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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25607657 No.25607657 [Reply] [Original]

How to leave six figure hell?

>> No.25607733

(buy + hold) * time

>> No.25607760

>tfw just escaped four figures
>there are people complaining that could afford multiple houses

>> No.25607786
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it's another humblebrag i have 6 figs when most people here have 4-5 figs thread

>> No.25607805

All in Ethereum (last year)

>> No.25607812

Cash out and buy a home

>> No.25607836

6 figures is average on /biz/
5 figures is poorfag
4 figures is pajeet tier

>> No.25607840

its literally hell though. you have the sweet taste of freedom in your mouth only to be denied. "Not today, goyim you have to work for 20 more years, get back to your desk"

>> No.25607851

go all-in chainlink (ticker: LINK) and you'll be back into safe, secure, comfy five figure heaven

>> No.25607854

I crossed $100k less than a month ago and I'm already at $150k, basically if things keep up at this rate I'll escape 6 figure hell to low 7 figure hell before EOY. Not sure if that's possible but we'll see

>> No.25607865

How to leave 4 digit hell?

I started with 11k in March, now I'm down bad >3k.

Please help bros, I just want to recover to 11k then leave crypto for good!

>> No.25607871

Go back to five figure hell

>> No.25607888
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How to get in to 6 fig hell jesus christ how do you do it

>> No.25607907

what are 7 and 8 figures?

>> No.25607917

just work an save you should get there in 3 years.

>> No.25607923

just remove a zero from your portfolio and then trade as if youre still at 5 digits. i think the 6 fig threshold adds an emotional factor

>> No.25607935

>6 figures is average on /biz/
lol, it's really not. have you seen the latest portfolio threads

>> No.25607950

Accumulate for years with lots of trial and error before realizing the answer is BTC/ETH/LINK. Id be a millionaire already if I didn't fall for so many scam coins

>> No.25607973

Lmao you just had to hold btc and you'd be 6 figures
Guess that's what u get for shitcoin gambling

>> No.25607997

Why is this board so entitled. For thousands of years your ancestors had to scrape around in the dirt looking for scraps to eat and break their backs working and you think you deserve to sit on your ass eating chicken nuggets and driving a Lamborghini for the rest of your life.

>> No.25608001

You are actual retard if you believe anyone on here has even 5 digits in the majority of time year round.

>> No.25608004

enough not to give a shit

>> No.25608020
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6 figures is hell
Post your terrible networths lads.
Ill start
>112.000 USD
Might as well kms ffs. Cant go on like this

>> No.25608081


>> No.25608114
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>you think you deserve to sit on your ass eating chicken nuggets and driving a Lamborghini for the rest of your life.

>> No.25608121

>/biz/ shilled LINK at 0.5
>It took $2750 back then to be in 6 figure hell right now

How does it feel to have severely below average net worth on a meme board?

>> No.25608126

Anyone who got in on LINK in 2017 or 2018 has 5 or 6 figures.

>> No.25608148
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Buy CLF lol


>> No.25608189

lmao cope harder faggot. I've easily put $30k into crypto over the years and held with iron hands. Same goes for almost everyone else who was here for 3-4 years.

>> No.25608192

It's way harder from 4-5 digits to 6 digits than to 6 digits to 7 digits.

>> No.25608194


>> No.25608244

It's easier to get out of 6-figure hell than less-than-6-figure hell because at 6 figures is when your long term gains more strongly outpace your daily/monthly expenses which were previously a huge drag on returns when you only had 4 or 5 digits.

>> No.25608250

Lol shut the fuck up. All it takes to reach 6 figures is a job.

>> No.25608282

>How to leave six figure hell?
Move it all to coinbase

>> No.25608296

That's retarded. Those increases are the same order of magnitude.

>> No.25608326
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>imagine being a nonheller

>> No.25608331

6 figures is average for oldfags

>> No.25608432

Buy a house in shithole country capital like Russia or Ukraine and live off the rent. Buy some place in cheap europ country and open a hipster store.

>> No.25608438

I fucking hate jews like you. I'm not going to get a real job. The job I have has me working 12 hour weeks and i feel that is too much if anything. I should not have to work you goddamned kike.
I deserve to exit 5 figure hell.

>> No.25608440

how does this even happen?! We had like 2 or 3 big pumps in 2020.

>> No.25608454

I just entered 5 fig hell

>> No.25608608

unironically this. you go from:
"if i make a 10x i can pay my car off!"
"if i make a 10x i never have to work again!"

your entire view of your investments change, you start planning what you will do with all your free time and money, start looking at dream houses, cars, boats, collectables and realizing they may not be dreams much longer. then you get snapped back to reality when that alarm goes off every morning.

mid 6 figure hell is real

>> No.25608843

Good goyim, succumb to the situation that is presented to you and spend the rest of your life groveling over what other people decide to give you for all your time and effort.

>> No.25608865

Do the same shit you did to get in it. If you want exponentially more wealth that you currently have take risks. I guarantee you’ve been pussing out since you caught your first 100x.

