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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25452043 No.25452043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25452071

How would you feel knowing all the scammers are actually Eastern European, Bulgarian and Finnish?

>> No.25452077

>buy PRQ sir! Prime minister of japan sir!
>whiteheart here sir, get your whiteheart here, andre cronjie?!????!
>sir good deal on stakenet XSN, good deal just for u big moon come
>here my token comtract address uniswap sir good team white men very bullish my good sir

>> No.25452089

I’m tired of europoors giving me advice add flags and add flag filters so I can block you slavshits from making me buy your exit ticket

>> No.25452094
File: 24 KB, 374x374, pinkwojak7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds nationality flags
>tfw we're all pajeets

>> No.25452096

racists will not be allowed to have possessions in the New World goy

>> No.25452107

kys faggot

>> No.25452108

It's actually curryniggers, and hapas

>> No.25452117

All we need is the yellow star to identify fellow whites.

>> No.25452139

i think the turks are to blame

>> No.25452141

Wrong. Check google trends “4chan biz”

>> No.25452190

Api3 shilling and link fud is Eastern Europe. 200k market cap “gems” are Nigeria. Not sure what the pajeets are behind

>> No.25452330
File: 56 KB, 1292x612, implying xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods don't just sit on their ass anon. They rangeban certain countries. I can't make threads for example.
t. turk

can someone make a thread with pic related and make fun of ripple-cucks for me?

>> No.25452341

www smelle xyz / biz

>> No.25452342

Without any flags to back your shit up, you have nothing

>> No.25452346

send me 0.000001 xmr

>> No.25452356

How are you still not able to determine the difference between scams and true projects on this board? You're a literal retard if you need flags for this.

>> No.25452399

i'll pay you in (You)s anon

>> No.25452409

I got you

>> No.25452411

The shitcoin threads are non-existent now what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.25452556

Except for you just admitting it lmao

>> No.25452735

They dont want to see the truth

>> No.25452757


>> No.25452818

fuck no, the only other dane i know of that browse /biz/ is literally a neo-nazi body builder that spams his current PnD scheme.

No one would take me serious, because a prolific retard shares my nationality.

>> No.25452827


As if Bulgaria and Finland aren't part of Eastern Europe. Yes, Finland is considered part of Eastern Europe here.

t. Sergey

>> No.25452855
File: 92 KB, 834x979, 1598579493996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true menace are the australian posters that larp as pajeets, fucking despicable

>> No.25452897

Ausfag here, can confirm. Can't count the amount of times I've larped seriously as a pajeet on here.

>> No.25452939
File: 173 KB, 1000x684, hide-leaf-threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% a Canadian

>> No.25452973

Guilty as charged...sir. I mean mate.

>> No.25453003

Then there's the pajeets in Australia larping as Aussies

>> No.25453012

I got news for you friend. The pajeeis are in the US now. And they will stay until you do something about it

>> No.25453093


>> No.25453106

My polglish made anons think that I am shilling pajeet many times and because of that, my opinion was ignored and discarded.

Not like I care though

>> No.25453130

If they add flags we will finally see how the worst posters are from USA.

>> No.25453222

both muttland and pajeetistan should be permanently rangebanned

>> No.25453253

finnish eastern europe fug you :DDddd Ime munaa homo

>> No.25453393

yeah we need flags

>> No.25454134

Randesh, we know what you're trying to do