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25633190 No.25633190 [Reply] [Original]

Just saying, whoever figures out how to create a free & fair election through blockchain tech and supply it to the government in a way that can be distributed to every state will make it. Big time.

>> No.25633208
File: 288 KB, 586x724, 1609931028753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what tech you're talking about

>> No.25633226

The election was fair and even most of the GOP agrees on this, Trump is just trying to leverage his personality cult to stay in power, and his cultists are using schizo JPGs to sow doubt

Crypto voting wouldn't work, you could just sell your key

>> No.25633272

Election was not fair. But the second half is true.

>> No.25633301


You thInk governments want fair elections? Kek

>> No.25633312

>Election was not fair
Yeah, because the guy you like lost after 4 years of extremely low approval ratings and butchering a pandemic haha
So unprecedented

>> No.25633360

dfohub has already achieved this. humans no longer need to trust each other and can rely on mathematics instead.

now we wait

>> No.25633505

>even most of the GOP agrees on this
the GOP have been regularly defrauding elections for years along with the Demons. They call it the Uniparty for a reason.

>> No.25633536

>Implying the government is looking for a fair election process

>> No.25633537

They don't need to with gerrymandering and voter suppression, representatives have even admitted to this.
GOP has been a party of minority rule for like 40 years now

>> No.25633611

Why would the Government want fair elections?

>> No.25633759

lol what fucking government would want that retard

>> No.25634339

>voter suppression
there is no such thing as voter suppression, if requiring an ID to vote is the difference between you voting and not, beyond the assertion that your nigger-tier opinion doesn't matter, your nigger-tier opinion shouldn't matter because you'll just vote based on identity, if you're a woman, how attractive the candidate is, or how much free shit they promise you despite the consequences. Universal suffrage is not a virtue, it's a terrible idea that always leads to an Idiocracy scenario because it encourages pandering the lowest common denominator.

Also, despite "gerrymandering" and "voter supression" (p.s. the dems gerrymander too, see urban areas), apparently they DO still need to buy election insurance, if you'd looked into the fraud cases at all. But you didn't. You had people on the TeeVee tell you your opinion for you.

>> No.25634461

I bet you think distributed ledgers running cbdc’s are good because they offer a transparent national budget too, huh?

>> No.25634484


You guys are mongs. Ever heard of this thing called mass immigration? Democrats don’t need to cheat they are literally using other countries as BRRRRRRR blue vote printers by replacing white people. White people are now minorities. Democrats don’t need to cheat cuz y’all got fuckin crowded out.

>> No.25634702
File: 12 KB, 420x420, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say you are volunteering at a counting center and you receive a box of mail in ballots to count. How do you verify the ballots were marked by the person listed on the ballot? And how do you verify the ballot was mailed within the deadline.

I'll wait.

>> No.25634774

Kleros could probably do that. not sure how becasue my brane is too smooth. but i'm sure someone could figure it out on there

>> No.25634794

Augur, get your bags now before it's too late.
Filler to attract the jeets
IYKYK, stay poor kekekekek

>> No.25634896
File: 282 KB, 2164x724, cvcyouwerewarned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CVC you faggot. The pump is just starting

>> No.25635259

Publishing a solution like this sounds like a good way to get black vanned.

>> No.25635937
File: 6 KB, 245x206, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to pol you fuck.
Bringing your bitch bear here.
Still not selling Fuse no matter the minor heart attack i just had

>> No.25635990

It’ll never happen because then elections couldn’t realistically be rigged ever again

>> No.25636133

>he thinks the elites wants a fair and transparent election system

>> No.25636176
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Supplied to the government
Good one OP

>> No.25636234

>thinking the political class would find this desirable

>> No.25636275

Projects already exist, but why would the government want to use a system which is harder to fraud (if you know what I'm saying) ?

>> No.25636441

A crypto called Horizon State did this a few years ago. They actually ran a few elections with it.

>> No.25637271

It's Kleros. They already have a system for PoH, it just needs to be linked to government ID. Then citizens can vote with signed keys. wallah.

>> No.25637953

arghh Aussie drongo Alex Saunders Nuggets News shilled me Horizen State so hard ARGHHHH THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING HORIZEN STATE it's not even alive any more

>> No.25637958

Make it to the Gulag, who (in power) wants a free and fair election?

>> No.25638066

If they wanted a free and fair election they'd do it with paper ballots and in person voting.

>> No.25638080

Like they want fair elections..

>> No.25638103

Not if the key was linked to a social security or national insurance etc number. It could be issued at specified times to prevent selling of the key

>> No.25638369

Dig into this if you want to see blockchain voting

>> No.25638409

I made so much money on that shit. RIP in pieces. Still believe we need something like it but it's to early

>> No.25638435

If you're volunteering at a counting centre it's your responsibility to count the ballots not to verify them. That happens elsewhere.

>> No.25638450

If it was that simple Florida would have been blue this year

>> No.25638478
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>> No.25638758

Everyone is expecting Superman to come fly in and save the day, but people have to accept we are ruled by evil people who don't think like you and I do. People love their servitude too.