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25537869 No.25537869 [Reply] [Original]

>L2 scaling already here with rollups
>L1 scaling only a couple years out
>US backing of ERC20 stablecoins
>home to all DeFi projects
>best team of researchers

It looks like we have a clear winner folks. Why are you still sitting on the bench?

>> No.25537910

Because i’m all in on GRT which will succeed if ETH succeeds and ETH will succeed.

>> No.25537933

Cuz I got LINK. Tell me in legit terms (I am actually willing to listen) why LINK is not an actual fantastic investment. Tell me why it won't become the #3 most valued crypto on the planet. Tell me with real reasons, relating to the actual technology behind it. And don't resort to something stupid like "XRP got fucked by the SEC so LINK will too" because XRP deserves what is happening to them and none of the same shit is going on with LINK.

>> No.25537981

We're still waiting to see who the winner of the oracle space is. I'm not sold yet. Something better could still come along.

>> No.25538001

Cause we are going down to retest £640/$870

>> No.25538063

"Something better could come along" just isn't a strong enough argument for me when there is currently no inkling or suggestion of anything "better" that is actually in existence, or being worked on, or anything. So I dunno. I'm about 1/3 in ETH but I've got the rest in LINK. I've been thinking about putting another 1/3 from LINK to ETH so I've got 2/3 in ETH and 1/3 in LINK, but I dunno and I'm just not ever seeing any real argument against LINK besides so dumb meme an anon makes with a wojak or a pepe.

>> No.25538082

ETH will succeed and become Btc’s stabilizer. GRT will be adopted tech

>> No.25538130

How much is a general smart contract platform worth? 1T? 5T? 10T? How about an oracle platform? IMO ETH is just targeting a MUCH larger market.

>> No.25538592

I'm not disagreeing that ETH is the future and will change human society and be revolutionary in all the ways bitcoin was + many more, and is not a great investment.
ETH is 1K and LINK is like 13 bucks right now.
You know what I mean?
And LINK is, at this point, practically destined to become the #3 most valuable crypto on the planet. Sooooooooooo I just don't see how going more into the ETH than I already am is going to be better.
It's just a matter of getting in on the ground floor.
But ETH is a great investment, which is why I've got 1/3 my crypto stack in it. It will surely continue to rise.

>> No.25538723

>How much is a general smart contract platform worth? 1T? 5T? 10T? How about an oracle platform?
Does anyone actually know what the value distribution if the income generated by a DAPP built on ETH using Chainlink oracles is?

>> No.25539101
File: 171 KB, 780x850, vitalikstodolistwhichhewillneverfinishbecausehestoobusyeatinghisboogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L2 scaling already here with rollups
nigger what hopium are you smoking?
and overall L2 is untested garbage that centralizes the entire thing.

>L1 scaling only a couple years out
it already launched 3 months ago, its called AVAX and comes from the same place that gave us chainlink.
>home to all DeFi projects
AVAX supports the EVM and everything in DeFi right now can be easily pasted over to AVAX. it starts this month.
>best team of researchers
Vitalik is also in IC3 and he knows EGS and already accepted hes legit and solved it. the best team of researchers goes to Chainlink because Gigabrain Juels works for them.

so if you actually want to 100x your stack soon you should buy AVAX not ETH.

>> No.25539783


>> No.25540756
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quick AVAX rundown

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)
>h-index of 46 (Juels h index is 83), nobody in crypto comes close to these 2 gigabrains (Vitalik has h index of 27 FYI)
>EGS recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on and is in close contact with the Flannel Man
>Vitalik endorses EGS and is already looking at "Athereum", a Subnet on Avalanche to solve what he cant do with ETH 2.0 https://athereum.avax.network/

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, its a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality
>already more decentralized than everything else in crypto running a Node is really easy and hardware requirements are low, anyone can do it
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

Full EVM support:
>Low friction of adoption for projects developing on ETH
>All Ethereum smart contract and infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box which means all the slow DeFi running on ETH right now will switch to AVAX to speed it all up
>AVAX nodes will Validate ATH (Athereum) which makes running a node very profitable

>This is Avalanches bread and butter. Independent networks can be launched on Avalanche, with near infinite customization. Athereum is a good example of this.
>Big picture: Within one year, the best parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche. Giving it all the TPS, scalability, and speed, and also interoperability with the entire ecosystem.

right now it trades at $3.60

>> No.25540870

Oooooor you could just use BSC.

>> No.25540907

This is now a thread about making bad decisions.

>fucking fatties
>smelling your finger after scratching your butthole
>buying AVAX over ETH

>> No.25540913

if you are smart you drop these shitbags and buy some AVAX instead.

>> No.25540937

>he thinks Vitalik will deliver

>> No.25540965

>he thinks vitalik is the only researcher
Take your AVAX copy pasta over to the HEX post where idiots might fall for it

>> No.25540998

ETH is first mover and skeletons never die.
DOT is 2nd mover and asians are full of hate. they will not stop until they can destroy you with this
AVAX has very strong t-shirts and it's easy to see them in a crowd. likely top 20 within a year

>> No.25541030

who else is there?
overall its too little too late, the Avalanche Consensus makes all this rollup shit obsolete.

>> No.25541033

except there's literally no other oracle being used. deluded nolinker.

