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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 1200x1200, Joebiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25503514 No.25503514 [Reply] [Original]

I WILL NOT continue browsing here if the users support Trump. I love capitalism, I love making money, I support free market economics, but I will not stand with or for anyone who likes Donald Trump. I don't like /pol/, I think /biz/ has to be the intelligent board. If we want to make money, we need a stable economy and a stable world, we can't have nuts like Trump running everything.

I support Biden because I think we need to heal and because I really support lockdowns. I want another lockdown.

I hope you realize that in order for our markets to have any semblence and confidence, we need a democracy right? Communist dictatorships and fascist states are horrible for markets since the government will just seize what they want. Trump trying to turn America into a fascist dictatorship and wound our democracy is going to be awful for markets.

I'll be happy to trade and make money on the crypto markets but NOT if I'm side by side with Trump supporters.

>> No.25503544
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ok bye

>> No.25503563

No one cares

>> No.25503565
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>> No.25503568

Kill yourself nigger lover

>> No.25503570

Wait you're joking? You don't actually like Trump, I didn't think this board was THAT stupid.

>> No.25503592

I like Trump and I don't like you.

>> No.25503597

>I want another lockdown
Why? Did you put money on VIX?

>> No.25503613

shit-tier bait kys OP

>> No.25503620
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Nigger tongue my anus

>> No.25503623

>the intelligent board.
I would have thought one of the many times this board lost money on coins that were given away for free (UNI, 1INCH, etc.) would have dispelled that notion.
Having said that:
>fuck kikes
>fuck trannies
>fuck niggers
>fuck jannies

>> No.25503661

This is /biz. We don’t care about communism, socialism, dictators, presidential democracy, parliamentary democracy, Obama, or Trump.

We only care about profits and capitalism. Now GTFO to /pol

>> No.25503669

Because I think we need to deal with Covid-19 so our entire workforce doesn't fucking die of this virus.

>> No.25503702


that's nice take this shit back to /pol/ nobody cares we are tying to make money here

>> No.25503713

Then support Biden! You need democracy and freedom if you want market.s

>> No.25503749

Yeah make money in an ETTHICAL WAY

>> No.25503806

I would rather clean toilets in National Socialist Germany than be wealthy in this nigger infested kiked shithole country.

>> No.25503827

Outsider here. I like Trump more than Biden. This bull market was caused by Trump though.

>> No.25503920

As part of the 1% and a majority corporate shareholder - We did support Biden and he is in the office. We don’t support democrats winning the senate as the wealth tax becomes an issue.

Now run along to /Pol and don’t tell us why we need to support a candidate based on some moral ideology. We don’t give a shit. Also ignore 90% of the board here, this is not 2012 anymore.

>> No.25503929

lol ok then leave fag

>> No.25503944


>> No.25503963

the whole thing is fugazi to tell his base he tried, republicans have already left him. It's all planned out anyways.

>> No.25503964

>this bull makret was caused by Trump

Absolutely false

Why did you support Biden as a 1% and corporate shareholder?

>> No.25503984

Also false. Chinese markets are more cut throat and less regulated in areas such as tech and the stock market. Although it is starting to change under Xi

>> No.25504074


>> No.25504098

As I said we support Biden for political stability and status quo (he is a known quantity. Trump is intellectually retarded). We do not support a democratic senate. A republican controlled senate ensures a deadlock on key issues such as the wealth tax which will be disastrous to the economy.

>> No.25504115

I know this is bait but if you associate any presidential candidate with democracy that isn't campaigning for a blockchain based open sourced voting platform you are unironically low iq and don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.25504175

I like to hear that, I'm RIDEN WITH BIDEN

>> No.25504225

The system we had under Obama was democracy you TWAT

>> No.25504236

Imagine thinking you only want to make money if your favorite jew overlord was in power.

>> No.25504272

>You need democracy and freedom if you want market.s
The freest markets in history occurred under Monarchy.

>> No.25504283

this, no one fucking cares who you support, this is a business and finance board

>> No.25504285

The game is not about money. It is about wealth and power projection. Understand the difference

>> No.25504289

Also you're an idiot if you like biden im not gonna go into it though talking politics is just verbal diarrhea for low iq normans to have something to talk and think about. Waste of time. Focus on building shit and making money.

>> No.25504403

Last time I checked all dominions and land were the right of nobles and the monarch. Private ownership of land did not exist (read the tragedy of the commons). Do you have a source to back your claims?

>> No.25504522

>Focus on building shit and making money.

Only low IQ morons focus on that bullshit.

Real people already inherit swaths of wealth from their families and know they can pursue more intellectual things like politics and philosophy.

Only white trash actually care about that.

>> No.25504553

>Trump gets busted for criminal acts, with literal recordings
>Suddenly bunch of pro trump threads across 4chan
Ah yes, the "smoke and mirror" magapedes warned us about

>> No.25504610

Land ownership is a tiny aspect of the market.
>Do you have a source to back your claims?
hahah holy shit

>> No.25504656
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That spacing

>> No.25504694

God here's your (you) and you know what I'll even check your post. Checked.

>> No.25504711
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>> No.25504721
File: 128 KB, 959x906, 588FF05F-CCA9-4BE0-B1D1-AC054FF4F46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire workforce doesn't fucking die of this virus.

Now I know you are larping

>> No.25504754

I know you're trolling, so not even appreciated anyway.

>> No.25504792

Reminder that /pol/ is worse than reddit and anybody who disagrees is a post 2016 newfag.

>> No.25504795

>What is Covid-19

How do i know you're trolling?

>> No.25504842

>Someone mentions /biz in /pol
Here comes the raiding shills

>> No.25504872


Nah, /pol/ is actually a mixed bag of opinions. Reddit bans anything to the right of r/socialism.

>> No.25504951

>reddit spacing, whiny appeal to negro emotions. we has to be the intelligent board.

you little negro loving jewboy. get off this site and kys in minecraft

>> No.25504981

fuck biden and fuck trump, fuck them all

>> No.25505121

I didn't support Trump until cunts like you started popping up. You made me op.

>> No.25505123

enjoy your biden taxes and getting fucked in the ass. you schmocks are the first to get thrown under the bus. profits are only possible under volatility and from that side trump where the shit. specially buybacks and strengthening the american economy. how can you be so delusional.

>> No.25505177

OP must be some passive investor boomer

>> No.25505179

Because I and others will continue to increase their wealth in the years to come. That is a sufficient response :)

>> No.25505216

Trader's life is shitty life, but I can't expect anything more from people like you

>> No.25505224

imagine supporting either of these pedo cabals' puppets and thinking your vote matters kek ngmi

>> No.25505275


>> No.25505284

>trader's life is shitty life

It's the only life that's actually enjoyable dingus.

>> No.25505367

Enjoy not coming back then dipshit

>> No.25505490

Fuck off, tranny nigger.

>> No.25505963
File: 2 KB, 290x174, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r/goycoins fag

>> No.25506030

It's a worthwhile trade desu, in all likelihood he'll be out in 4 years anyway so who cares.

>> No.25506034

>Imagine being this new
Kys faggot

>> No.25506186

get off my board you fucking tranny nigger kike

>> No.25506311

Obvious troll is obvious. Couldn't you have put a little more work into this?
Jeez, almost /b/ tier...

>> No.25506421

you're a shit tier troll.

>> No.25506487

I may not like Trump but Binden will fuck the US over

>> No.25506575


>> No.25506796
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This thread glows.

>> No.25506810


>> No.25507157

4chan is a Trump Website.

You have to go back.

>> No.25507369

Stfu faggot proud trump supporter and voter here.