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File: 48 KB, 447x447, coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25562847 No.25562847 [Reply] [Original]

b-but muh Estonia
b-but muh no college degree

our time cometh soon, ICO hodlers

>> No.25562925

Shit coin

>> No.25562928

this is fishy. It's only traded on 1 exchange with no volume

>> No.25563051
File: 132 KB, 750x906, Egm97YFXcAIpF1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of your ID's end with K5 :3

this is bait

this is based

>> No.25563129
File: 884 KB, 1400x433, 1504896357416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit we are literally mooning, first crypto that I am so fucking sure of that will do extremely well long term and a first crypto that I'm went pretty much all-in, feels so damn good.

>> No.25563191

LOOK AT MY ID LMFAO, It's fucking happening!

>> No.25563224

Choooo fuckin chooooo

>> No.25563260

nice market dump

>> No.25563266
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>> No.25563327

What is the target for this? What price do we expect it to reach this bull run?

>> No.25563328

And we are never ever going back under 12 cents after we reach it. First crypto guaranteed to make you money

>> No.25563334
File: 57 KB, 823x613, 1609643144728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty much priced out of a 100k stack but I at least have 58k parsiq and a 53k stack of coinmetro.

>> No.25563379

With a floor at 12 cent, probably at least 24 cents EOM

>> No.25563691

Can I trade my ETH for XCM on coinmetro without KYC?

>> No.25563711

Only 5k stack.

>> No.25564050

Bump for the holy Forehead

>> No.25564072


>> No.25564159

This KYC validation was the fastest I've ever completed

>> No.25564172

20k wont put more, I have other rockets to chase

>> No.25564767
File: 287 KB, 500x585, 8D84FD4D-706E-4C15-9EE1-3EEBF6424617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am NEVER EVER giving my ID or any other personal information to these exchanges, fuck the tax kike.

>> No.25564806

Blessed be forehead god of soons.

>> No.25565498


>> No.25565613
File: 616 KB, 776x656, 1609521865356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the irs really doesn't fare enough about you to audit your 4 figure portfolio ranjeesh.

>> No.25565623

I bought the top. They're probably laughing at me

>> No.25565731

The top? The price floor will be moved to 0.12c, we aren't even close to the top

>> No.25565733

>Coinmetro thread
>traIN ID
....well, shit

>> No.25565748

this is based but in the next weeks or even before it's going to crash, sell at the first warning

>> No.25565782

Just checked, it's 0.15$, not 0.12

>> No.25565896

got me a 50k stack after I compared the LCX exchange with coinmetro.
The difference is night and day. Coinmetro is very based as an exchange. Fastest UI, no bugs or errors, smallest fees when I put euro in it
there is only room for growth I believe

>> No.25565991

I don't mean to brag, and I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way
But holy shit are these posts making me feel good. I'm a fucking wagie that had enough faith in this exchange to buy 150k XCM total over a year
Right now I feel like how LINK whales with 6-figure stacks probably felt back when it was 40 cents

>> No.25566086

200k selling at $10

>> No.25566199
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>> No.25566241

shutup you tryhard nigger

>> No.25566290

Imagine how I feel with 1.7 million

>> No.25566307
File: 142 KB, 360x346, 160983654801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salty nocoiner having a bitchfit

>> No.25566396

Holy shit, you'd BETTER not sell for less than $5. I'd probably even say for less than $10

>> No.25566407 [DELETED] 

Has anyone ever won the affiliate raffle?

>> No.25566522

estonian token provided by russia?
no thanks, I am gonna use LCX they wont scamexit with my funds to siberia

>> No.25566527

when dip

>> No.25566537

Where is source on new floor price?

>> No.25566651
File: 824 B, 10x10, 1604927143638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Coinmetro employee
I buy crypto to become stinky rich and to shit all over my nigger loving government, they will not receive a single cent from me. Why does that make you upset? Do you take pride in being cucked, faggot?

>> No.25566673

XCM will never be under 3 cents again.