>> No.25608906

In 3 figure hell just happy to be nearly at 4 figures. It's too slow tho at this rate I'll never stop investing.

>> No.25608951
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What's 3 figures?

>> No.25608985

wait for a breakout and 5-10x long with tight stops

>> No.25609015

Literally this.
t. poorfag saving 29-30k/yr

>> No.25609099

Africa tier

>> No.25609128

I’m a crypto millionaire as of today. Pump it.

>> No.25609392

How to leave 4 fig hell. It's depressing

>> No.25609503

I just entered 6 figgy hell with the RSR pump. It's a long desert that stretches before me but the Promised Land beckons

>> No.25609547

It's me

>> No.25609783

UNN? literally have to check it out before reddit is all over it

>> No.25609844

Less than a good monthly DCA sum.

>> No.25609931

Just reached 6 figs today, buying link years ago was a great decision

>> No.25609989

im in $700k hell myself. i wish it could just double to $1.4m this year.

>> No.25609990

Just toss a coin and long BTC on heads, short on tail at x50
Either way you're leaving the 6 figures behind

>> No.25610031
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2020 was my first 6 figure year. I hope this year I'll top it. Nothing changed! It's groundhog day all over.

>> No.25610039

just need 600% return on that 150k

>> No.25610056

I'll be getting my student loan soon and I can just not pay rent for a bit and use that. But then if I loose it I'm on the streets. Im sure it'll be fine.

>> No.25610058

Uh what? This is brainlet tier thinking

>> No.25610068

lololol i bought 2 btc with 11k in march.

>> No.25610096


>> No.25610193

No. 7 figure hell is REAL, but for a whole different set of reasons

>> No.25610543

if you have an okay job you can get from 4 fig to 5 just through monthly savings if you’re dedicated. it would take you years to get to 6

>> No.25610649


>> No.25610698

Lot of people kept shitting on LINK though so only a few actually hold it.

>> No.25610715

>check your privilege

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.25610750

What reasons?

>> No.25610754

Open the door nigga
I can't get in

>> No.25610859

90% of the people posting LINK fud are long term holders. Always have been.

>> No.25610925
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how to leave 4 figure hell

>> No.25610953
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Its almost like wealth and oportunity doesnt grow linearly retard

>> No.25610980
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six figure hell, ok

how about smack down in the middle, 500k. Now THATS hell

>> No.25611031

Can someone explain what is a ’figurer’?

>> No.25611037
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Oh, yeah. Can't retire. Not worth it to work. Oh, yes, five will drive you un poco loco, my fine feathered friend. The poorest rich person in America. The world's tallest dwarf. The weakest strong man at the circus.

>> No.25611064

You only need a 2x. Are you retarded?

>> No.25611081

How to leave low seven figure hell!

>> No.25611086

you will never "make it".
your motivation is inherently at odds with your goals

>> No.25611131

10% of all you earn is yours to keep. Just follow this simple program:

>dont be a nigger and put ALL your savings in crypto
>put aside 10% of all your income
>get out of debt, don't get into it
>live by your means
>put aside three months of comfy living expenses in FIAT
>channel everything else into crypto
>diversify your investment
>avoid shitcoins and memecoins
>collect your profits on the way up
>don't fomo
>liquidate when you reach 5 figures
>clear your head
>go in again

>> No.25611149

kek And they’ll get it if they hold, hows that make you feel

>> No.25611179

I live off 400$ per month with my parents in West-Siberian part of Russia

>> No.25611181

What does figure mean ?

>> No.25611198

I was there only a year or two ago. Amazing things can happen for you, anon.

>> No.25611234

high 7 figures would be making it.

1.5% annual dividends (which is conservative for a index fund) on 7,500,000 is 112,000 a year. more than enough to do what you want.

>> No.25611238

timestamp or fake , gtfo scrub

>> No.25611289
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this guy fucks, for me its another 4x and i can finally breathe

>> No.25611300

10,000 to 100,000 is only 90,00 in gains

100,000 to 1,000,000 is 900,000 in gains. much harder

>> No.25611379

>just get a 2x bro its easy bro

>> No.25611424

>he doesn't know

>> No.25611439

percentage wise it is exactly the same, therefore the same level of difficulty

>> No.25611452

8 figure hell is the real hell

>can buy a mansion but not a villa
>can buy any production car but not bespoke editions
>can fly whenever you want but not in your own plane
>too rich for peasant friends but not rich enough for high society
>don't have to work but your kids might

>> No.25611453

2x is hard to pull off, but 1.5x is doable during the yearly bull run. Compound interest works in your favor, so 1.5x, liquidate, buy the dip, wait for the next Christmas

>> No.25611456

Nigger, what? Most shitcoin holders are at 3 digits on this board.

>> No.25611581
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I'm close to half a million now

Only a 2x to escape 6 figures

>> No.25611621

>don't have to work but your kids might
The fuck are you on about, 8 figures is the type of wealth that will last over generations if you can rub two brain cells together.

