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File: 317 KB, 500x685, moon ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25516603 No.25516603 [Reply] [Original]

Terra Virtua- the leader for immersive digital collectibles in the NFT space is fucking killing it lately.

7 cents now. It will be 20 cents in short order. Dope ass project!

>> No.25517010

NFT will be fucking huge in 2021

>> No.25517215

this them? https://terravirtua.io/

crazy art, but i like it

>> No.25517358

NFT's suck dick- buy something real like BITCOIN

>> No.25517475

yep that's it. love their marketplace. and now their token

>> No.25517597

this is the future. AR and VR will eat this shit up

>> No.25517726
File: 317 KB, 454x640, stack bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly! This is better than average NFT projects- this is immersive and next level

>> No.25517763

It probably will but not much past that. Its a gimmick that won't see any real world adoption. People who are into crypto will try to force it on the masses and no one will care.

>> No.25518038

gimme RARI and gimme WAX.. the end

>> No.25518178

disagree. VR will be huge and this type of art if going to blow up.. will be more popular than going to a museum

>> No.25518388

Rari dead lmao TVK will do extremely better than those fucks

>> No.25518517

checkout the fancave fucking incredible- we need more creativity in blockchain like what Terra Virtua is doing

>> No.25518666

bunch of people on crypto twitter are hyping this thing and it's only in beta. user acquisition won't be a problem

>> No.25518840
File: 574 KB, 2000x1328, drugs r cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for good reason..the stars are aligning (NFT boom + alt season) for this well constructed platform to boom

>> No.25519046

telegram wont shut the fuck up about it either- at least it should have good volume smfh

>> No.25519206

they love a good scam to hype over there! Join my discord group and pump a shitcoin then dump it yayyy!!!

>> No.25519364

maybe a shitcoin like EOS.. TVK is real deal and revolutionary

>> No.25519484

dunno shit about NFT's but everyoneee is talking about them, including William Schatner loool

>> No.25519644

you should look into them- not sure who the winner will be, but they are becoming VERY popular in the collectible space

>> No.25519802
File: 104 KB, 600x450, outter space bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've researched all the major players and truly believe the Kolect token (TVK) will be the most successful. Better platform, better products, and more engaged users.

>> No.25519908

this thing is at its peak 7 cents and has a shit ton of momentum... good find

>> No.25520008

the only alt i will ever own is ethereum

sorry shills

>> No.25520221

closed minded cuk - so many good projects out there with a lotttt more upside

>> No.25520327

great job shills u almost got my attention

>> No.25520473

you should pay attention- enjoy lifetime of regret!!

>> No.25521008
File: 1.52 MB, 1947x2048, EINSTEIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wise investors are paying a lot of attention in case you were wondering

>> No.25521135

on my watchlist, but gotta do more DD

>> No.25521328

wise investors put all their money into chainlink, the fucking GOAT of oracles

>> No.25521477

i have LINK but you need an NFT in the portfolio to diversify

TVK is now officially in my bag!

>> No.25521648

just checkout the Terra Art gallery-- blew me away

>> No.25521821

looks cool, but investable?? NAW

>> No.25521981
File: 280 KB, 928x523, virtua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like VERY INVESTABLE- watch it climb quickly from .07

>> No.25522082

damn those creators make some decent bank from selling on there

>> No.25522212

i know people who solely do NFT work for a living

>> No.25522593

im good at microsoft paint, wonder if thats good enough

>> No.25522737

big brands of collectibles getting onboarded here!!

>> No.25522809

a regular Picasso! sign this guy up

>> No.25522909
File: 388 KB, 1600x900, t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the notoriety keeps rising-- big brands and big celebs will continue to flow into Terra Virtua!

>> No.25522983

sureee keep dreaming pal!

>> No.25523058

weird name but i fuck with their platform

>> No.25523112

sounds too fishy for me, hard pass

>> No.25523198

it's actually very legit. do more research

>> No.25523276

i gotta see more traction with NFTs before investing

>> No.25523375
File: 140 KB, 736x736, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the traction has happened-- now we sky

>> No.25523472

ok if we're talking 10x or 20x. i am IN

>> No.25523560

naw you will get caught holding a massive bag, dont do it reconsider, read some literature on the subject!

>> No.25523593

that happened to me with fucking XRP- worst mistake of my life and now my girlfriend left me and defriended me on facebook

>> No.25523621

oh shit we got a Ripple casualty-- ay who knows maybe it rebounds back to 50 cents... or not LOL

>> No.25523655

this will EASILY 20x.. think about how popular yield farming will continue to get and how good APY is at executing

>> No.25523677

im gonna post a piece of shit digital piece on there and see if i can make $5

>> No.25523707
File: 7 KB, 225x225, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be afraid to express your artistic capabilities

i've seen all sorts of creations fetch good money on there

>> No.25523811

"Digital collectibles" are a fucking cancer. What degenerate fuck would actually look at this and think it's a good idea beyond retard Indians on biz?