>> No.25566842

I'm holding for the long haul. I struggle to imagine it hitting $10 though... that would mean that I attained inter-generational wealth because I got bored at work and went on a /biz/ thread about foreheadcoin. That cant happen, right?

>> No.25566897

They don't share automatically your info with the tax authorities anon

>> No.25567160
File: 195 KB, 963x569, 1608693700697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those buzzwords and I'm supposed to be mad?

>> No.25567294

>All those buzzwords
Name one.

>> No.25567361

>I struggle to imagine it hitting $10 though
I firmly believe that it will, as long as Kevin keeps up the work/progress and stays on the right side of regulation, like he's been doing
It's just a matter of when it'll happen. That's the bad part. I don't see $10 XCM happening until at LEAST 3 years from now....and I'm being generous with that. Will more likely be at least 5 years from now

>> No.25567520
File: 53 KB, 800x723, 1604375589919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remain quite unbothered. When I have a kycless fiat onramp and can make transactions only with crypto in public without having any trace of my identity it'll be different. But frankly I can still buy coinmetro make six figs and not pay taxes on my other shit. So

>> No.25567926

I bought at 9.6 cents did I buy the top?
Am I getting dumped on?

>> No.25567974

>train & pnk
i sure feel comfy

>> No.25568017
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1544478967753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is getting into the coinmetro bonds a good thing? they sound pretty dope

>> No.25568027
File: 90 KB, 309x319, 1601688818033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slurs are buzzwords.
Stop using words that you don´t understand, it makes you look like a big retard.
>kycless fiat onramp
Just use Bisq or Localcryptos.

>> No.25568043

Thankfully I have PRQ to tide me over until then. And if returns from XCM staking are any good, there's basically no incentive to sell whatsoever...

>> No.25568153

They're buzzwords around here :)

Bisq isn't a fiat onramp and I don't wanna get stabbed to use local crypto. Not worth it.

>> No.25568310
File: 64 KB, 747x1100, E72D11C8-0044-4F9D-8FAE-C58486F0CA49.jpeg.ef5fe228199a8f682dda6afbcc9699f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The selling point is the Growth Token. Ignore the rest of it, it's basically irrelevant. The Growth Token is a very long-term play for crypto though. If you think that Coinmetro could have a Coinbase-esque IPO in a few years time, or will generate solid profits, then the Growth Token is incredibly appealing. You're talking about a potential 1000x, whilst getting a share of revenues along the way (Coinmetro turned a profit for the first time this week, so...)

Personally I'm split 2/3rds XCM, 1/3rd Bond.

>> No.25568381

imagine holding ur tokens on a russian exchange.

>> No.25568680

>They're buzzwords around here :)
No they are not, neither are they anywhere else.
>Bisq isn't a fiat onramp
You can trade FIAT for BTC, that sounds like a FIAT onramp.
>I don't wanna get stabbed to use local crypto. Not worth it.
No one trades in person on Localcryptos, the majority use bank transfers.

>> No.25568700

I think coinmetro has a lot of potential growth, will get some bonds of it. I think in the future coinbase will remain baby's first crypto exchange while older users will switch to coinmetro

on another note, I don't know why some people pick on the UI design, I think it's fantastic, nice pastel colours with good font and structuring

>> No.25568810
File: 70 KB, 774x281, PRQprophet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Prophet ranks brothers

>> No.25568888

Where do I get XCM? Im considering trading in a small stack of 10 dexg to diversify my options

>> No.25568936


>> No.25568947

How can you be so sure?

>> No.25569035

Me too, I think it's great. Apparently they did initially launch with an utterly atrocious UI though - I think a lot of the complaints on /biz/ are actually people who tried it before the update and were put off.

>> No.25569046

Oh neat it is BUT it's still traceable with all those methods. Any type of bank transfer is. And the irs isn't nearly as retarded as people think they are, but they aren't gonna go after you unless you make it.

