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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 800x800, FLAGS1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25478570 No.25478570 [Reply] [Original]

This is the first thread in an effort to bring flags onto /biz/. Share some of your thoughts and links to make this header more fleshed out in the future.

>How to request flags?


Make sure to state no meme-flags.

>> No.25478621

sir please we dont need to do that

>> No.25478651

All fields.
Go back.

>> No.25478698

polnigger GTFO

>> No.25478712

maybe flags get turned once a month, otherwise biz will just have every thread devolve into /in/t shitfests

>> No.25478784

Traitors. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.25478856

I bet you unironically want people to use Keyed too faggot

>> No.25478862

If there was a rule that there could be only 1 thread for each coin (maybe with some exceptions such as btc and eth) and this was heavily enforced it could eliminate a lot of the coordinated spamming that fills half the catalog with samey threads about some shitcoin. What do you think?

>> No.25478947

No because that is too restrictive. Flags will not interrupt the general flow of discussion it will only improve it and keep it free-flowing.

>> No.25479050

>I want biz to become pol
I love pol but I do not want this place to become it. Kys yourself

>> No.25479049

yes I guess it's just too drastic
flags would be nice as well

>> No.25479157

This place has already become like /pol/. The floodgates have already been opened with pol being the most frequently browsed board by the people on biz. Posts questioning the ethnicity of the poster are too common and its now time to completely embrace the change.

>> No.25479605

we need to see chinks and pajeets
fuck nay-sayers

>> No.25479684

Well said. This is something that has been in the minds of everyone in this board for years and 2021 will finally be the year where it happens.

>> No.25479721

Anyone who disagrees with OP is probably a pajeet

>> No.25479738

>people still can't tell the difference between legit projects and scam PnDs

>> No.25479747

fuck /pol/ faggot go back and go back to r*ddit nigger don’t bring your bullshit the_donald bullshit into these boards you fucking homo faggot. how does flags improve anything besides people making superficial judgments? i don’t expect a dumb americunt like yourself to understand that most of these scammers here are faggot whitebois from america like yourself newfag go fuck yourself kys and go back

>> No.25479767

Agree bump

>> No.25479819

only so you can make your /pol/tierjokes?

>> No.25479826

Go back faggot

>> No.25479857

it's easy to dumbass but it's even better to shit on someone you know is a pajeet

>> No.25479885
File: 230 KB, 1200x800, 1582554820001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plese sirs why must we bring our nationality into a anonymous image board please sers.

>> No.25479891


>> No.25479892

You're just racist! My opinions from Europe should matter just as much as any Americans views!

>> No.25479896

>what is a VPN + pass

>> No.25479906

To do that you use your finely tuned autistic intuition developed from years of lurking like the rest of us, faggot. No short cuts.

>> No.25479953
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>> No.25479966

Hmmm...mind posting your hand?

Only to vastly improve the quality of this board.

Most VPNs don’t work on 4chan except for ones in very obscure countries.

>> No.25479968

>Flags will not interrupt the general flow of discussion

Delusions of a retard. You've obviously never been on a flag board. They could just block indian IPs, rather than having flags and every thread degenerating into
>hurrr durrr mutt
>hurrr durrr muslim
>hurrr durrr leaf
>hurrr durrr not white

>> No.25480025

exactly this. op is just a newfag who’s been here for a month and needs to fuck off

>> No.25480028

how aboooooooooooout ummmmmmmmmmm
we have flags for only india and maybe china

>> No.25480053

>Only to vastly improve the quality of this board.
fuck off, every flag board gets derailed too easily

>> No.25480062


Leaf pajeet detected.

>> No.25480104


>> No.25480169


I’ve been on flag boards for ages and I’m not a new fag either. For ages biz has been concerned about ethnicity evident by hand checks and slurs used here don’t try to act as if it’s the general consensus here that ethnicity doesn’t matter.

Your idea to block countries is flawed because it stops the flow of discussion which you are saying is what I am doing. We have the right to know where someone who is giving financial advice comes from.

>> No.25480206

Go the fuck back to /pol/

>> No.25480268

i don't see need for flag. we can just discourse about latest greatest coins right

>> No.25480284


Make sure to post on that feedback page.

>> No.25480371

Yes but only for indians

>> No.25480450

>For ages biz has been concerned about ethnicity evident by hand checks and slurs used here don’t try to act as if it’s the general consensus here that ethnicity doesn’t matter.
the 2016 election cycle unironically ruined 4chan. /pol/ board culture is, and will always be cancer to me.

t. /g/entooman who remembers /biz/ being created as a containment board for the crypto spam on /g/

>> No.25480477

kys you /pol/tard
We're here to make money, not to save the world from the kikes. If a kike or a pajeet can help me to make money, let them be.

>> No.25480493

Impossible. The pajeet and nigger lobby is too strong.

>> No.25480494

>he actually falls for pajeet scams

>> No.25480724

You don’t belong here.

>> No.25480878

>You don’t belong here.
and if you main flag boards, them stop trying to force flag board culture on /biz/ - if you don't like it, go back

>> No.25480940

This. Let's expose the Jeets

>> No.25481035

no meta threads allowed, faggot

>> No.25481077

No it doesn’t it will just turn to pol with flags. You should be smart enough to know who is a pajeet or kike without flags and if you are not then you deserve to get scammed

>> No.25481171


sorry, raj
game's over

>> No.25481185

Flags on non-trading days? Weekend flags for a month would be interesting

>> No.25481192

This made me kek thanks man

>> No.25481196

You are a newfag or a retard if you think biz doesn’t care about ethnicity. There is a huge overlap between pol and biz here and the board must change to reflect the times.

Not true at all. If anything I believe that flags would help to prevent threads getting derailed from people trying to find out the ethnicity of OP.

