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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 500x500, 1498101396533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556507 No.2556507 [Reply] [Original]

Creator just proved 90% of the coins have been burned and there are now only 100 million in circulation.

All WJK have been given out to 300 people for free, and can now be used to tip people accross this entire board plus others.

>How do I buy it?

Install the WAVES lite app (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wavesliteapp/kfmcaklajknfekomaflnhkjjkcjabogm?hl=en)) and place an order on the market under "wojak".

>Will it moon?

If it starts becoming used, yes.

>When will I get my lambo?

Soon anon, soon.

Feel free to tip: 3PJNVSCXRjyaJn2u3xzgdCVyUo99LGdfWen

>> No.2556526

People will forget about this all in a week

>> No.2556535

Wojaks will moon!

>> No.2556550

To ensure its success we should start putting our address in our name tab even thought that will serve as tripfagging.

>> No.2556553

Where can I check the supply?

>> No.2556569

Please donate a single wojak.


>> No.2556583

100% agree

Also what you just said should be stickied

>> No.2556589

loser's mentality

>> No.2556719

Tfw hodling 2% of the marketshare

>> No.2556767

Ok let me test that out

>> No.2556769
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1497581639979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


want wohacks badly...

>> No.2556771

First priority should be setting up slack and discord. Anyone whose not a lazy shit like me wanna handle?

>> No.2556773

>mfw got muh 500K
>mfw will forget about this in a couple days
>mfw remember a year later and wojak is worth $0.50
Let's make this happen senpai

>> No.2556790

Come one come all

>> No.2556801

>>mfw got muh 500K
>>mfw will forget about this in a couple days
>>mfw remember a year later and wojak is worth $0.50
>Let's make this happen senpai

if it's worth 50 cents you get 125k in a year not bad for a boring night

>> No.2556810

So this is pretty much the next ETH.

>> No.2556812


>> No.2556815
File: 89 KB, 800x1000, 800px-Tim_Draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I own 1 million
we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.2556826

>Creator just proved 90% of the coins have been burned and there are now only 100 million in circulation.
Def gonna need some evidence.

>> No.2556842


>> No.2556870

Continue redistribution, anon. Send me some, please.

>> No.2556900

if we all hodl how do we make money

>> No.2556914

give microfractions to jews

its like drugs

>> No.2556919

It's more about having fun on the board than money. If everyone just wants to make money off of this it'll never work.

>> No.2556925

we need to give them out to other people thats the most important thing right now

>> No.2556941

The original 300 should all distribute 25% or some sensible portion in next week to get ball rolling, then don't be a cheap faggot and tip anons for good memes and lafs

>> No.2556943

Can I have a couple?

>> No.2556963
File: 87 KB, 1182x300, 1458001869729-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont tell me what to do with my wojaks

>> No.2556969

free wojack? I'm in


>> No.2557023

need wojaks for my family

>> No.2557026

Reposting for the new thread.

/wcc/ - Wojak Coin Casino
>Has a sticky that has multiple bots posting rapidly at random intervals
>Has dubs "slot machine" stickies (some with lower fees/rewards, some with higher) returns are based on gets, dubs double, trips triple, quads quadruple, and quints hit the jackpot (maybe a higher one would, I dunno)
>Digit calling threads where people guess their last digit of their post
>Other stuff that I haven't thought of
People would post with their address as their name, and a bot would automatically pay out. People would be able to buy posting vouchers with WJK that work kind of like 4chan passes that allow them to post a limited amount of times on the board. For example, if I bought a 100 post voucher for 10000 WJk, I would be able to post 100 times in a thread with the lowest stakes. Posting in higher stake threads use multiple posts. That would be an excellent way to integrate it and get Hiroshimoot cash.

>> No.2557072
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original 300
I wish I knew how to put a wojak face on this picture but I am a technical retard

>> No.2557104

I will give a bunch away tomorrow
Too sleepy now

>> No.2557136

we need to give more away.
stop being fucking jew kikes you fucks.

>> No.2557260

Tfw 500 000 wojacks

>> No.2557263
File: 72 KB, 640x640, Pepeton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wojacks? Wojacks

>> No.2557276
File: 439 KB, 400x600, 3P8VFrdRsNRMTQVwK9qwXodgzd3FWKuffuR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls tip

>> No.2557381
File: 10 KB, 210x230, st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW 500k wojaks
MFW millionaire in 2020

>> No.2557390
File: 28 KB, 1872x323, spreadingwjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share the load anon. i'm going to randomly choose anons 5x a day to give 1000wjk until I'm down to 250k. let's actually try to make this do something.

