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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25556241 No.25556241 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone getting rich
>my only holding is monero
Why oh why did I fall for the privacy meme

>> No.25556259

why are you still holding monero, it's going to get delisted from a lot of exchanges

>> No.25556496

the only fucking coin which has properly decentralized mining because of botnets, everything else can be shut down tommorrow if govs seize the farms
only privacy coins are relevant, because nobody can track you
the only privacy coin with large enough infrastructure to be useful

>> No.25556542

You fell for the moonboy meme. Xmr is a long term hold like OG btc

>> No.25556618

But you do have Privacy still right?
Thats what you wanted.

>> No.25556760

this is absolutely bullish for PirateChain

>> No.25556795

I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it op.

>> No.25556843

this man is buying drogs

>> No.25556849

Never buy anything championed by spaniards, except for their food, coronas and moldelos
They unironically don't know how to do anything else but party

>> No.25556880

How about fuckin sellin your stack what should be worth 5 figures in 2021 and just buy btc, you gonna make it in december or are you newfag?

>> No.25556936


>> No.25556945
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I'm accumulating

>> No.25556996

What is your goal?

>> No.25557023

To obtain more unknown amounts and retire after atomic swaps are implemented.

>> No.25557024

La' broke nigga

>> No.25557174

Market will wake up someday.

>> No.25557203

>being a moon boy faggot
Go chase pajeet pump and dumps then

>> No.25557280
File: 96 KB, 469x469, epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out EPIC CASH

>> No.25557302

Relax xmr inflation is still going down and bashing power is going up.

Xmr has the most bullish hashrate chart of pow coins and the most bullish TX per day chart.

>> No.25557386

You know you actually can invest in more than one thing at once.

>> No.25557396

And its still on Kraken, one of the most trustworthy exchanges with fiat pairs

>> No.25557467

turns out the price of privacy isn't really that high. if you wanted to make money you need to buy a coin specifically designed to make money OP, or a coin you know normie retards are going to buy. but if you buy one of those make sure you sell

>> No.25557567

Privacy is only a part of monero. There is also the dynamic block size, fast tx and low fees, also the tail emission is important for the economy. There is randomX cpu mining and the good architecture of the daemon and blockchain using LMDB, one of the fastest database on the planet.
Now it is time to buy.

>> No.25557754

Newfrenz who want to learn about XMR, please note that this is the attitude of moonboy pump and dump faggotry, common to /biz/ and crypto at large, that you are expected to leave at the door when you enter our community.

If you want to play rapid gains and losses gambling with crypto today, have your fun. If you want a long term HODL because you can anticipate the future value of transacting with actual privacy, buy XMR. They are not the same thing.

>> No.25558876

id love to buy your monero

>> No.25558953
File: 104 KB, 1080x537, 80BF4F70-CC99-47C8-BB3A-A37483F6C93E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sell you’re a fucking moron, OP.

I’m sorry you have the attention span of a goldfish and feel like you need to be earning 10% every day forever.

>> No.25558972

There are much better privacy coins than monero that won't lose their value after a simple delisting. If you look hard enough and have half a brain, you will find the one. I can't say it here cuz there is a glistening glow

>> No.25558991
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>> No.25559037
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>> No.25559130

this is precisely why it's getting delisted everywhere

>> No.25559161

>Cartels, terrorists and fraudsters are selling drugs and buying bombs on the dark net using spooky, untraceable digital coins.
>it is literally happening AGAIN, right under your nose, except this time you know about the first time

Please don’t be so shortsighted.

>> No.25559250

What exchanges besides bittrex?
Or did you just read a post on /biz/ that said “a bunch of exchanges”?

Even if it is
>atomic swaps are on the way

>> No.25559287

You will succeed. BTC being the nr.1 coin is proof that democracy is retarded.

>> No.25559318

Where can I buy without KYC

>> No.25559405

Yes. You LITERALLY dont know who holds monero.

>> No.25559451



>> No.25559463

Monero is a great project but shitty investment. When will you anons learn that just because a project is legit doesn’t make it a good investment? Another example, BAT

>> No.25559472

Localmonero, Bisq DEX, OTC purchases, mining.

>> No.25559496

you monero boys have some strong hands

>> No.25559538

How is it a shitty investment you brain dead moon boy?

>> No.25559570

It would have died in its infancy if it was going to fail.

>> No.25559618
File: 47 KB, 700x610, 1599097856470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is the most solid and valuable coin out there when it comes to actual use cases and not meme buzzwords. Check back in ten years and let us know how you've done.

>> No.25559624

kek, I hold xrp and xmr
get on my level

>> No.25559734

It’s not retarded, just “majority rules”

The MAJORITY is retarded.

Very important distinction.

>> No.25559744

because you are genetically unable to see the bigger picture.

Why would an institution buy privacy coins that are diffuclt to sell, making them less liquid?


>> No.25559797

Privacy coins will be the next bubble. Keep holding, OP. Idiots will finally notice how centralized and non-anonymous BTC is once govs will know every single detail about their holders.

>> No.25559994

How large is the global black market? How fast is that market expanding?

Doesn’t need banks. Maybe some crypto whales/early adopters.

>> No.25560110
File: 414 KB, 2546x1117, 68pfal524ix31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is championed by maginBu

>> No.25560235

Eth already has zk, there really isn't a need/niche for monero anymore

>> No.25560253

>It's literally the same trajectory as BTC because this guy on Twitter said so!

>> No.25560331

litecoin and monero are like the bigget newbie coins. they all fall for them. myself included

>> No.25560530

>he thinks having a use case makes a coin valuable

>> No.25560619

Then don’t buy any, I don’t care if you stay poor forever or not.

>> No.25560620

How did that work out in the dot com bubble? In 10 years, only coins will real use cases will still exist. The rest will be basically pets.com stock.

>> No.25560665

Yes, please sell all your XMR and LTC, I will be glad to buy your bags at a discount.

>> No.25560675

>why are you holding the only true embodiment of crypto, these centralized entities are going to attempt to disarm your truly private digital cash
We know. But monero chads didn't join crypto in 2018 to get rich. We are the ones fighting for actual freedom. Developing in bear markets to make sure faggots like you can move your shitcoin gains without fear.
You need monero. You just don't know it yet.
Hope your transactions are only in CLEAN BLOCKS(TM) in a few years you won't have a choice.

>> No.25560795

>biggest newbie coins
yeah I fell for LTC as a newbie in 2016 and did a 10x, silly me

>> No.25561189

I’ve been in crypto for about 4 years, rode BTC to 20k and then hoarded linkies. Didn’t buy so much as 0.000001XMR until the big dump a week or so ago. It going red among a sea of green caught my eye and I wanted to find out what was wrong with it, make some funny thread shitting on XMR bag holders for getting JUSTed.

Then I actually educated myself on XMR and how it works.

>> No.25562137

You probably will have your day but you are way too early if you want to maximize opportunity.