks

>> No.25643079


Asking for me again. CAn you get a resume out for taxes who shows all your transactions and so on?

>> No.25643083


>> No.25643102

tradestation global is only for non active traders who want to buy here and there btw. if you're an active trader who wants to have access to us and international markets with the lowest fees: interactivebrokers.

>> No.25643112

Tasty works fees too high ? Are you retarded ? Also the platform itself is God tier

>> No.25643116
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wow people are so mad itt lmao

>> No.25643144

no you can't. but the exchange is trustworthy

>> No.25643189
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Post a good european broker for stocks you faggots, I'm already well served in the crypto area. STOCKS FFS, STOCKS!

>> No.25643191

ok, i dont want to educate retards. keep using tastyworks which is a good platform otherwise. just know that their main customers and target audience are noobs like you for a reason.

>> No.25643266
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I use Bitwala
>located in my country (Germany) and legit regulated like a bank (it is a bank, you can use their services for FIAT banking too)
>gives you your own wallet and keys so the coins are actually yours and not theirs
>provides you with documentation for your tax declaration
>only downside is that you can only buy and sell Bitcoin and Ethereum

>> No.25643293
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for normal stocks/ETFs I use Comdirect for 2 years now, no issue with it so far

>> No.25643470

Your retardness keeps growing curryanon.
Of course lcx has more addresses because it's traded on 100 shitty Chinese bucket shop exchanges. While XCM holders just keep it on cm, in the ecosystem, where it belongs. Because it actually has tokenomics, unlike freefalling lcx.
It's like opening a bank account but keeping your money in your mattress.

>> No.25643490
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Hahaha fucking based. He use vast plains of his forhead for hoarding all that toiler paper.

>> No.25643522

try as much as you can.
your exchange will fail.
europeans dont trust estonia.
(I am a german)

>> No.25643542

I use Waves staking 60% for USDT

>> No.25643628
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You should have said you are a Turk right away.
Insallah brother, praised be the Allah.

>> No.25643680

Did you get touched appropriately as a child? There is therapy to deal with such pent up suffering.

>> No.25643719

in my IT department slavic people are the worst coders. their small flat brain is just too dumb for programming concepts.
So why would I trust coinmetro?
They just copypastad and used many third party libraries.


>> No.25643726

I use Coinbase Pro and Binance, depending on what Crypto - EUR trading pairs they have

>> No.25643784

You have an IT department in the Delhi gutters?

>> No.25643908

Kraken for shitcoins
Degiro for stocks

>> No.25644016

no in munich :)
we reject every software-engineer from eastern europe. they are bad at coding and holding promises

>> No.25644070

Maybe all the best Slavic programmers run to Estonia? Hehe.
Well if that is your experience I can somewhat understand your opinion curryanon and being in your place I would invest in some western European white exchange (but I don't know any and LXC does not count as exchange yet). Or some Curry/Kebab exchange to help a brother out.

>> No.25644221
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I hope your country gets liberated again :^)

>> No.25644553

>smartphone exchange
no thanks

>> No.25644574

How much are they paying you to shill your platform , I just saw the fees , you must be either retarded or a shill

>> No.25644641

which one, mongo? interactive brokers? it's the cheapest out there to access US/international markets and options. Find me a better one retard.
protip: you can't because i compared them all already

>> No.25644725

>tradestation international
literally looks like a fuckin scam, i also used interactive brokers but their GUI is like fuckin cancer to my eyes, and doesnt come close to the curve options table of tasty,

also, options fees are lower on tastyworks, so either do you fuckin math again or accept that you are retarded

>> No.25645013
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Anyone use revolut ? whats your experience with it? My friend uses it for crypto but only like 100 euros at a time.

>> No.25645417

>he doesn't know tradestation
>he doesn't know about the TW hidden fees
tradestation was created in 1982 and is one of the oldest broker in the world you fucking noob.

>> No.25645694

i hope you like 2% transparent fees + (?)1.5% hidden fees.