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File: 15 KB, 400x400, iota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25524457 No.25524457 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know why IOTA is being pumped right now? Almost every crypto is going down with BTC but this shit does not follow the same path. Do you faggots now any of that?

>> No.25524566

because it will soon be decentralized

>> No.25524606

Pure irrational fomo and that's why this retarded 2017 shitcoin has probably reached its top of this bullrun already.

>> No.25524635

Chrysalis 2 is on the testnet and almost audited

>> No.25524823
File: 6 KB, 226x223, fat_wojacj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say this fucking coin has the most BLOATED website I have seen in my whole life.

>> No.25524859

Cardano partnership

>> No.25524939
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Because of this chart

>> No.25524978
File: 190 KB, 574x949, Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but what if this meme is true?

>> No.25525020
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My friend, what you need it education. And with education I mean memes

>> No.25525051
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Also true

>> No.25525080
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>> No.25525195
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Good one, higher res? Need to improve my meme-collection

>> No.25525224
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>> No.25525253
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>> No.25525300
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It's okay to pump IOTA. Just watch out for that tangle.

>> No.25525351
File: 50 KB, 380x430, bigboiiota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25525619
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>> No.25525821
File: 7 KB, 670x189, 5201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a little again, to play around with. Bought in 2017, but the wallet back then was complete garbage. It just "lost" my IOTA, even when I refreshed the wallet like 20 times. New Trinity wallet seems pretty nice.

>> No.25526020
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>> No.25526223


Soon you will use Firefly:


>> No.25526477

nice, I can restore that triple capital letter phrase there? The ASD QWE RTY etc?

>> No.25526554



More info this month

Exciting times ahead

>> No.25526626

coolio, it looks nice. Cardano is partnering with Celsius Network as well. Maybe with the IOTA bridge, we can yield farm IOTA on Celsius through Cardano.

>> No.25526676



Would like to read more about this bridge

>> No.25526703

30GI might not let me make it but it will certainly get me out of the slums.

>> No.25526769

Chrysalis will launch Q1. From there, coinbase can integrate the new signature scheme and enterprises will begin to onboard.

t. 100 GI

>> No.25526793

Also on Dom's and Charles' twitter.

>> No.25526886



>> No.25526956

IOTA is one of the nastiest, most malevolent scams in the whole space, but they included a lot of plausible deniability in their scheme and used a lot of the funds they collected to hire hundreds of people who think they are working on a legitimate project.

The founders are now exiting one by one, Sonstebo recently followed after CfB:


That's the 2 blackhats gone, but Schiener is realistically in on it as well and will likely exit soon as well. The original work by their mathematician looks cool on the surface, but he works with unrealistic probabilistic assumptions, so none of his calculations used to have any relevance for the actual implementation, and of course all of the actual juicy details like the Coordinator were not covered for him.

With the scamming founders gone, all of the sci-fi claims and promises they drummed up are also gone, whatever the mathematician is working on probably won't be relevant, and those 100s of people they hired probably have no real direction because all of the premises were fake. BTW many of those they hired had no hard CS background but got in for promoting the project.

>> No.25527003

What about hendera hash graph? Isn’t that just a better version of IOTA?

>> No.25527111
File: 74 KB, 924x624, Fagottino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA foundation is 120+ employee strong Germany-based non-profit organization. They are supported by dozens of Universities, Industry partners and Cities/Governments.

What does your bag has to offer?

>> No.25527180

Yeah they fooled hundreds of billion dollar companies and multiple nation states. What shitcoin does a schizo like you hold?


>> No.25527188

holy shit that cock is huge

>> No.25527684

Yes, they were intelligent enough to fool gullible retail shitcoiners like you. That's what the whole project as about.

You have to go back to 2015 - 2017 to see how it clearly started as a scam. As I already said, it is true that they not only pocketed a lot of money but also went on to hire hundreds of people and try to morph into a legitimate project or at least keep up the illusion.

Regarding companies signaling some interest, in most cases this is completely meaningless as a "vetting" mechanism, but it is good enough to trick gullible retail shitcoiners into buying.

IOTA does not have a public reputation as the sophisticated PnD scam it is and so companies that don't care to dig deeply will not find anything wrong in setting up yet another stupid IOTA le PoC partnership, many of the high profile ones were probably paid for using a dedicated token pool as well:
