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File: 191 KB, 900x1200, 133irc302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25517345 No.25517345 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

>> No.25517424

that was only four years and not a currency made for the internet

>> No.25517509

Imagine not having a suicide stack of tulips

>> No.25517555

>tulip mania 2.0
If it was a bubble I wouldn't have taken a second mortgage on my house. I think it will keep increasing on value at a rate between 100% and 500% yearly. But the important thing is to diversify so I also have some Etherum.

>> No.25517676

you realize retards in the 1600s did the same thing to buy tulips. There is literally no difference between tulips and bitcoin. In fact tulips have more intrinsic value than your shitcoins

>> No.25517767


Retards are going to deny this whatever it takes. They aren't going to admit to themselves or anyone else that their one shot of making it, being the lazy/ugly/dumb piece of shit that they are, is all just an illusion is too painful to admit.

>muhh institutions
Yeah, most institutions have declared bitcoin to be tullip mani 2.0. The ones who didn't, are all run by a bunch of McAfee-tier cokeheads who have completely gone bonkers.

>Lol seeth harder you fag, why else would people pay 35 THOUSAND DOLLARS for a bitcoin
People have paid exorbitant amounts of money for shit like crypto kitties as well. People do dumb shit if they think they can make a quick buck.

But yeah whatever. At this rate BTC needs to go to 1 million+ to keep satisfying all these retards. And that, of course, will never happen. So sooner or later all these retards will learn their lesson.

>> No.25517819

It was sarcasm, but the true is that it sounds like every shitcoin stacker. Bitcoin is overpriced even if you accept that is or will be a currency, it's already worth over 25% of Canada's M2

>> No.25517868

whats with this cuckshit picture?

>> No.25517991

Orange is the color of Dutch monarchy, usually European kings where blacks (Kangz)

>> No.25518390

nice ill buy 10 more btc

>> No.25518475

ITT: Nocoiner cope thread

>> No.25518529


Woooooow OP did you know that Amazon and Tesla stock is also overpriced when calculating their profits/expenditures vs. their market cap? It's almost like there are factors besides pure revenue that drive things to inflate in value.

In this case the dollar is inflating away its value, so people are putting their money in a deflationary currency hoping to pass the hot potato long enough that they can outrun inflation.

It's like economics are more complex than "tulips are worthless, fuck you nigger".


>> No.25518955

To b8 dummies. Like you!

>> No.25519000

Wouldn’t it be 3.0? Or bitcoin 2.0? 2017 was Bitcoin 1.0s tulip mania 2.0

>> No.25519086
File: 516 KB, 960x960, thedistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that we just made a fucking shit load of money, while you complained about it.

>> No.25519122

This is America for you.

>> No.25519182

built for bbc