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25481987 No.25481987 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25482046

Your gf's feces. Next question.

>> No.25482150
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some asian pussy

>> No.25482190

I'm actually gonna be living in Korea all 2021. Amazing timing. Cant wait

>> No.25482209

What are you moving there for?

>> No.25482254

Redpill me on dry aged beef

>> No.25482268

gon git sum ribs

>> No.25482272

Same, though visa will be an issue. How did you work around the 3 months limit on the tourist visa?

>> No.25482306 [DELETED] 

its like the day old beef at walmart except you pay more not less

>> No.25482337


Military work

>> No.25482346

Lobster on some very mediocre restaurant, because I have 0 taste for fancy food.

>> No.25482377

based. godspeed anon

>> No.25482425

making it for me doesn't mean luxury or swimming in pussy.
making it means that i am free to do whatever i want whenever i want. and i don't mean expensive shit at all. i just want a simple life where i am my own master. where i set my time table. i wake up whenever i want i go to sleep whenever i want. no wagecucking.

so probably i would start cooking experimenting with things. i definitely will try lobster tho.

>> No.25482450

Double bigmac meal 1x
Double cheeseburger with bacon 2x
Chicken mayo 2x
Chicken nuggets 20pcs 1x
Additional fries 2x
Oasis 2x

>> No.25482490
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For me, its a number 2 with a lemonade (no ice).

>> No.25482503
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This has been my dinner for the last 3 weeks. I get paid 25 am hour and I've been putting 97% of my pay into crypto

>> No.25482548

Wagyu of course.

>> No.25482555

living in japan or korea and doing nothing but plowing asian pussy for 2 or 3 years would be based. thanks for the idea anon

>> No.25482581

why not buy tuna in olive oil? same price infinitely better taste and more nutritious. eat with salt and fresh baguette

>> No.25482587

I spend $1000 on beluga caviar every time link goes up 5%.

>> No.25482604

two chicken quesadillas and a grape soda.

>> No.25482643

Depends on how much I make it by.
If I'm a 100 millionaire, my first meal/drink will be the blood of a newborn, similar to my peers.

>> No.25482662

I like tuna crackers with hot sauce. What crypto are you buying?

>> No.25482666

I'll try that when I get paid. I have no baguettes. The onions sauce gives it a sweet taste.

>> No.25482669

Big Mac w/large fries.

I’m not going to start being a new person because I have more money. I want a lot of money so I can live a slightly better life than now, but without worrying about money ever.

>> No.25482694

burger king

>> No.25482698
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a mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich

>> No.25482737

Hi Sergey pls no dump for another 2 months

>> No.25482750

>chunk light

Christ man live a little and buy the solid white albacore.

>> No.25482862

As I have gained more money outside of crypto I did this anyway. Especially when I was working in the city spending 15 dollars a day on lunch.

During that time I made a lot of gud food, like pork ramen for instance. I think it was about as good as the takeout ramen I could get from the local places- it's not a complex dish.

>> No.25482883 [DELETED] 


>> No.25482907

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.25482928

it's one of my favorite fast foods tuna in oil with salt and fresh bread.
i sometimes bake my own baguette or buy ready to bake ones i also buy baguette cut them in half and then bag them and freeze them. if you unfreeze them in microwave just right it's like fresh.

>> No.25482984
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Based. Don’t fucking sell, just buy dips and sit on it.

>> No.25482992


Tastes better than normal steak. Doesn't taste so much better that it's worth paying 3x more plus tip.

>> No.25483032

Funny enough, I made most of my money off of LINK. Still not selling :^)

>> No.25483283

aging brakes up connective tissue making the meat more tender. dry aging also removes water content and cultivates a certain flora on the surface which is cut off before sale which makes the taste more intensive.

nothing magical about it just applied biochemics.

>> No.25483314

Unlimited gourmet sushi buffet with a very expensive sake. Cream cheese rolls, both raw and fried. Godzilla roll. Rainbow roll. O my fuvking god.

I would allow myself to gorge with unlimited calories at extremely expensive restaurants like Brazilian Steakhouses for 2 weeks, then go back to eating normally so I don't get fat.

