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25576592 No.25576592 [Reply] [Original]

Is playing online games a waste of time? No I didn't post on the wrong board

>> No.25576654


>> No.25576730

Depends on how much pleasure you derive from it and how much it enriches your life.

>> No.25576733

Most of the time. It entertainment. The ones that make money doing it are less than 1%

>> No.25576771

Your dopamine is limited. Spend it wisely. Such as shitposting on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

In all seriousness, If I play games I get completely lost in it. All else get boring as fuck.

Haven't played in 5 years. Have shit laptop and shit phone only capable of browsing.

>> No.25576821

Most likely. I only play vr for the activity

>> No.25576845

only if it is the only thing you do

>> No.25576904
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sometimes and all the jank and shitposting about it aside i loved cyberpunk so much that it basically ruined vidya for me until whenever the next game like it comes out.

>> No.25576905

Not if you play based games like CSGO. You literally can earn money while you play it.

>t. Guy who profited for playing early

>> No.25576966

There’s money to be made in online tournaments but ROI to time put in getting to that level of play is probably better spent doing something else don’t you agree?

>> No.25576974

any money you make in csgo is peanuts. like a few hundred max

>> No.25576977

yes if you play some first person bro shooter all day
no if you play casually

>> No.25577012

Probably. I got to the highest mmr bracket in every game I played and I never made a profit

>> No.25577043

A few hours at the end of the day here and there is ok

>> No.25577098

Yes, limit it to 1 night a week, spend your time lifting and reading instead

>> No.25577101

Between a trade and another I shoot in the head people on CSGO and call them faggots.

>> No.25577269

I mean skin drops

Sure. If you collect to trade up or partake in the operations you have a solid chance of making money or at worse breaking even. I made great profit since I played since it came out so I have alot of weapons skins that used to be pennies that are now hundreds. (glock fade, Aug hotrod katowice capulse etc)

>> No.25577939

I know guys in their mid 30s, and they are throwing their lives away. Stuck in minimum wage dead end jobs, becoming obese or morbidly obese, with every night spent on discord playing final fantasy the mmo or some other want game. One guy is still playing wow.

I still play video games sometimes but I simply don’t have the energy for modern games anymore. I unironically play solitaire whilst watching crypto gains.

If you’ve made it it’s fine to waste your time however you want. But if you haven’t made it, every second you waste is being counted against you.

>> No.25577968
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There's literally no better feeling in life than getting a skill to 200m exp in RuneScape

>> No.25577988

The only games I play often are ones I fucking hate
So to answer your question, yes

>> No.25578073

Imagine spending 10s of thousands of hours on something and having literally nothing to show for it.

Gaming is even worse than porn, because at least you lose interest and go do something after you climax

>> No.25578207

Limit yourself, I don't play right now but I'll play with a friend when miners will let me buy a video cards.

It's fine, just make sure it won't impact social life and work life.