>> No.25611648

Yes, you nailed it

>> No.25611670

This. I'd round up to 10 million for a nice round number with 4-5% returns. I could coom to this thought.

>> No.25611788


>implying you can keep your dick wrapped from making too many kids
>implying you can keep those kids from spending it all

Most wealth don't last past the third generation

>> No.25611912

>still fully in the rat-race mentality
Never ever EVER going to make it.

>> No.25612025

good lord man. good luck with that.

>> No.25612039

This is Dave Ramsey boomer-think

>> No.25612180

That is definitely true. But correctly invested in a hedge fund, that sum should yield 5-6% CAGR. That should be enough to last two generations.

>> No.25612195

kek, especially the liquidate along the way, how can one ever make it if they’re constantly selling? Anyone who’s sold bitcoin since inception has lost massive gains, even if they bought the absolute peak in 2017 and held to today they’re up almost 100%. The same as anyone who’s ever traded Tesla, Amazon lost also. The big money is made by finding an asset worth buying and _never selling_ collecting more every 20-30% dip and then using parts of it to fund a comfy enough retirement

>> No.25612252

Most people can't control their own kids. Everyone here think's they're the guy who can control what his grand-kids do, let alone 3+ generations in the future?

>> No.25612442
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tfw in low 9 figure hell
>no billionaire status, no influence
>billionaires don't return my calls
>celebrities want nothing to do with me
>never get invited to top-tier parties
>no one has heard of me
>shit yacht, second tier quality and not even custom built
>my plane has props
>scissor and suicide doors but no true happiness until 10 figures

>> No.25612470
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get muny

>> No.25612563

how pathetic do you have to be to larp as a fake rich nigger on an Eritrean yak breeding forum

>> No.25612595

I have 415k and i am so close to making it yet feel so far away. I would like 10 million. Not sure what ill do once i hit 7 figures though.

>> No.25612609

No faggot, you can take a lot more risks when you have 5 figures or even less. You really don't wanna gamble 200k on the shitcoin of the week.

>> No.25612681

I remember this kind of talk in 2017/2018

>> No.25612695

There's no point always discussing about "most". Most people are retarded. Most wealthy people are retarded. Pareto's Law is almost everywhere. Just put some above average effort in. That's how we got to the 6 figure hell in the first place.

>> No.25612708

you can if you have the net worth to make up for it. 200k is 2% out of 10MM. that's the kind of money you can gamble with

>> No.25612739

Similar for me. I'm at 700K if I'd cash out everything today. I feel close, but not close enough to escape it all.

>> No.25612762

Yes but your kids and their kids will grow up getting shilled by instagramies and tiktokers wanting to live the lifestyle of lambos and gucci. They see you as overly controlling if you try to educate them or try limit their spending.

This shit happened constantly in history and social network just made it 1000x worse.

>> No.25612831

HAHAHA look at that serf with his second hand yacht

>> No.25612915

Just don't let them roam freely on the internet. Then send them to a private elite school.

>> No.25613044

I'm barely busting $215k total net worth. Feels awful man. I know theres guys in here with that much in just chainlink. $589,000 sets me debt free with my house and car. Trying to make it. Good luck to all.

>> No.25613047
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>> No.25613091

700k puts you in a position where you could relatively comfortably gamble with 100k in hopes of hitting a 50-100x. you're pretty close to making it desu. with some luck and skill (or patience, but who has time for that), you'll make it

>> No.25613106

>Just don't let them roam freely on the internet
Not possible this day and age after they turn like 10

>Then send them to a private elite school.
Flex culture is even worse in those schools

>> No.25613179

What's the solution then? Make them work on a farm for much of their childhood? I'm not being facetious here.

>> No.25613221

I asked my stock broker about this and he told me to go to Home Depot

>> No.25613421

just hit 600k today boys

this run should get me out of 6 figure hell

>> No.25613457

timestamp or larp faggot

>> No.25613477

male figurista

>> No.25613508

>6 figures is average on /biz/
>5 figures is poorfag
>4 figures is pajeet tier
Maybe average in terms of status, as in an 8/10 guy is average in SMV, but not the average (or median) of the population's value. just no way

>> No.25613536

115k eth
200k real estate
10k cash
100k salary

Objectively I know I am well-off, but I still feel poor - at this rate the only hope I have to not work until 45 is ETH doing a 10x :-/

6-fig hell is 2 real

>> No.25613714

>I've easily put $30k into crypto over the years and held with iron hands. Same goes for almost everyone else who was here for 3-4 years.
Lots of people also "held with iron hands". But it did them no good if they put everything into shit like Waves or Request Network or Harmony protocol. People don't talk about their losses and only boast about their gains, but almost all altcoins provably cause ruin for their holders in the long run.

>> No.25613734

If there was a one size fit all solution then the problem wouldn't happen over and over.

Teach them about financial literacy from a young age and hope they get enough smart genes is the best anyone could do.

>> No.25613751

>(buy + hold) * time

>> No.25614537

Can confirm