Not worth it to me since I wanna keep buying guns when I make it but good luck I guess.

>> No.25569069
File: 7 KB, 261x193, kevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569407

I was praying I could get some outside of XCM since im cucked right now and I cant take a picture of my driver's license (its expired and I cant even get a new one until late march) but makes sense it is only on the exchange just wasnt sure

>> No.25569427

Uniswap sirs

>> No.25569445

But I doubt this pump sustains itself so you're probably good.

>> No.25569500

Dont buy this now there are multiple /biz/ whales bagholding massive amounts since the ICO desperate to dump

>> No.25569498

The only coinmetro I see on uniswap is a scam coin that isnt being traded. Am I loading the wrong list or something?

>> No.25569585

Idk. Grab the address from coingecko and paste it. There was a fork some time back.

>> No.25569707

I am not that inept, the coingecko address on uni leads to one that costs .0302986 ETH per XCM

>> No.25569739

tis thread is shilled by a discourd group.

avoid the token at any cost.

u hav been warned

>> No.25569880


>> No.25569888


>> No.25569899


>> No.25569984

Liquidity might be fucked then is my guess. There was a large pool a while ago someone was providing but guess they pulled it.

>> No.25570227

The CEO said so himself when someone asked on the AMA. I can see if I can find it for you

>> No.25570368

kek. The funniest fact is that lcx is 4c now and xcm 10c soo you can go fuck yourself with your niggerplatform.

>> No.25570373

Considering the floor will be about 50% above the current price, it has a decent chance

>> No.25570448

how is a price floor for your own token legal tho?

>> No.25570940

It's a utility token. Given that a set number of XCM buys a given service, it's perfectly reasonable for the exchange to set a minimum price to buy XCM on their exchange. It's effectively the same as a cinema setting a minimum price at which they will sell tickets. Also worth noting that there has always been a price floor - 0.01c and currently 0.03c.

And of course, if people dont like it, they are perfectly free to sell their XCM now before the price rises and the new price floor is brought in.

>> No.25571178

Here you go

@ 25:30.
"We don't automatically submit your data to any tax authority"

>> No.25571278

Why did they ban that dude from Telegram for asking a question.
He was maybe a bit hostile but I don't like how so many people went after him, there's nothing wrong with being critical.
Imo his question should be answered and if he kept going afterwards he should be kicked, not before.

>> No.25571624

Because you were being a little bitch. Then you used your other telegram account to come and moan about it, and now you are coming on biz to moan about it. What is your problem man?

>> No.25571791

Not everyone being critical is the same person.
Why would you even assume I'm him?

>> No.25571852

estonian token provided by russia?
no thanks, I am gonna use LCX they wont scamexit with my funds to siberia

/ thread

>> No.25572032


>> No.25572134

There is a difference in being critical and spamming some incoherent bullshit over and over. Almost everything I ever say in the tg is critical, because I believe it is good to point out weaknesses. I have never been banned from there.

>> No.25572205

Thanks for the yous.

Ok, I see your point, but I disagree.
I haven't seen that guy in the past and I think it's wrong to just assume it's someones second account.

>> No.25573143

currently holding...but the $ value is no longer showing on metamask??

>> No.25573207

Yeah I noticed the liquidity is nothing, a shame but oh well. XCM seems like a good opportunity but not the only one, I just hope im not priced out too hard by the time march rolls around

>> No.25573232

what happens march?

>> No.25573296

Parsiq is still ripe for the taking. Watch out!

>> No.25573352

>first crypto that I'm went pretty much all-in, feels so damn good.
posts like this are a sign that the pump is over

>> No.25573396
File: 49 KB, 1024x980, 1551743288556m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coinmetro turned a profit for the first time this week, so

>> No.25573418


>> No.25573464
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>> No.25573515

can you give me all ama timestaps with important info im trying to do a thing

>> No.25573591
File: 107 KB, 661x727, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid shill

>> No.25573635

you have a really sad life. I also think that this is justified.

>> No.25573704
