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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25486928 No.25486928 [Reply] [Original]

Looking at that last pump for alts in 2017/2018 makes my hands sweaty. Fuck.
I just need to hold until this cycle’s equivalent of that.

>> No.25487465

alts always tend to outperform BTC in january, whereas BTC tends to outperform alts in december. This is true regardless of bull or bear market.

Also, this new years wasn't 2017-2018. It was 2016-2017. Look up the Stock-to-Flow models. There's a 4 year cycle based on the halvings. Peak isn't until the end of the year.

>> No.25487642

You understand how retarded is to say predictions like that when your only data of reference is literally 2 instances in a 10 year period? Literally kys

>> No.25487666

look up January effect.

>> No.25487719

So we will correct?

>> No.25487745

How about:
Markets always tend to crash in March because of world wide Corona crash

It happened last year, why this year is different?

>> No.25487811

And yet it's following the S2F model pretty damn well

Sure, nothing goes up forever without any pullbacks along the way. But mistime your potential swing and you could get absolutely rekt. Just look at the people who thought they were clever tethering up on BTC at 20k

Cope harder and reply to me again, faggot

>> No.25487908

It's just a matter of time Tether blows up like a fucking balloon bringing the whole sphere down

If FED has been printing like crazy go check what the fuck Tether has been printing out of thin air in the last 24 hours

>> No.25487940

>but muh tether fud
lel, new cycle, same fud. See you at 100k BTC minimum in december

>> No.25488041

u sound like a toddler trying desperately to do algebra. ur out of ur depth in this thread, go play fortnite and leave investment to the big boys you incompetent plebeian

>> No.25488417

I hope we do. Sold half my eth at 1k. It was a poorfag stack but I couldn’t hold more, I told myself I’d take profits.

>> No.25488519

Nothing wrong with having targets and sticking to them. I would consider continuing to use that money to DCA from here, especially if any dips (in ETH, or BTC, or otherwise) come along.

>> No.25488591

Yeah thats my plan. I’m a man, I made my bed and now I’ll lie in it. But I’d still feel hurt on the unrealized gains I’d calculate if ETH got to 3k. At least half my stack would grow. It’s hard being disciplined as my monkey brain is constantly telling me to ape in that money to other projects, other opportunities - but I’d rather put it into a dipped blue chip.

>> No.25488654


>> No.25488757

over a billion in the last 48hrs, lmfao

>> No.25488781

One day you dumb faggots are going to learn the past is not the future.

>> No.25488816

you won't be able to identify it

>> No.25488923

Make sure you have at least $50k across 3-4 ALT's that are under $20M cap.

Make sure you own some DIA.

>> No.25489053
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we need one last shakeout on alts.

>> No.25489106
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>> No.25489288

More than half

>> No.25489326

t. newfag who learned about crypto in 2017 or later

>> No.25489352

>falls for tether FUD
>capitalizes FED

low IQ brainlet who will NEVER make it, eat shit and die

>> No.25489510

Defi was the alt season you mong, these dinosaur coins from 2016 will only pump in USD because of btc and eth pumping, their btc value is still going down and you will underperform the market if you start moving into them

>> No.25490000

What about eth?

>> No.25490572
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he pull out the tether fud card.

Imagine being such a retarded bobo, cope harder faggot, get in before it's too late


>> No.25490597

Yeah that comes AFTER we shake out and financially devestate the normies, please and thank you.

>> No.25490663

That’s why I am hedged against Tether with Algorand.

>> No.25490788

Hate to break it to you, but check the weekly BTC chart and then check the weekly ETH chart. You'll see ETH is replicating the BTC parabolic move that broke ATH. I don't think we will see resistance until ETH's ATH