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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 646x700, suspicious bull market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25538196 No.25538196 [Reply] [Original]

We have 10 days.

>> No.25538225

Maybe even less

>> No.25538947

Before what?

>> No.25539624

Deadline for Tether/Bitfinex to submit documents to NYAG

>> No.25539723
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>> No.25539738

Get your FUD out of here or post some legit sources.

>> No.25539834

what does that mean in brainlet language? is the market doomed

>> No.25539894
File: 84 KB, 904x864, FC024567-8AB3-4C70-A866-AC23BA829240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether does this virtually every day
This is garbage fud

>> No.25539933

>Banks can use stablecoins now
>Tether gives 1 trillion tether to their bank

>> No.25539954
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>> No.25540103
File: 45 KB, 906x553, 1609663552921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC mining power is majority controlled by China. China has strict crypto laws and only allows OTC banking for cashing out. Many Chinese HODLRS use Tether (USDT) to realize their BTC profits. (See attached graphic from 1/2/2021 where a majority of money flowing into BTC is from Tether)

The underlying thread here is Tether/Bitfinex are facing a lawsuit in the United States which is in a trade war/culture war/currency way with China. When US financial regulators bring the hammer down on Tether it will delegitimize BTC as well as China as a global player in cryptocurrency.

In short, take profits soon anon.

>> No.25540112


>> No.25540118

Shit, they told me this would happen

First USDT FUD and now China FUD

>> No.25540147

Why are you scared? This is an opportunity, just make sure you cash out in time and prepare to short.

>> No.25540688
File: 2 KB, 83x125, bitchhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have 10 days
You had 10 years poor idiot.
Better gtfo this board with your bullshit fud.
Still not selling DMG

>> No.25540714

Before the shills leave and we don't need to suffer 8,000 tether threads a day

>> No.25540748

>delegitimize BTC
what do you mean? BTC will crash? not exist?
>In short, take profits soon anon.
from what? all coins or just BTC?

>> No.25540859
File: 330 KB, 750x450, the tether pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25541158
File: 321 KB, 1434x955, 1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9iMmJjZWJiMjQyZmM1YmMwNDMyYjFmZTFjYTMwNGVlNC5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether being exposed as a fraud will crash Bitcoin and the rest of the market will follow. BTC is at an all time high, a fine place to take profit. Alts will dip too but remember that alt seasons historically occur after BTC has retraced from a new all time high(right now). You can look at this as a doomsday or you can look at it as a chance to get all your favorite alts on the cheap before they flip Bitcoin dominance. Godspeed anon.

>> No.25541191

>Tether being exposed as a fraud
but is it really? how do you know?

>> No.25541701

This thread finally convinced me to pull out. Gonna leave this board for a bit, see you in 10 days.

>> No.25542261

How do you guys think this will affect ETH?

>> No.25542285

Positively, absolute gains, new ATH every other day

>> No.25542322

Cool if true, but won't people just shit the bed when BTC crashes and try to cash out alts for fiat?
I win either way, but just curious.

>> No.25542378

Don't be delusional. If btc crashes hard while at 68-69% dominance, alts would get slaughtered

>> No.25542429

Ones who bought in at ATH will become bagholders. Those who cashed out their mad gains will buy the dip.
Yeah no. This "Bitcoin" (((((crash))))) has been predicted many times over, happened exactly never. Just buy the dip and HODL

>> No.25542533

That's what I was thinking. Tons of people would panic and pull out of crypto entirely. I doubt it would be "the end" but in the short term I can see a lot of damage beyond just the cryptosphere because adoption has been huge lately.
Maybe cashing out for gold a few days before the 15th would be a good idea, and then buying the dip.

>> No.25542561

Tether fud is widespread at this point, if everyone believes there will be a crash then there will be none

>> No.25542675

Why not just use USDC?
Also normie news outlets I've been seeing have been downplaying FUD by saying "well the CEO says Tether isn't being targeted by the SEC". Makes me wonder how much sway /biz/ actually has over crypto, a lot of shitcoins seem to be shilled here alone before anywhere else.

>> No.25543414

Are you an idiot? If *everyone* believes there will be a crash then there will be a crash because everyone will all sell and crash the market

>> No.25543507

It doesn't matter what happens. Whatever happens will be big.
If it doesn't crash BTC then that means BTC is a lot more stable than anybody is giving it credit for

>> No.25543533

bitcoin/eth is dead the money will flow to alt coins kek

>> No.25543910

> Dip
So there will be a dip??

>> No.25543930

Before BTC dumps one last time and big brain nibbas scoop some up

>> No.25543944

> If it doesn't crash BTC then that means BTC is a lot more stable than anybody is giving it credit for
Which means it should moon. It's 50/50.

>> No.25543980