>> No.25541077

>he thinks vitalik has any say

Fucking pajeets. Only poor people hate on eth. Back to the loo faggots.

>> No.25541170
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Ethereum is too slow and too expensive. Vitaliks job was to scale it but he couldnt do it, so while he dicked around someone else fixed it.
its a very elegant solution too.
>hate on eth
nobody hates eth, but it just cant handle the load anymore and 2.0 would only centralize it more and introduce more risk, there is also other issues like frontrunning.
but its not completely hopeless for ETH, I'm sure it will survive one way or another, probably on a AVAX subnet but its not the greatest investment right now.
if you want to 100x your money you go into AVAX.

>> No.25541193
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x983, Ee1cMINXYAQMVu-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see anon

>> No.25541223

Bro. You literally have no clue what's going on. Good luck shill your bags though

>> No.25541289
File: 145 KB, 600x600, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of them are garbage and cant compete with Chainlink.
>You literally have no clue what's going on.
I saw Chainlink early and I'm researching for over 3 years now, I know exactly whats happening and where we are going. you will see.

>> No.25541357

ETH is likely to take the lead in development of products for a while but eventually it all gets simplified and contracts will run on a second layer on top of Bitcoin.

>> No.25541425

Good for you anon. I 100x'd BTC. Then 100x'd ETH. I haven't found another project capable of that yet with the cash I'm playing with

>> No.25541442

Keep buyin eth killers poorfag

>> No.25541546
File: 167 KB, 887x923, SOLVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH is likely to take the lead in development of products for a while
this is not the case at all, see link posted here >>25539101
AVAX is much further ahead because they already solved the scaling problem.
>will run on a second layer
2nd layer shit doesnt work, it just gets centralized.
>on top of Bitcoin.
its more likely that Bitcoin will become a subnet on avax, anything in crypto right now can run as an AVAX subnet and use the Avalanche consensus to speed their own system up.
>I haven't found another project capable of that yet
Chainlink and AVAX, one solves the Oracle Problem and other one solved the Blockchain Trilemma.

AVAX is not an ETH killer, its the ETH savior and because of this we will all make it.

>> No.25541828

I've x2000 plans for my AVAX

>> No.25541852

>Avalanche consensus
If it's objectively and clearly better it still takes it 5 years at least to be tested and get established. PoS hasn't really been censorship resistant in practice in the past. The larger possible pool of nodes may be enough but we don't actually know that yet. We know Bitcoin works, it's censorship resistant, the miners don't need to be invested in the ideas to contribute. It's not a group of true believers staking their beloved coins but people from all over the world economically incentivized to secure the network.

>> No.25541975
File: 23 KB, 620x465, rare emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it still takes it 5 years at least to be tested and get established.
It was already tested, its on Mainnet now for 3 months and the Ethereum bridge comes this month + the first dex.
>PoS hasn't really been censorship resistant
Proof of Stake is a Sybil Control mechanism you brainlet and this has nothing to do with how it achieves consensus. Avalanche is a leaderless protocol. man there is so much wrong with your post, you are clearly uninformed brainlet.

>the miners
Bitcoin mining is very centralized, Ethereum too.
even on a hardware level.
you dont have that with AVAX, you only need 2k AVAX to run a node and you can do it on a raspi, you get rewarded for 60% uptime and there is literally no risk to your funds, there is no slashing.

>> No.25542131

>you only need 2k AVAX to run a node
You can call it what you want it has the same problems as PoS. The only people interested in holding and locking up 2k AVAX are AVAX users.
As a random nigger somewhere with excess electricity I don't have to know anything about Bitcoin to realize that I can use it to get paid for my electricity.

>> No.25542152
File: 57 KB, 594x439, 7F4A989B-412F-4AB2-9392-209D4F1E2C5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>L2 scaling already here with rollups
use ETH and just use this glued on system instead because to use ETH you should not use ETH
>>L1 scaling only a couple years out
5-7 years away with vitalik openly begging people to just forget about trying for sharding
>>US backing of ERC20 stablecoins
not an ETH thing
>>home to all DeFi projects
they're already packing their bags and looking for a new home, the fees are choking it out
>>best team of researchers
one of the worst in practice

>> No.25542417

Because Cardano is better.


>> No.25542637

>The only people interested in holding and locking up 2k AVAX are AVAX users.
sure and why wouldnt they, its low risk passive income with high reward potential.
when you run a node you get paid for securing the AVAX network and in the future you will validate subnets which drop their tokens to you as reward.
there is also delegation to nodes where your node can earn even more. its very comfy.
>somewhere with excess electricity
and this is a problem because centralization isnt good.
no thats a centralized shitcoin that will never make it.

>> No.25543167

can you give me a run down on the other l1 players? algo/tezos, shitcoins like harmony/fantom/elrond

>> No.25543168

>and this is a problem because centralization isnt good.
Mining is spread across the globe including in remote areas. In staking there's no incentive to spread out the nodes. Staking rewards have to approach zero as the number of stakers increase or the inflation eventually becomes too high. Early investors tend to capture the staking market and increase their control over time the more the network sees adoption. That's the same criticism you're making against mining but the effect is much worse in staking since you're not actually trading any real resource for your staking returns unlike in mining where you're sacrificing the electricity for returns.