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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25454057 No.25454057 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25454089

I have a parental instinct to protect autistic girls

>> No.25454092

getting a gf is giving in to the social construct ((they)) have made as a proxy to lure money away from us neets. don't fall for this anon. you are smarter.

>> No.25454112

At the GF market.

>> No.25454138

for someone like you op, I'd recoommend the local brothel

>> No.25454148

wtf is wrong with this webm? It does something to me, Id trade 50% of my link stack to be able to experience that IRL.

>> No.25454154

Not far from the truth. Anywhere pretty girls hang out OP: Around colleges at coffee shops, restaurants, book places, grocery stores, church, etc. Don't go looking for anything but some hole at a club or bar.

>> No.25454179
File: 59 KB, 960x717, 1534603201247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I die without having kids than I basically failed the main quest line (in keeping with this thread's autism).

I became a wizard a few days ago...

>> No.25454181

girls dont care how much money you have unless you have 100m+. are you spending those millions on her? no? then why should she care?

so the answer is: same place you would find a gf before you made it. except now youre older and grosser and youll have to settle for a post-wall single mom

>> No.25454185

after you made it
they'll find you

>> No.25454292

>he thinks this game has a main quest line
anon, this is an mmo w/o a main quest line. every few years there is a major update (eg crisis). getting a gf is like getting the most expensive pet from the dlc store w low skill tree. just follows you around.

>> No.25454324
File: 171 KB, 640x640, moot family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even moot has a family now
we're all gonna make it

>> No.25454403

saus and I will get you a GF

>> No.25454423
File: 472 KB, 600x797, 1607127337218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25454455

Posting children here feels wrong.

>> No.25454478


>> No.25454538

This. Dating as a wagecuck male is difficult, because women are attracted to power and financial security. Marrying a wealthy man guarantees them an easy, comfortable life, where they basically will get whatever they want.

>> No.25454605

You will get bored soon and TURN into the gf, anon.

>> No.25454699
File: 101 KB, 566x564, 1606763726330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have dips on Megan though

>> No.25454771

Unironically irl
Lookmax when you are inside due to vid.
When the normie markets open up your going to see an uptick of horny cunts flooding the market. The real bull market is yet to come my bros