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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25478149 No.25478149 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you started living primarily or exclusively off of crypto income yet?

>> No.25478263

but watching my Crypto and Tesla holdings go up sometimes 1k a day I've become dazed and non efficient at work. Its like I'm stuck in a trance. I only have about 60k in Tesla and Crypto and I feel euphoria sick like an adderall hang over or something

>> No.25478297

Getting there. What kind of interest can expect on Celsius ?

>> No.25478382

Me too. I have 50k in crypto and can’t focus on my wagie job at all

>> No.25478452
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I have only $250K in BTC, another $600K in retirement accounts and a paid off townhouse from 2017 Bitcoin gains, this isn't nearly enough but I am feeling like not logging into work tomorrow and calling it quits. Talk me out of doing it bros

>> No.25478463
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You feel it coming, even as a low class warrior?
I must admit, I am impresse kekerot

>> No.25478469

I have only 83 Celsius I had signed up for their news letter in 2017/2018 with all intentions to buy 1k worth. But then all the binance regulations hit and I could not buy until learned about Dex. Unfortunately I bought around 1.50 thinking there would be a hard correction. But it has not happen yet.

>> No.25478485

nice try

>> No.25478520

How did you build up to this? Several years? I have about 40k just sitting in the bank, I feel like just dumping it into BTC at this point

>> No.25478539
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living comfy off my HEX stakes

>> No.25478545

>Talk me out of doing it bros
gives you something to do during this pandemic. Dump this shitty job once you're able to travel freely again.

>> No.25478585

I have another 40k in cash in the money market.
Then another 20k in Retirement funds. Not nearly as much as you. But its like so close to making it if I get lucky on my next investments. I'm so glad I took a few computer classes in college to help me understand the concepts of what networks and btc could do. with out it I would have never bought in.

>> No.25478628

every now and then I cash out a few 10k and I live off that, but it's not sustainable obviously and I don't want to sell all my crypto
basically it just allows me to not work during uni and live in a decent apartment and not worry about my studies taking more time etc.. (at least in financial sense)

>> No.25478647

Do you work from home? If you want to quit, you could just try doing the absolute minimum for a while and not stress about it until somebody notices. That's why it's called 'fuck you' money.

>> No.25478681

Have been since 2017

>> No.25478709

I make 55k a year at my job, 2500/yr in passive income (rental homes I own) and have made over 80k this year in crypto/stocks.

There is not a day that goes by where I don't want to sell all my real estate and invest it all in the markets.

I'll keep my job tho, investing does not require much time to be successful, unless you're a day trader.

>> No.25478772

You will regret this one day. Trust me I know. Work and study. Even if it's a part time wagie shit job. It's money. Better to make it now than keep spending down your assets.

>> No.25478837

I stared out with graduation money from high school and then dca’d through college working retail mostly. The link pump helped

>> No.25479004

yeah I know this of course, but it just feels so stupid to wage for 20 an hour when you have a 200k crypto portfolio
I hope I can find the motivation to start some projects/freelance/consulting things with the semi-financial freedom I have after uni

>> No.25479129

I already had 2 coins but
when I realized it started to climb more, I dumped my remaining savings into BTC when it was like 12k. I would suggest to put half of it and DCA the remaining if you feel it’s risky. No one knows how it’s gonna turn out.

>> No.25479131

Yep. Just started a few months ago. Holdings split between crypto.com, BlockFi, celsius, and ledn.io.

It's working out well but the idea of a rugpull from one of these places keeps me up at night.

Since I'm earning more than my expenses at these price levels I'm trying to get more and more holdings in cold storage as the bull run goes on and prices further increase.

>> No.25479453
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lived in 4 countries in the Europe and had a tech consulting job travelling there so i don't enjoy travelling. pretty autistic and just want to be at home and be left alone
yup, WFH and been doing that since 2017 otherwise probably would have kms the last couple years. the thing is i am resentful and pissed to even log in and reply to pings from coworkers and even do the absolute minimum. And i have been doing the absolute minimum for a couple years now
this is good advice and i posted i wanted to quit when i reached $500K total about 8 months ago and someone told me not to do it and wait until I get to a million said it might happen in 3 more years. fuck i am getting pretty close now, actually over that if i count my towhome and it would not have been possible if i was living off my crypto or cash. tech stocks went crazy, then i poured it all into which has gone like over 6X and all my cash income i've poured into crypto as well. i am telling myself hold on until this bull run is over but the more money i have the harder it is to not quit because i don't even need that much especially when my GF starts working again.