>> No.25483406
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Corndogs with spicy ketchup.
I’m not going to let money change me, I want money so I can be me more often

>> No.25483411
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Same thing I get for every celebration or special occasion, until somebody makes something that tastes better.

>> No.25483487

Same here. If I break a milly I'll still drive a car under 20k and eat at wendys. The only difference is I'll be able to get tutors for my kids and pay off my parents house.

>> No.25483542

You can age your meat at home in the fridge. Prime is just aged beef. I age my venison or else it tastes too wild. Enzymes in the meat break down the cell walls and tenderize the steak over time. It's a simple process. The steak shown in the photo isn't aged yet but already has decent marbling for flavor. Some hipster would pay a premium for that reject.

>> No.25483610

Sashimi at a good restaurant or maybe one of those Brazilian Steakhouses with the all you can eat meat

>> No.25483615

well OP it wont be cheaper to buy a fridge do your own dry age? check gaga foods on youtube

>> No.25483645

>make it food

I think you are missing a concept here

>> No.25483671

Hamburger Helper, probably. Only fags indulge in expensive luxuries, even if they have the money for it.

>> No.25483730

Yup. I legit might go to a nice restaurant at some point, but it will be for its own reason and not “because I have money”.
Even if I become a millionaire I probably won’t tell anyone and other than the fact I never have a job and still can afford rent no one will suspect a thing.

At least until something too good to pass up comes along, a more visible investment. I don’t visualize myself as working (or trading) again after making it, but I’m open to it.

>> No.25483767

Fuck it’s been so long since I’ve had a good HH.
Zesty Italian for life here, what’s your favorite?

>> No.25483806

Lots of anons legitimately don’t want money just to CONSOOOOOM.
Lots of us just want to be left alone.

>> No.25483838

Nothing in particular. I'd just change my overall grocery list and cook things like salmon, tuna, prime rib, lamb, crab, lobster etc more often. Not that I don't already cook these things, but my mainstays in the kitchen are your typical cheap things like chicken and porkchops.

If I absolutely had to go for a meme meal, I guess I'd try out some wagyu beef shit and see if it's what its cracked up to be.

>> No.25483942

When it comes to canned tuna, albacore is definitely superior to chunk light. But if you're eating a ton of tuna consistently, chunk light is probably the better option overall due to much lower organomercury concentrations

>> No.25484009

I'm a Beef Stroganoff man, myself. Adding your own custom spices and sauces to your taste is the best.

>> No.25484025


>> No.25484091

>prime is just aged beef
>implying the marbling in OP’s pic is from aging
Retard alert

>> No.25484135

It is not at all like this

>> No.25484183

god damn right

>> No.25484203

There's a Danish restaurant in a shitty location in Palma, Mallorca. The stroganoff there was immaculate. That's your made it meal anon

>> No.25484253

>You can age your meat at home in the fridge.
you could only wet age it if vacuum sealed.
dry aging requires more special conditions than your god knows what infested fridge where it would probably get mold or e-coli in 2 days.

>> No.25484331

Thanks, I'll screencap this and hang on to it as an option. I know I wouldn't think to go there myself, especially if I make it as a shut-in internet junkie, I wouldn't know what to do.

>> No.25484346

marbling is from years of careful breeding and how you feed them. i have 300 head in the valley right now. the meat in the photo would be passed off to a dip shit like you as A5. Prime as you consume it at a diner is just a quality piece that has been aged. Not the fucking purple stamp my cattle get at the slaughter house. Even if you're a dip shit, keep eating beef. It's what's for dinner.

>> No.25484380

Location > The Dish itself
I want to go to JPN and eat genuine takoyaki

>> No.25484388

dry old beef

>> No.25484398

Microwaved chicken fingers with ranch and a can of Pepsi

>> No.25484463

I have a nice subzero but when I was younger I aged it in the garage when the temperature was right. I raise beef and hunt elk. It's not rocket science but you have to be clean and keep an eye on temps and conditions. Our Montana beef goes all over the world.

>> No.25484501

i'm no expert on beef just tried a few things my 2 cents: marbling is a meme usda prime tastes barely anything, south american black angus rib eye has the most taste. it's just somewhat chewy.

