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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25506815 No.25506815 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I find shitcoins that will moon?
How the fuck do I make it big when everything is closed due to lockdowns?
How can a poorfag buy in?

I'm trying to understand this board so I can be a richfag and get out of my shithole home but everyone seems rich already.
In 2016 or so I dipped a toe in crypto with a few shitcoins and fucked up because an exchange screwed me over so I missed decent returns for a brainlet and I didn't also invest in some then "good" and currently now top tier alts.

Should I just give up and hop on the OnlyFans meme as a male or become a NEET?

>> No.25506902

knee pads are always an option

>> No.25507051

Ooh this is a fun thought experiment. Let’s play a scenario
>everything is locked down
This means that business is essentially shut and the economy is fucked. But wait! The economy must keep going it cannot be stopped, thus the only way to keep it going is to provide liquidity/print money.
>Economy stays locked
Well now you’re in a hard spot, you must keep printing money to prevent a collapse but there is no real underlying activity and this funnels into asset price explosion. Things will not return to normal even after re-opening.
>How do I profit from massive money printing?
Well it looks like there’s only a few options, some are already expensive and others are getting more expensive by the day. Good luck!

>> No.25507096

you’re already here anon
lurk until you stop losing money like the rest of us

>> No.25507292
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FERA strategies does that.
Still V1 for the platform but working product and governance with community proposal on vote for coin review (less than 3m market cap to qalify for the proposal)



>> No.25507704

>everyone seems rich already.
yeah, it >seems so, but realistically it's mostly larping
you're gmi if you believe in yourself
lurk a lot, keep yourself posted with the latest news, deals, investments

>> No.25507822

Idk whats going on with my country/city (London)
It seems like things are getting more impossible by the second.

I guess you're right.

I'd think so but most people seem to have hundreds or thousands to throw away with no recourse, which is definitely where im not at.

I guess I can only lurk and start browsing more

>> No.25507865

>How can a poorfag buy in?

Get a job first.

>> No.25508085


There's the reason for being poor, anon.
I live in London and make £60k/year and still struggle sometimes...

Lived in Yorkshire for a few years and it was dirt cheap, when I make it, I'll buy property in Scotland and move there.