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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25580805 No.25580805 [Reply] [Original]

How will the election fraud news and imminent win of President Donald J Trump impact the price of bitcoin?

>> No.25580997

bsv will surely rise when Trump gets re-elected

>> No.25581025

moon then mars

>> No.25581026

Keep your delusions on /pol/ where they belong please

>> No.25581062

you will never be a woman

>> No.25581079

you will never be a woman

>> No.25581103

I have hope for humanity yet..

>> No.25581130

Market crashes no matter who is announced because so many people hate one and/or the other.
A big chunk of bitcoin holders are going to breate a sigh of relief that [bad candidate] isn’t going to crash the economy. They will than dump bitcoin and buy Tesla and Amazon stock.

Nothing you say will change the fact you know this is true.

>> No.25581439

If it does dive the big drop is Thursday.

If platforms like Robinhood freeze from the traffic, a belly flop.

>> No.25581523

based and bigpicturepilled

>> No.25581645

Show me one piece of evidence that Trump is going to be reelected.

>> No.25581724

Wouldn't a Biden presidency create uncertainty in the conventional financial market, thereby raising crypto's value?

>> No.25581776

Isnt that the scam fork china dragon fake btc?

>> No.25581897

Which part of "money printing nonstop" don't you undestand? It does not matter who is president

>> No.25581980


>> No.25582109
File: 19 KB, 344x345, 1608348535311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already priced in. Have you not been paying attention the last week or so? You retail fucks always think you're on the cusp when you're the last to know.

>> No.25582201

But doesn't printing money like retards validate the cryptomarket in comparison?

>> No.25582223

and you will never be employed and trump lost

>> No.25582265

Implying lil Donnie will do anything.

>> No.25582321
File: 52 KB, 499x499, 124868645164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is a board of NEET capitalists and opportunists
Trump lost btw.

>> No.25582323


>> No.25582352

buh.. buh...
do you realize how much money has not been made/spent/invested as a result of so few people working?
I swear you people are SO FUCKING STUPID.
You'll eat any piece of shit someone feeds you without question.
learn to cook.

>> No.25582353

How hard are you going to cope when Biden is inaugurated?

>> No.25582361

more people voted in the election than there are alive

>> No.25582464

I am retarded, that's why I'm asking questions while looking up shitty google search results

>> No.25582530

Trump won though? >>25582223

>> No.25582687
File: 1.10 MB, 600x600, 1609725837422.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stimulus checks are for why? Was $600 enough? Is $2000? How much does it cost you to live a month?
Bars and restaurant have not been open in how long?
How many other industries are like this?
how many people do you think work in the food and service industry?
How about in those others?
From one to zero I can't even understand how fucking dumb the hyperinflation crowd is.
You do realize that DEFLATION is the result of everything else that's gone on this year..... don't you?

>> No.25582828

it is that Sir, indeed.
one might plausibly also have squeezed in a few more 'fake' and 'scam's there, good attempt however.

>> No.25582972

nothing will happen on the 6th
8th is the day

>> No.25583061

you will never be a woman

>> No.25583232

130 million people is less than are alive? What a great piece of "evidence" you fucking idiot

>> No.25583273

ah yeah you convinced me, everyone except a guy on 4chan got it wrong. You're right.
Reminder the average IQ of /pol/ posters is 80 on a good day.