>> No.2557400

Nah develop a grease monkeyscript

>> No.2557441

you need to start giving them out or you won't make anything and neither will anyone else

>> No.2557483

Good point, my dude.
Do I need some wave to tip? I don't have anything in it outside of wojak and see all of these transfer fees.

>> No.2557491

homies lucky enough to be in wojaks givethread.. need to do the right thing and pump some out..for like some good karma and ya know to get them in circulation so they are actually worth something....

btw.. how many wojaks did everyone get?

>> No.2557506

Trading 1000 Hillaryforjail coins for 1k wojaks

Also checkem

>> No.2557515

yes you need like 0.001 of a wave to make a transfer. if you can't be arsed to get any you can always ask the person who wants the wojaks to cover the fee

>> No.2557518
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x1231, 1497226556434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2557519

what a lot of them don't understand is this specifically.
first 100 got 500k, next 100 got 250k.

>> No.2557521

I am trying but hod damn waves won't let me buy waves with btc so I can pay the god damn fee to send this shit to people. PLEASE HELP ANONS!!! It always says "Error! Order not created!"

>> No.2557527

i got 500,000. some shekel grabbers switched ips and asked muliple time to get even more

>> No.2557532

no wojacks :(

>> No.2557614

I was in the original thread AND the final 40 thread but Wojakfounder still gave me nada.

This feels worse than holding ANS right now

>> No.2557646

sry to hear that post your address and I will send you 100

>> No.2557653

Alright, thanks, my man. What's your wallet? I'll send 10k right on over.

>> No.2557683

i was in the original threads. i have 250k to give away myself

>> No.2557731

i got you famalam

>> No.2557752

Guys please give some wojacks to a poorfag, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

>> No.2557760

thanks anon

>> No.2557767

Oh, well, good shit! Thanks for the help, I'll send it to this guy to get the balls rolling

>> No.2557789

no problem. hopefully everyone does their part and this ends up turning into something

>> No.2557790

someone please tell me how stupid waves works. I want to spread these around but it wont let me buy waves. I have BTC and it keeps saying Error! Order not created!"

>> No.2557809

send address

>> No.2557842


Close out of the client once

>> No.2557845


For proof: >>2555962

>> No.2557848

Thanks anons

>> No.2557935

still same error

>> No.2557937

cheers lads.

>> No.2557970

Recieved! Thanks a ton, anon

>> No.2557998

Mine might take a bit. Poloniex doesn't have WAVES so I need to get something over to bittrex and then over to my waveswallet after selling.

>> No.2558002
File: 4 KB, 107x125, 1444548443779s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share the love please anons
heres a wojak in advance

>> No.2558024

forgot address

>> No.2558084

Can someone send me .003 waves so I can buy my own waves so I can send this shit out?

>> No.2558116

He didn't prove they were burned - how do we know he doesn't control the keys to the account ???

>> No.2558123


>> No.2558129

Thank you kind anon! Give me your wallet so I can tip!

>> No.2558132

What a bro.

>> No.2558135

Just abuse this faucet

>> No.2558138

10 pc like the creator

>> No.2558161

Anon, I want to give you wojak! What's waves address?

>> No.2558167

will be sure to tip when i get some waves

>> No.2558187

no i am a wealthy man with many jaks.

halp the needy

>> No.2558195

Thanks, you're a good person :-D

>> No.2558267

I just sold my wojax for reddcoin.

250 bought me 2 million sats!

>> No.2558275
File: 303 KB, 320x240, 1494222834890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share the wealth /biz/ness partners 8)

>> No.2558338

Want to share wojaks, don't want to buy waves to do it.

>> No.2558341

And so it begins

The 1st real transaction!

>> No.2558367
File: 3 KB, 444x69, reeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wont anyone buy my wojaks? You're literally losing money goy :^)

>> No.2558370


>> No.2558384
File: 201 KB, 401x419, (((you))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.2558421

where's the proof he burn all the supply. Guy makes 1 billion to dump on all of us. Why can't someone GOOD host one of these coins

>> No.2558434

Finally I am once again in the right place at the right moment to be a part of something MEME again!

>> No.2558465

fuck off.
distribute 100k of that and then maybe something will actually happen.

>> No.2558492


Enjoy the wojaks

>> No.2558566

Thank you guys

>> No.2558567

complete nub here
wtfs a wave even...
but i do have 250k wojaks so not a nocoiner now i guess.

