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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25625393 No.25625393 [Reply] [Original]

You're telling me ones and zeroes can be an actual currency with actual value globally?
Nigga stfu

>> No.25625451

thats what the usd has been for decades retard

>> No.25625491

How did you figure out how to breath having IQ this low?

>> No.25625539

Already seething at my trick question? Explain how bytes converts to bucks

>> No.25625609 [DELETED] 
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>yo wadafuk dis wipeepo busheeit nigga fuckin rob dese muhfuhkas ya heard gimme dat bitcoin bitch gimme dat fkn effererum wite ass bitch fukn beat yo raggedy ass

>> No.25625632

BTC is not a currency by definition. It's more like a mean of exchanging actual currency.

>> No.25625635

racism isn't allowed on 4chan

>> No.25625668 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25625690
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 3C033FCC-2DA2-4338-B477-B2341329FBFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way it does when you hit the ATM, you simple bitch.

>> No.25625702

Nigga bitcoins are not even real lmao...

Have you ever seen on? The ledger only Tracks wallet totals not coins....

>> No.25625722

The ATM isn't a fucking coin you retard

>> No.25625749

reminder:niggers still don't have written language

>> No.25625764

friendly reminder that racism is a bannable offense

>> No.25625785

Bitcoin isn’t a fucking coin either you troglodyte

>> No.25625796
File: 3.74 MB, 347x244, 1443108772452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're telling me a piece of paper can be a currency?

>> No.25625820

how is the cobol script running your bank account not bytes you fucking ape ass bitch
the african kings really sold the British their dumbest fucking slaves

>> No.25625821

bitcoin is a coin

>> No.25625840

Everything is 1s and 0s.

>> No.25625863

biggest scam since the stock market was invented lmao

>> No.25625897

I honestly think that a pincode, recovery seed and multiple passphrase, and then sending bitcoin to a wallet address would be too hard for a normal black person to understand.

The only person taking my crypto are hackers.

>> No.25625976

The US dollar isn’t real either. Read a dollar and see what you can turn it in for. Hint: it’s nothing. You used to be able to turn in a dollar to get gold or silver. Now it’s based on “debt” which is one step away from saying “because we said so”. Bitcoin just removes the middleman.

>> No.25625988


>> No.25626016

Nothing is real

Stop trading your life for paper

>> No.25626062

explain how you sign with a secret key, then verify with a public key, that would mean they'd have to be the same or extremely similar

>> No.25626074 [DELETED] 

>gets "robbed" by niggers
>they take it all
>check wallet
>nothing taken at all
evolution at it's finest

>> No.25626109

A quarter is worth something other than the value of the melted down metal. A quarter is a token, a symbol of value. Same as the 1’s and 0’s that make up a Bitcoin.

>> No.25626115

>you are telling me paper that has been used to snort coke off a stripper's dirty ass crack is an actual currency with actual value globally?

>> No.25626130

You ever used an ATM Tyrone?

>> No.25626138

In a clown world we need a clown currency (that's not even bitcoin since it's now labelled as a store of value)

>> No.25626154

whit*ys stopped me from breaking the last ATM i visited

>> No.25626155

motherfucker never played a video game homeless retard

>> No.25626160

bitcoin is a public ledger incentivized as a coin you absolute retard nigger.

>> No.25626174


>> No.25626207

bitcoin is a coin

>> No.25626224

> lives in cave, only gold is money, deeply suspicious of the wheel
> calls someone else a troglodyte

>> No.25626230

Anon I...gold is matter, bitcoin is energy. E=mc^2. They are related.

>> No.25626253


Define Coin

>> No.25626262


>> No.25626306 [DELETED] 
File: 853 KB, 654x619, 1607809826886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage this thread no valuable discussion left to be made by OP.

>> No.25626309
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>> No.25626349
File: 31 KB, 500x269, awildLOKIappears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. The jews are making everybody fall for it again. This is a PND. Literally.

My money's on LOKI (soon rebranding to Oxen) for a 100x and then I move to the woods for good.

>> No.25626363
File: 99 KB, 300x228, muppet-show-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you had better go catch it!

>> No.25626380

What the fuck are you talking about? I own Bitcoin, it is not a coin. Bitcoins don’t exist. It is shared ledger entries, there are no coins or bitcoins.

>> No.25626622

And that ledger keeps track of a specific floating point number on a wallet, which is tokenized as... a fucking coin. Bitcoin is a fucking coin.

>> No.25626654


>> No.25626663


>> No.25626706
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is tokenized as... a fucking coin. Bitcoin is a fucking coin.

Define coin right fucking now

>> No.25626863

it's a ponzi don't overthink it
financial scams proliferate when civilizations collapse
the west is dying

>> No.25626906
File: 119 KB, 542x595, 1597955074350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is a public ledger incentivized as a coin you absolute retard nigger.