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25472550 No.25472550 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 basedboy wojak posts

Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in investing in Bitcoin and other crypto. The issue is that as of now, I think anyone can tell that Bitcoin is going to face a dip soon.

The problem I see with Bitcoin / crypto as of now is this: Where is Bitcoin, or more importantly, any cryptocurrency being used? The whole idea of cryptocurrency is to give the holders freedom from the banks, right? What progress has been made integrating this into society as legitimate currency?

Was Bitcoin just made to be kinda like a 'virtual gold'? Like a store of value rather than a day-to-day? I can see Bitcoin definitely being good as a long term investment, but I don't see how you guys can keep saying it's not going to dip ever when the price, as of right now at least, is solely determined by speculation.

I feel like a better way of making Bitcoin a better investment is to simply encourage businesses around the world to adopt cryptos as payment options rather than just shill it saying "2 teh moon".

>> No.25472670


>> No.25472759

Can't argue with that logic

>> No.25472871

Didn't read. Btc is still cheap as fuck. We can't make you buy. But if you don't want to invest why make all these threads? Just shut the fuck up and buy something else

>> No.25473209

Just trying to get perspective is all.

>> No.25473306

Up to you if you want to purchase the hardest money mankind has ever had access to

>> No.25473401

>Was Bitcoin just made to be kinda like a 'virtual gold'? Like a store of value rather than a day-to-day?
No, it was made to be electronic cash, it failed at this so they rebranded to le heckin digital gold. The store of value meme is pure revisionism.

>> No.25473467

People are only selling 20% for profit and hodl rest while 600$ noobs fill the gap. If everyone sold at once everyone loses. Dump on normies not on people here imo

>> No.25473573

you had 12 fucking years and you start now to think about bitcoin?
bitcoin is still cheap, its always cheap. if you bought the 2017 top you would be 100% in the green now.

>> No.25473671

Yeah, I figured this was part of the situation. Normies who jump on bitcoin typically do little to no research on how crypto even works, buy near the top, and then proceed to call it a scam when the inevitably lose money.

Regardless of initial intent, Bitcoin still has potential. Other cryptos also have potential.

I literally did not even hear about Bitcoin / crypto until 2015, I shit you not. Then I had a small portion of BTC which I sold off which was a dumbass move. Live and learn, man. This was during a time I was young, lazy and didn't bother actually researching things in depth.

>> No.25473722

Uuuu calls are cheap

Btc has no value so is neither cheap nor expensive

>> No.25473754

ok, passed

you want to know why bitcoin has value, ok lets do this.
ask yourself why gold has value. anon why does gold have value?

>> No.25473838

>Btc has no value
Tell that to the 15% of Americans invested in cryptos right now. Sure a bunch of them are just "2 teh moon" types, but a fair chunk can actually see the ideals behind cryptocurrency.

>> No.25474037

Because people say it has value. It has little use outside of being a store of value, and manufacturing jewelry.

However, gold is something tangible that you can touch. Humankind has an almost ingrained attraction to gold because of how long it's been with humanity. Bitcoin is completely new, foreign and entirely informational on a ledger. It's not as appealing to the commoner, even though the commoner has no idea they are doing something similar digitally with their bank accounts right now.

>> No.25474284

>muh shiny
>muh touch
>muh fEeL
>muh tangible
>muh historic acceptance
kikes btfo never selling

>> No.25474365 [DELETED] 

gold has properties other things dont have. you can make jewelry out of a lot of things.

first of all its scarce, you cant just print gold, you cant just mine more, its hard to find and mine.
now to bitcoin, its scarce too. you cant just print more bitcoins, you cant just mine more, its hard to mine and it gets harder with every passing minute.

>> No.25474423

gold has properties other things dont have. you can make jewelry out of a lot of things.

first of all its scarce, you cant just print gold, you cant just mine more, its hard to find and mine.
now to bitcoin, its scarce too. you cant just print more bitcoins, you cant just mine more, its hard to mine and it gets harder with every passing minute.

now you again, which other properties does gold have?

>> No.25474506
File: 102 KB, 1200x768, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody said there would be no dips you retard. It reaches greater highs and dips to lesser lows each subsequent cycle and no one who bought even at the all time highs of a given cycle has ever lost money as long as they held instead of panic selling.

>> No.25474758

>Nobody said there would be no dips you retard.
A ton of people high on hopium sure are. They tend to give people legitimately vested in crypto a bad name, which a problem for trying to convince the majority of society to adopt this new tech.

