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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, htr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25519460 No.25519460 [Reply] [Original]

There is a coin selling as of today on Kucoin for 20cents. That coin is gonna be worth anywhere from $10 to $50 at the end of the year. And nobody is talking about it...

Daily reminder to all you newfags; people accumulate bags and THEN shill them on /biz/. When you start seeing a million threads such as LCX or PRQ, that means you are LATE. Be early for once, buy HTR. Thank you

>> No.25519514

isnt it like nano except you need to voluntarily run botnet to get this?

>> No.25519547

> brown id
Pajeet confirmed

>> No.25519860
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, Eq5kkjqXUAINTW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor with your pnk/prq/lcx and whatever garbage you accumulate based on the amount of /biz/ threads

>> No.25519932

> comparing legit projects with some random Brazilian exit scam
Time to go back to Pakistan Ranjesh

>> No.25519945

Unlike Ethereum and Polkadot, nobody is building on Hathor.

>> No.25519965

New scam Raiblocs Nano ultra Pro max

>> No.25520098

This is unironically the next RSR

>> No.25520148
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>> No.25520241

finally a thread about this token
get in or fucking cry in the end of the year, nerds

>> No.25520612
File: 37 KB, 648x353, myhtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike Ethereum and Polkadot, nobody is building on Hathor

This is a long-term hold you brainlet
Just get a bag before you're priced out, I bought 5k worth earlier today

>> No.25520652

why would this win over the THOUSAND other ETH KILLERS??

>> No.25520816

Just ask yourself what the mc is for the other eth killers anon. Also, go try to create a token on Hathor and then go try to create a token on ETH. I think you'll understand then

>> No.25520836

ATOM or XTZ market cap can be achieved

>> No.25520969

I advise all of you to hold long. You're super early on this coin. I've been holding for 6 months. Most of you are degens looking for a pnd though. A second tier-1 listing is coming very soon. Halvening occurs today, and 20% token burn occurs this month. One of the validators for Hathor is Huobi..I wonder which exchange will list it next...hmm. Currently available on Kucoin (ranked 9th), Qtrade (ranked infinity), and otc discord.

>> No.25521004

Nice bags. This platform is so far behind the rest it will never catch-up unless it sees massive external investment. They would have to print a billion more tokens for that to happen.

>> No.25521065

I'm personally holding for a long... long time. And thank god it's not showing on my metamask wallet, that way I'll truely be able to forget about it for months

>> No.25521071

Max Supply: Unlimited

>> No.25521095 [DELETED] 

htr is the least interesting shitcoin on qtrade. please pump my nyzo, bis and idna bags first

>> No.25521167

lol, have fun with that unlimited supply shitcoin

>> No.25521172

Halving is tomorrow guys. GET THE FUCK IN HERE!!!

>> No.25521174

>$10 to $50 at the end of the year
Stop reading there
Enjoy your shitcoin bag

>> No.25521218

>Halving is tomorrow guys. GET THE FUCK IN HERE!!!

halving is meaingless. It has unlimited supply, so who cares? What a joke.

>> No.25521265

>sees new coin shilled
>hmm ok let's see what this is about
>"grr youre too late on LCX" even though it hasnt even released to the public
>picture of shitcoin logo alongside fucking ETH and DOT
>Cries of laughter

>> No.25521287

so like eth ?

>> No.25521323

the MC is currently 44m. Where did you get 20m from, liar?

>> No.25521370

No, not really.

I'm done wasting my time here. Bye.

>> No.25521406

$htr is the most boring qtrade shitcoin. fucking pump my nyzo/bis/idna bags REEEEEE

>> No.25521414
File: 252 KB, 1242x1627, B20F699A-199E-4CF2-8BA1-139CD672A65D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny Co-founder
I’m out

ps: you will never be a real woman

>> No.25521506

ok bye. in the future don't even click on htr threads I guess so you don't waste time
that was the marketcap this morning
it's a kucoin shitcoin now

>> No.25521519

I have 3600 HTR i bought around 14 cents

Im selling everything at $1. i don't care for non ethereum projects. betting against ethereum is retard level

>> No.25521521

i envy you. i hope my qtrade bags come to other exchanges too

>> No.25521761

Anons are so brainlet that they think the future is only ETH. Newsflash, ETH is failing in every possible way to scale. They cannot meet checkpoints. Transactions cost $100 USD now, and this is only the beginning. Will ETH be around in the future? Probably. Will there be a dozen other ecosystems within the global ecosystem of decentralized computers? Of course. If you dont understand this, then you're just new and under-read in crypto. I guarantee you HTR hits $10 per token, with that being my most conservative estimate.

>> No.25522118

hathor pools are merged mining 40% bch and bsv blocks which provides massive security for the network this coin has a lot of interesting aspects to it to it

>> No.25522381
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Sell walls getting rammed the fuck through, I hope you faggots bought (or buy now)

>> No.25522423

shit i should probably remove some of my sell orders

>> No.25522746

Alright faggot how many HTR do I need to make it

>> No.25522835


>> No.25522918

On qtrade. Have you heard of qtrade anon? I think not, because you havent heard of htr, which is qtrade's largest volume. In fact, qtrade listed htr. Htr did not request nor deal with the arrangement. Kucoin is htr's first official listing, which happened today.

>> No.25522949

5k is suicide
50k to make it

You need to hold though

>> No.25523154

See you guys at $1 next week easily anonssss

>> No.25523365

$1 will be hit today anon. $10 next week is conservative. Twitter is literally shilling to millions of followers right not. There's a storm.

>> No.25523404

the main problem is normies mostly buy on uniswap or coinbase/binance, kucoin is ''too advanced'' for them. Aka you're early

>> No.25523482

I made a mistake by saying that Huobi is a validator haha. It is not. My bad guys. The rest is true. A second tier-1 is literally finalizing the preparations, and Binance is inevitable. DYOR.

>> No.25524145

Going to the top 10 and people will kill themselves

>> No.25524387

No problemo for me. People don’t get that is not the weekly Uniswap pump.