>> No.25481216

crypto trades 24/7/365 faggot

>> No.25481276

I think it’s Jews like this guy who do a lot of the low iq scamming. The flags will expose them, watch

>> No.25481298
File: 87 KB, 714x810, 1525461058072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a huge overlap between pol and biz here and the board must change to reflect the times.
>let's make every board in to /pol/
what the fuck is wrong with you, stop trying to destroy board culture by catering to /pol/ cross-boarders

>> No.25481354

Flags will take out the trash, moron. Everyone knows this

>> No.25481389

Then all the better to see the flags exclusively here for crypto

>> No.25481414

Further proof this faggot is from reddit and needs to go back

>> No.25481429

It’s not unique to pol to want a board (society) free from Jews and street shitters. Fuck off with your bullshit

>> No.25481524

Biz has its own identity of course but it heavily crosses over into pol. Don't deny the fact that the most important criterion in evaluating projects for people here is to look at the ethnicity of the team and the ethnicity of who is shilling. We have always been a board like pol with just a slightly different culture.

>> No.25481537

jesus christ, you guys really don't give it a break do you?

>> No.25481540

>we have a right to
you know what? /biz/ doesnt need flags, 4chan needs to be shutdown. Forever.

>> No.25481544

Also, you are a faggot

>> No.25481596

>Biz has its own identity of course but it heavily crosses over into pol
i'm going to guess that you're biased to /pol/ culture and have some sort of bias (even unconscious) to remember those kinds of posts

>> No.25481700

No it doesn't. We should try to make our culture better rather than shutting everything down.

Crypto threads constantly get hundreds of replies on pol. Recently a chainlink thread got over 250. The people who post on biz overwhelmingly post on pol.

>> No.25481726
File: 54 KB, 500x699, Do5cEyqXkAAzXGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have pirate flag

>> No.25481807

No memeflags. That would defeat the purpose of flags on this board.

>> No.25481808

>Crypto threads constantly get hundreds of replies on pol. Recently a chainlink thread got over 250. The people who post on biz overwhelmingly post on pol.
surprise surprise when btc and crypto hits the news again in a bull cycle there's large threads discussing it on the busiest board on 4chan

>> No.25481887
File: 92 KB, 834x979, moot-hates-aussies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Region ban India. NOW.

>> No.25481892

but what is the point of flags if everyone here connects via VPN?

>> No.25481935

Id rather not, flags are only relevant for pol snd int. As much as I love int, biz doesnt need em as its rarely a big topic and shouldnt influence discussions too much anyway minus tax related bs. Hardly any justification

>> No.25481939

we've been asking for flags ever since /biz/ was created, it's not going to happen

>> No.25481938

As a compromise maybe flag it by continent? Asia, Europe, Middle-east, North Murica, South America etc.

>> No.25481943

Why are you trying to make the case that ethnicity does not matter on this board when that is clearly not the case?

>> No.25482068

Unless you have a VPN in some obscure country you wont be able to post here.

We don't need a compromise. We should aim for the full package.

Nope we need them. The rubicon has been crossed and there is no going back.

This is the year where it changes then starting from today.

>> No.25482093

Pajeet detected

>> No.25482103

i'm heading off now, but to add: /pol/ is by far the most popular board on the site; therefore, cross-boarders from /pol/ are likely to be the largest demographic on every other board on this site and that's why you see so many ethnicity bait posts on /biz/.

why purposefully enable more ethnicity bait posts with country flags? it just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.25482188

Bloody hell, you schizoposters are insane. You really think there in an army of Indians scammer shilling shitcoins on /biz/? You already posted this thread once today morning. Take your medication.

>> No.25482279

to add, I do remember a time where /pol/ didn't have flags and IDs (/pol/ Harbor back in 2014), and it was a better fucking board back then

>> No.25482298

Post arm

>> No.25482302

/biz/ needs a new board for crypto called /cry/

>> No.25482343

Absolutely based OP
Ranjeev fears the flags

>> No.25482350

Jesus fuck, can we please consider this one actually? I'm so fucking tired of 90% of the threads being explicitly crypto schemes and the remaining 10% having half of all replies mention crypto to some degree.

>> No.25482410

>I'm so fucking tired of 90% of the threads being explicitly crypto schemes and the remaining 10% having half of all replies mention crypto to some degree.
/biz/ was created as the containment board for crypto, it was split off from /g/ back in the day

>> No.25482457

>even /g/ hated the cryptoschizos
We need a new containment board

>> No.25482529
File: 63 KB, 570x570, 6585711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking flags will show nigerian shitcoin farmers
They'll just use a VPN you fucking retard

>> No.25482560

/biz/ implies business, there is no business in crypto.
This. Imagine if /biz/ had threads talking about promising start ups and news about business' so you could make smart investment decisions instead of hundreds of Pajeet pump n dumps scams

>> No.25482570

no shit, /g/ was filled with dogecoin threads back in late-2013, it was getting out of hand

>> No.25482584

>we need a new containment board where 3rd worlders can shill coins to each other
>so that /biz/ is strictly for 1st worlders to shill coins to each other

>> No.25482617

/biz/ should be about actually business' not crypto that's what /cry/ would be, the Crypto board

>> No.25482619

again, you fundamentally misunderstand /biz/ culture - it is, and will always be the crypto containment board for this site
you bet if crypto was split off we'd just see penny stock PnDs getting shilled on here instead. i remember that dropshipping was a fad at one point until anons realised they couldn't make money out of it

>> No.25482661

crypto is investing, it would be retarded to have investment discussion not be on the same board as business

>> No.25482675


>> No.25482732

You'll need to find somewhere else to shill your shitcoins Pajeet

>> No.25482910

>he doesn't know /biz/ is the actual containment board for cryptos from /g/

>> No.25482962

History often rhymes