>It reaches greater highs and dips to lesser lows each subsequent cycle and no one who bought even at the all time highs of a given cycle has ever lost money as long as they held instead of panic selling.
Yeah, I was planning on buying some BTC anyway. I'm just waiting for the next inevitable dip. I was simply trying to get the perspective of those who say that "This is a new paradigm, it won't dip." I'm starting to come to the conclusion that those types are of the same hopium-inhaling types I just mentioned earlier.

>> No.25474798

The value of the dollar is cratering. so if you want to preserve your wealth, put it into anything filthy government hands cant touch. If you do get crypto make sure to get a wallet or your coins are at the mercy of an exchange

>> No.25475022

Possible newfag moment here but: Can't you do something identical by investing in things like physical land and stocks?

>> No.25475381

If I'm not mistaken you pay property tax on the former and capital gains tax on the latter. Imagine ""investing"" into something that you need to pay regular fees for.

>> No.25475463

this, which can also arbitarily changed either

>> No.25475941

Try avoiding taxes on crypto, and the IRS will catch up with you eventually. I'm sorry guys, but taxes are going to be there.

But yes, cryptocurrency is much safer from government price manipulation. It can be manipulated by whales, unfortunately.

>> No.25476059

you dont get taxed for just having crypto, thats the point. if inflation hits / if government needs money your coins are safe, your house not so much

>> No.25476087

I don't live in the US but I'm pretty sure you don't get taxed for just hodling BTC; maybe on the initial purchase. In Germany you don't get taxed at all if you hodl for a year or more before converting it to fiat.

>> No.25476127

There will be dips there always are but a pullback isn’t a crash

>> No.25476172

The gov can just take your land if they want to ie the bundy grazing rights situation. The stock market is just a means of wealth transfer which they will pull the plug on and the citizens invested will be bleeding out. Crypto is surely manipulated but somewhat less than the stock market. You have your coins available to you but it's still not a tangible wealth. The price of PMs are historically extremely undervalued and the price is fraudulent. If you dont have PMs you should get some as a backup and ride the crypto wave. Im sure they'll try and pull the plug on crypto. Who knows when.

>> No.25476209
File: 9 KB, 646x770, f73b6b745b0bac68d91af059070f157cab4c9976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>inb4 basedboy wojak posts

>> No.25476229

Tell that to the panic-selling pink wojaks when they come around. I don't think BTC will ever crash for good, I'm just sure it will dip soon again which is part of the reason I'm not buying in right now.

>> No.25476335

>Because people say it has value. It has little use outside of being a store of value, and manufacturing jewelry.
Completely incorrect. Which is why the digital gold comparison doesn't work. Not saying gold is a good investment btw but it's literally a commodity like steel or oil.

>> No.25476376

i still have $15k on the sideline waiting for a dip and that since 23k. it just wont come

if i werent invested big yet i would do it now anyway

>> No.25476419

>waiting for the dip
Gl waiting til we reach 100k and dip back down to 50k

>> No.25476445
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You can buy drugs and weapons with it.

>> No.25476459

>I feel like a better way of making Bitcoin a better investment is to simply encourage businesses around the world to adopt cryptos as payment options rather than just shill it saying "2 teh moon".

Then buy Monero if you think crypto being used as an actual currency and not an asset is the future of the space. Restricting yourself to BTC is stupid.

>> No.25476489

When was the last time you bought something In gold ingots?

Btc is so good because it combines the store of value power of gold, with a high yield speculative asset, and the usefulness of digital currency. You can take 10 million on a plane in your pocket across a border without anyone knowing. Do that in gold and you will pay tariffs or have it confiscated.

The fact people still don’t get it shows the average IQ isn’t 100.

>> No.25476494

>If I werent invested big yet i would do it now anyway
Basically this, at least 50%

>> No.25476543

that's XMR

>> No.25476619

>I think anyone can tell that Bitcoin is going to face a dip soon
kek the writing is literally on the wall. thats exactly why it won't you'll btfo and buy at the actual top

>> No.25476721

Its a MANkind stop using faggy newspeak meant to belittle man's role in creating civilization.

>> No.25476763

Honestly, I find the idea of it regularly crashing and climbing up to a new ATH before crashing again appealing. Why wouldn't you guys want to sell high knowing you'll be able to buy in again with an even bigger stack knowing you'll be able to sell again at an even higher price than the last time? It's like a money factory. Fuck the golden bullrun.

>> No.25476852

number go up forever
btw USD is worthless, which is why number appers to go up so quickly
you are living through collapse of international banking before your very eyes, and the only way They could let it happen is if they had the entire world locked down and distracted by a fake plague, so people wouldnt take to the streets and hang them

>> No.25476856

Here, I'll refer to us homo sapiens. Is that better, Mr. /pol/?