>> No.25484511

two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>> No.25484596

genetics and finishing make a huge difference. so many jew tricks with the beef after we sell it. consumers rarely get the best cuts. the japs are even more jewish than the jew when it comes to letting white people have fine cuts of the best stock.

>> No.25484598

yeah i wrote that when i thought you were just some smart ass basement dweller. my fridge is out of question for sure. the only thing i can age there is camambert.

>> No.25484645

i bet if you raise them you eat better than anyone paying premium. i wouldn't sell the very best cuts either.

>> No.25484697

One can of monster zero ultra red

>> No.25484719

hmm i wonder if i could age meat with camambert culture...

>> No.25484747

>careful breeding and how you feed them
Yes this is how you get better cuts of meat like choice vs prime
You don’t need to age it for it to be considered prime. For example fresh wagyu is prime.

>> No.25484751
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>> No.25484752

Same thing as my boy Sergey. 300 big macs. Kek We had some good laughs at that, but I actually just one I'm not a fat ass.

>> No.25484775
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I'm going to get a referral only reservation with Takashi Saito, the consensus best sushi chef alive.

>> No.25484798

egg scramble with spinach, sharp cheddar cheese, chicken, and avocado.

>> No.25484805

and also the terrain is more important than most think. if the cow has to climb daily the tenderloin will not be tender.

>> No.25484827

whoops. forgot the jalapenos. this is what i cook up often and i'm not going to change what works when i've made it. maybe just higher quality ingredients.

>> No.25484828

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking faggot.

>> No.25484858

didn't know ck had copypasta lol

>> No.25484977

I keep one a year and butcher it myself. The rest are sold at auction while they're still finishing on my land. Brand, video and reputation. High tech red necks. If you want the best cuts, buy a whole or half and do it yourself or have a butcher you trust dial you in.

>> No.25485041

that is in fact a picture of Sushi Noz

>> No.25485079

there is no way i would get anything near quality beef in my country live.
and even steak houses give you barely edible crap.
we have to find those rare butchers that import the right kind of meat that is wet aged and they dry age it after in their cooling chambers.
and we have to sear it ourselves or we get some nasty surprise.
there is no culture of steak here.

>> No.25485283

based and alabamapilled

>> No.25485351
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Halal food

>> No.25485376

A full blood black wagyu here in the USA is pretty rare, a beautiful thing. It will hold a certificate from the AWA and the USDA will grade it, if taken care of properly over three long fucking years, beyond prime. 99% of that will be wet aged before it even gets to the market or diner. Don't get ripped off. You can easily track the source and rightfully so.

>> No.25485451

Gonna eat box after box until I vomit

>> No.25485510

Learn sailing there and spend a month there just sailing.

Thank me later. My made it stack isn't that big because my made it is a modest boat and vagabond life.

>> No.25485511

This. I already cashed out a bunch and have been having fun.

How much API3 for her tho?

>> No.25485734

>doesn't know three for free

>> No.25485813

Sounds cool. I'm not materialistic, so I don't care about expensive cars and big houses, I'd love to have plenty of money to just go wherever and do whatever I feel like, whenever I want. Bon voyage, anon. C'est la vie.

>> No.25485849
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>> No.25485924

probably do what I made for my senpai for christmas dinner.

1 cut of american wagyu ribeye and 1 filet mignon, marinated in a dry salt/pepper rub for 5-7 days, cooked at 120 F in a sous vide for 2 hours, wrap the cooked filet in a fully cooked strip of nueskes applewood smoked bacon, sear the steaks on all sides in a pan (or charcoal grill) then tossed in a butter and herb blend before serving. with a side of garlic mashed potatoes because I'm not a barbarian.

>> No.25486008


He is moving for all the Nork artillery. They have enough to level Seoul in about 5 minutes straight.

>> No.25486259

we should hang out

>> No.25486365
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im going to jam my tongue so far up her ass i am going to taste her dinner, which will be my dick

>> No.25486502

biz is truly the patricians board

>> No.25487162

quite the stuble "pic related" OP ;)

I think Im going to enjoy my steak sometime around Sept. this year

>> No.25487200

There are a few really nice restaurants in Palma. Consider staying at the Hotel San Lorenzo, stay a few days and have a few good meals around town.