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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25513720 No.25513720 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I buy the exact version of his shirt?

>> No.25513777

I don't know but I do know that this man owns 60% of the world's supply of this particular flannel

>> No.25513787

You are long-since priced out

>> No.25513796

they don't make it anymore

>> No.25513798
File: 63 KB, 615x615, 4B5F79B3-BDD3-4F07-B458-026DB2A4477E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25513839

Years ago some anon was trying to sell what he claimed as the last sergey shirt for 1000 link.
wonder if anyone bought it.

>> No.25513853
File: 123 KB, 664x597, 1609594547060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I'm not so sure about this. He used to wear Lucky Brand, but the buttons on the one in that pic are different. Are there multiple manufacturers? Might have to dive back into the archive but I only remember Lucky Brand.

>> No.25513883

trips of truth
flannel futures are the next link

>> No.25513915

there must be someone that's made enough money on crypto that they can manufacture a limited number of these and pair them to nfts

>> No.25513983

Shirt in OP seems to be one of his newer Lucky Brand plaids. Lately he's been seen wearing some of the older ones that show some nice wear. Those ones have relic'd quite nicely

>> No.25514057

Back in the day he’d buy straight from Zara but after the continuous 500k dumps of LINK he bought half of Gucci’s stockpile.

>> No.25514635

Imagine the pump if someone made a sergey flannel token with the same mechanics of unisocks.

>> No.25514981

Would that shirt look good on me?

>> No.25515297

Chekt, kekt,

>> No.25515845

I'm not sure it would compliment the color of your eyes

>> No.25515994

everything looks good on you ;)

>> No.25516259
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>tfw have the shirt AND met Sergey in real life

>> No.25516341

how large is he, height and weight?

>> No.25516392

5'8 and 220lbs

>> No.25517106

Hope this is larp