Glad you can see the positivity in the cycle.

>> No.25476887

Average is just a mix of the high and the low
The real argument for bitcoin is that it’s a safe haven from the death spiral of fiat.
If fiat wasn’t dying bitcoin would still be irrelevant. That’s the main catalyst IMO

>> No.25476890

you do know gold is used in semiconductors and circuitry in computers right?

>> No.25476896

start a position now retard. do a 10 or 20% of planned investment now then again in 1-2 weeks ago.

rinse and repeat continuiously add every week NO MATTER WHAT PRICE ITS AT and you will win

>> No.25476900

the faggitors aren't even attempting to hide themselves anymore. we're unironically approaching a (local) top

>> No.25476963

But would the world banks allow descentrilized cryptos thrive?

>> No.25477059

XMR is what people think BTC is, in terms of a truly decentralized and anonymous digital currency, away from the peering eyes of our governmental overlords

>> No.25477089

you do know bitcoin can be used to buy pizza right?

>> No.25477219

sure but what if you don't have any electronics to place the order from?

>> No.25477261

You realize there are websites that accept crypto right? You can straight up buy gold purely with bitcoin also. And Pornhub ONLY accepts cryptocurrencies now. Surely there might be a dip but you never know what too, I got lucky the last time and bought a bit at 3000$ although I could have sworn is was going to go lower.

>> No.25477290

bargaining now? nocoiners and shitcoiners you are a pathetic disgrace. you had 12 years

>> No.25477359
File: 15 KB, 326x245, 1598363806152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dips
AJAJAHAHAHAUSYSYAGAGSHAHAGA holy fuck I can't wait for the crash

>> No.25477371

did you get my point? yes gold has other use cases but ...

>> No.25477382

>The issue is that as of now, I think anyone can tell that Bitcoin is going to face a dip soon.

Lol. Even if you didn't say you were new to the game I'd be able to immediately tell. Yes. Right now everyone expects a dip. It's what the normies are waiting for to get in, it's what you're thinking it's what's your grandma is thinking. You need to detach yourself from normie think to make it. You need to learn how to think opposite from everyone else. Right now everyone waits for the dip? What does that mean? Every fucking dip gets bought immediately. People don't even care if it's only 1%. So to get ahead of people you actually have to buy when the price stabilizes before it dips. This pushes the price upward. Slowly not quickly. Your goal is accumulating, before the normies buy. When the normie FOMO kicks in and your mom and your grandma say they bought Bitcoin, THAT'S when you dump. That's when the market got irrational and isn't buying based on supply and demand but pure speculation. That's what happened in 2017 when we went to 20k. Everyone and their mom wanted Bitcoin. Then you sell. Always do the opposite of what normies do

>> No.25477403

I highly recommend you read the Satoshi letters. He does address this issue. Bitcoin is highly divisible and the lowest unit i.e. Satoshi is probably what you would use as cash when things stabilize i.e. dollar or world currencies lose their meaning.

For that to happen, bitcoin has to grow a lot more. 1 USD is equal to 3500 sats or so. Imagine 1 sat = 1 dollar - that's when digital gold becomes the currency standard as well.

>> No.25477424


>> No.25477430

60k and back to 15k

>> No.25477490

xmr is the shit

>> No.25477506

>t. writing an essay to convey what I did in a simple sentence >>25476619

>> No.25477572

you know it

>> No.25477603

I'm a total noob to crypto

I've got 10k to dump into Bitcoin and feel it's going to skyrocket with Bidens inevitable inept leadership and future lockdowns.

Is it a good choice?

>> No.25477620

Yeah ok fuck you I wanted to be nice

>> No.25477650

>I'm a total noob to crypto
lurk longer before posting or you'll be btfo

>> No.25477706

>reddit spacing

sure palerino, dump your life savings in rn, you won't regret it friendo

>> No.25478074
File: 93 KB, 1200x650, 1597314778642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the truth that no one wants to admit. BTC is not decentralised, and that fact that it is only pseudo-anonymous makes it largely useless for resisting government manipulation. The idea was good but the execution went to shit when the Blockstream faggots blocked the block size update so they could become bigger whales and keep the Chinese miners happy, and that's when BTC changed from aiming to be an actual everyday currency to a supposed store of value. By all means, ride the pump and exploit the normies (while you are in turn exploited by the chinks and whales), but don't unironically believe the stupid
>bitcoin fixes everything