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2552953 No.2552953 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever become rich while not having anything to do with other humans? It seems like the only way to become wealthy is to extract wealth from others.

>> No.2552966

Might as well live out in the woods if you don't want to get rich

>> No.2552979

we have a thing called economy that we use in our daily life, maybe you have heard about this thing

>> No.2553019

No I'm saying I want to get rich THEN live out in the woods (I can buy more woods that way).

>> No.2553034

>It seems like the only way to become wealthy is to extract wealth from others.

So deep

>> No.2553046

I just want to become rich while not having to deal with anyone.

>> No.2553077


>> No.2553078

Becoming rich would depend entirely on what you put value into. Most people put value in currencies, as a means of exchanging services and goods.
If you value wood above all else, then gathering a bunch of timber and living in a forest would make you very wealthy

If your value lies in exchange of services, currency would be the most optimal way to go. Unfortunately, unless you are an expert at counterfeiting currency, or own a perfect printing press, you will have to extract wealth from others. But, of course, the trick is to make them want to give you their wealth, in exchange for something else.

>> No.2553119


The whole point of getting rich is to get more of someone else's wealth.

That's how the entire fucking economy works, idiot.

>> No.2553128

No, I need to own land, dumbass.

How do I do this while dealing with humans as little as possible?

>> No.2553130

being rich means having assets, not excactly having a stack full of something used for exchanges. all that money means nothing if you cant trade it for things like pussy, drugs,internet, solar panels, house, and some land to grow food on.
anyone that can live out in the woods and self sustain and defend doesn't need money.

>> No.2553155

leave the cocoon already you fucking literal autismo

>> No.2553164

Go settle far from people in the woods. No purchase required.

OP, are you retarded? You can't be rich unless you interact with people. That's how money fucking works.

>> No.2553168

You could become a programmer but still you will have to deal with people. Just because it is technical you can pretend to be autistic.

>inb4 pretend

>> No.2553194

If everyone else but you disappeared, money would be worth nothing
Same with gold on a desert island
Gold, cash, and crypto are a store of wealth, and are worth something because others are willing to pay for it.

>> No.2553212

Yes but if that happened I'd have all the land.

>> No.2553235

>How do I do this while dealing with humans as little as possible?

>walk down the street and find millions of dollars sitting on a park bench with no one in the park
>beg on the street wearing a pair of headphones and with a scarf around your eyes
>hide inside an ATM with a duffel bag right underneath the deposit slot
>Dont return wallets dropped on the ground
>Dont return money found on the floor
>Take coins from a wishing fountain

There are many others but you're a smart guy, you can figure that out.

>> No.2553297

>move your dick-sucking business behind a glory hole
you won't have to interact with anyone, just their dicks

>> No.2553389


>op calls you a dumbass and keeps shitposting
>in from one ear out from the other

i guess people are here just to socialize

>> No.2553394
File: 78 KB, 492x559, 1497973882303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works you retard. There would never be any growth if that were the case. Do you think there was the same amount of wealth 100 years ago?

>> No.2553453

This is true.
You would have to manage it all by yourself, tho

>> No.2553491

Yes. It was in the form of living things and materials in nature. Capitalism is NOT a net sum game. That is raw capitalist propaganda. Capitalism simply destroys nature to fatten sociopaths.

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.2553493

Are you aware of how many people have lived, worked and died since then? Hint: A lot.

>> No.2553535

>That's not how it works you retard. There would never be any growth if that were the case. Do you think there was the same amount of wealth 100 years ago?

I'd argue there was more wealth back then than compared to now. Most of the shit now is numbers on a screen, where'as back then it was Gold, Timber, Oil, real actual shit.

But when Asteroid mining becomes a thing, then that's when I expect some real wealth to be generated. Right now its all a Jew ponzi-scheme.

>> No.2553577

all the "wealth" is really debt, inflation is the biggest meme

>> No.2553614

It is cool though because rich people need and use your value more than you do, so why not give it to them? So you have to work a few more hours a day doing shitty jobs, it is for the greater good. Wealth effects and what not.

>> No.2553701
File: 123 KB, 710x594, wojak_05.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make money online if you're not a brainlet.

And I mean not only crypto trading.

>> No.2553950


There's no such thing as spontaneous wealth; people become rich by more creating efficiency in the market.

>> No.2554664

Ironically, communists are the most selfish people. Those who demand free things won't do the same for other people.

>> No.2554773

>It seems like the only way to become wealthy is to extract wealth from others

That's not true. Grab a pickaxe and go mining for gold.

>> No.2554777

No one.
Who has the wealth? Other people. How do you get the wealth? They give it to you.
In capitalism this is achieved by providing something to the customer.

>> No.2555169
File: 29 KB, 680x383, eren-and-mikasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll snatch that pic cuz Attack on Titan.
Anyway, the only way you can make money is by dealing with another human. I hate it, but it is what it is.
Wealth per se can not be created nor destroyed, but it transfers all the time. Just make sure you're the one who catches the receiving end of that wealth, not the one who lets it go or slip by.

>> No.2555283

>extract wealth from others.

Isn't a problem when it's a product or service that the other person needs. The problem is when that person tries to do the same thing you did (buy low, sell high) and the "market" realizes and decides that the "product" has no value.

>> No.2555289

Wealth can be created and destroyed.
Buy a 200k lambo and wreck it. Its now 2k.
Same applies vice versa.

>> No.2555348

Very rarely.

I would say inventors, some computer careers and very savvy investors.

>> No.2556120
File: 45 KB, 320x569, lzL7PBa2TNB6FHlxVqIRwpUI9wg67lmzbipp_RcVI9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lambo was destroyed, the value of that lambo was destroyed, but the wealth per se was not destroyed.
So where did that wealth go?
It went to all Lamborghini owners in the world.
However, there are a lot of lambos in the world, so there would hardly be a price increase if only 1 was destroyed; would not be a "meaningful" increase.
Besides lambos—it does not matter what the thing it is. This is how the world works; it's a fact of life. Destroy some 'thing', and you, in a sense, make it become more "rare," which increases the value of every such 'thing' in existence.
Remember supply and demand.
Imagine removing or destroying initial supply by half. Demand (or market cap) remains the same.
The supply's value doubles. The wealth remains the same.