Gotta start somewhere
next stop lamboland

>> No.2558579

can i have some anon?


>> No.2558582

giving away 100k at least
send address ill send waves

>> No.2558614

sent :-) enjoy

>> No.2558658

My kingdom for a wojak

>> No.2558776


Wojak pls thx

>> No.2558963
File: 57 KB, 645x773, 1496937956241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never done something like this before, so I am a little anxious. Some wojaks would be very appreciated to help me start out. :)

>> No.2559020

I believe in these WOJAK - that feel when you're Waves wallet and your Wojak and old school EY niggers are gonna take you to Hondaland at the very least


>> No.2559089


spend them well

>> No.2559108


Yay, let's go

>> No.2559120


>> No.2559187
File: 39 KB, 943x739, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck are people this poor on /biz/

It is not worth my time to create a sell order for anything less than 0.01 bitcoin.

Are you faggots that poor you take the time to cash out 0.00001 bitcoin

>> No.2559248

pls buy my wojak anon

>> No.2559285

Professional advisory: it's the same guy

>> No.2559606

100 sats will have purchasing power of $1000 dollars one day fampai

>> No.2559681


>> No.2559742
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>> No.2559778

wojack for me makes me a happy boi

>> No.2559934
File: 213 B, 38x46, feel2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nojak

>> No.2560173

ok guys

/HIS/ team who's with me? Proposal we announce that we will start tipping people who provide erudite discussion and especially if they use sources and citations.

his has no IDs or flags, so adoption of wallet names in name field is a must.
/wsr/ and /r/ and /trv/ are also good places where advice and requests can be filled.

>> No.2560198

people asking for woj on this thread, please state which board you are going to tip and for what reasons.

Making a image for nocoiners that explains how to set up a wallet is also tipworthy.

>> No.2560215

Gladly taking some wojaks, bringing it to /fit/


>> No.2560353
File: 46 KB, 620x414, Wojaks We Can Believe In!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.2560387
File: 468 KB, 500x300, You got it set to M for Mini - When it should be set it to W for Wojak! - Patrick Star.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got my Wojaks, but just in case, you should feed me MAOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2560501
File: 231 KB, 1080x1920, Powered by Wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we going to start that 4Chan Casino on here?
I wanna take all your Wojaks! Or shop for a rope when they're worth $3 each and I lose all of mine!

>> No.2560527

Well, okay. I'll die for you greedy fuck and give up most of my wojaks. But how? Should someone start by accepting Wojaks for services? Should I?

>> No.2560545



A currency must sometimes be backed by more than faith. So I'll back it with some work.

>> No.2560603



Following the transactions, they don't seem burned anon

>> No.2560631


send some wojaks please

>> No.2560924

Same senpai

>> No.2560944

how do we get to lamboland from here lads

>> No.2560963


Someone want to help a nigga get to the moon?

>> No.2560964

>Getting tipped wojaks for advice???
I'll do it

>> No.2560973

plz 3P4jbJMjkwUXnFitGu9XaTX7AjdBfUeSLGw

>> No.2561044

Distribute, give it something to be used on, put it onto a popular exchange, integrate it into 4chan.

Casino board would be excellent for this. Maybe even make it so you can buy 4chan passes with it.

>> No.2561224

ANN thread when?

>> No.2561248

Newfag here. I installed the waves app. How do I make a new wallet? It keeps saying my seed/passphrase whatever is incorrect. On mobile

>> No.2561997

Exactly. This is bullshit - it's such a great idea to take some free coins and turn them into something valuable.

Created needs to dump another 80pc of his holdings over time using faucets and other boards

>> No.2562003

I'm well up for this.

>> No.2562016
File: 477 KB, 800x1121, wojakroadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a roadmap for organization purposes. Let's get this show on the road.

>> No.2562074

Guy saying before you send waves to the bot to cash out

>> No.2562160
File: 169 KB, 800x900, bizcoin#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some wojacks for them feels…
But I'd rather not beg for them, so I set up a buy order!
For /biz/coin…
Anyone want's to fill that order?

>> No.2562184

And I'm also buying herdcoins and african americans.

>> No.2562293

great start, phase 4 isn't needed yet tho let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Everyone who got lucky in the ico needs to start sharing their coins. If everyone just holdsand expects others to do the work, then it won't do anything.

only problem is that you need waves coin to make transactions.

>> No.2562361
File: 94 KB, 596x650, 1337546838830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get me started lads

>> No.2562590

We should get a general or discord going. I imagine this thread is good for discussion now, though.