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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.25620763
File: 69 KB, 498x1280, 1609957961690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your accumulation goal for this week fellow LCXChads

>> No.25620789

Where has all the hype gone

>> No.25620825

I noticed a bunch of lcx threads got deleted all at once

>> No.25620844

why would they get deleted?

>> No.25620846

no one cares about alts when bigcorn is pumping

>> No.25620902

kek i almost bought at 5 cents this shit is 2 cents now lol glad i didnt

>> No.25620935

That's what I'd like to know. I've seen actual pajeet scam coin threads allowed to go rampant no issue.

>> No.25620988

the exch launched so the hype died down a bit, imho even better the mass spam was getting a bit too much, it started to look like a literal pajeet shill

>> No.25621019

Maybe mods are filling bags before moon?

>> No.25621037
File: 238 KB, 896x1192, 1609975507559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the acoomulation period our lieder Monty gave us

>> No.25621069

Fiverr shill contracts are up - nobody talking lcx anymore

Jimmy Wales not a real backer

WEF Pay to Play

Tapscott scam artist

>> No.25621086

exaxtly, the shills were almost embarrasing but it's still a very promising project. It's fine this way. BUYING MORE

>> No.25621111

we're waiting on any of these announcements
>Wesley Snipes movie
could be moon soon

>> No.25621227

Be happu so much trading is happening when they do a token burn we will reap the rewards

>> No.25621249

yea think a lot of people were expecting Binance 2.0 or something but the exchange is literaly 2 days old lmfao

>> No.25621253


aren't the tokens getting burned w8th every trade immediately?

>> No.25621264

i sold with loss

weak hands

>> No.25621300

could be a two month hold, could be a two year hold

>> No.25621320

i think they count every token that needs to be burned, then burn them quarterly

>> No.25621401
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ye no reason not to hold atleast for a month

>> No.25621420
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glad the hype died down desu. it was getting overdone. still in since 1 cents and not selling at least until EOM. if monty doesn't do anything useful by then, i'll reconsider. as of now, i will give the exchange time for growing pains. however if they don't add a fiat ramp or more useful pairs by EOM, i say we all cut our losses (or secure our gains depending on buy in) and find another useful coin.

>> No.25621425
File: 313 KB, 1158x585, 1594589023489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love how theres still so much fud kek. Monty is dead serious about this project. He has a burning desire to take out binance, its very clear when you watch him and CZ together. He will stop at nothing.

>> No.25621429
File: 599 KB, 1089x1249, 114AD086-4E68-458B-AAB5-B895D56E0522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Burtcorn on LCX

>> No.25621519

i was thinking the same, for now it still looks promising but if there is no news in a month or so its a bit worrisome

>> No.25621642
File: 20 KB, 634x207, Screenshot 2021-01-07 004939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who didnt see, we're film directors now

>> No.25621747

I'll hold for longer but I totally agree about the shilling. I mean, it made me notice the coin but it quickly became embarrassing.

>> No.25621864

think the easy part was buying during the shilling, now comes the hard part where the real money will be made, THE HOLDING

>> No.25621948
File: 692 KB, 828x1019, 1594149010169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exchange is buggy, doesn't work, and dead
>indian devs, and indian shills
>stole logo from exodus wallet

Enjoy financial ruin.


>> No.25622062

It was totally overdone. I expect it to crab for a week or two, so you have a chance to accumulate for cheapies.

>> No.25622523

Good thing the hype died down was starting to smell like Curry

>> No.25622982

LINKIE missed SNX and is now seething because the tiny brain faggot thought LINK was the only valuable one and a once in a lifetime opportunity but LINK isn't even that special but even now his tin brain doesn't realize that LINK is good but nothing special as there are many different projects with similar potential at making money and being important for the future of the finance industry

>> No.25623515

it's going to moon very soon boys followed by a big ol crab after all coins correct. screenshot this

>> No.25623970
File: 127 KB, 1070x826, 20210105_060919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor or join the dark side, jeff