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File: 39 KB, 457x494, pepe-fat-stomach-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25445268 No.25445268 [Reply] [Original]

Why do u hold bitcoin?
It has to go up 30k just for a 2x.
Thats 30k that could diversified into alts with much better potential for returns.
I really dont get it.

>> No.25445306

id rather have a guaranteed return instead of gambling on chuck e cheese coins

>> No.25445374
File: 23 KB, 564x483, pepe-taps-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But bitcoin may just go 50 or 100k and then u can buy half a lambo. But while you hold it ur just getting priced out of all the alts that will do 100x's lol

>> No.25445402

Cause we hate banks, we hate Peter Schiff, we hate the Rothschilds, we despise interest rates, we believe in the absolute freedom.

None can take BTC away from you.
Noone can tax your transfers.
There is no boss of BTC you can arrest and put in chains.
BTC cannot be stopped.

Every other fucking shitcoin has its „producers“ on their website. Guess what? If this fucking shitcoin is even remotely a danger to banks, tax or state, those idiots will be arrested and their protocol will be changed.

BTC is the redpill. If you finally understand it you will see.

>> No.25445482

since it's so easy to do 100x's why don't you do a couple and drive off in your lambo instead of lecturing us brainlets

>> No.25445574

Well ive made over 20k a few times with shitcoins so I dont exactly see the appeal in holding bitcoin especially when alt season is so close..
Bitcoin is kinda just a waste of an opportunity. Either youre a OG with hundreds of bitcoins or youre a normie from facebook trying to buy a new lcd tv. It just seems like such a low iq play.
And on top of that, bitcoin flash crashes out of the blue and is due a correction any day now. Doesnt make sense to me.
30k is a shit ton of money. You could be holding so much good shit.
You could have 75,000 Algo.
You could have a ton of shit that gives months of bitcoin returns in like 2 days..

>> No.25445585

>Noone can tax your transfers
what are mining fees
>BTC cannot be stopped
7 transactions per second hard cap

>> No.25445638

What alt coins should I get before alt season begins anon..

>> No.25446166

Get dot

>> No.25446238
File: 45 KB, 501x223, 25.5.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well newfag how about you buy your alts and chase 100x, ill be sitting comfy in btc, lets talk in a few years and see who did better.

But not to shit on you too much, I also thought I knew everything when I got in crypto in 2017, held 0 btc, made 4m on paper and lost it all, shitcoins give but in the end they take it all away. Its not a meme that they are all about making more btc in the end

>> No.25446543

Hm..here is the ecosystem as I see it

Algorand - digital payments layer (visa mastercard citibank, possibly goverment, and supplychain platform)

Enjin coin: Gaming and NFT layer (nfts will be big)

RLC: Ethereum compute layer (once ethereum is fully sharded, rlc will be huge)

Idle finance: the easiest/most accessible defi platform. Can integrate any protocol on its backend and all the work is done for you to optimize rates

Thats just a few that I know for sure will be big

>> No.25446585

DOT is going to be the big winner this time around.

>> No.25446592

Oh my fucking lord hes retarded
Each new shitcoin you shilled is shittier than the one before it and RLC is confirmed to be digital dog shit

>> No.25446612
File: 64 KB, 772x501, pepe-ban-hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a 5head genius so we'll see about that. Now off to ur robinhood normie coins

>> No.25446648

This guy's measuring BTC against USD. Only metric that matters is alts/BTC. Stack them sats fag.


>> No.25446703

bitcoin is only like 25% of my portfolio, if that. I 2x it this year, not too shabby, I don't gamble on shitcoins either

>> No.25446816

What a retarded reply. Kys nigger

>> No.25447267

>made 4m on paper and lost it all
Larp or literal brain damage

>> No.25447325
File: 97 KB, 330x409, thedrhtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are? On /pol/? /biz/ is a Moloch worshiping board

>> No.25447362

Im an altcoiner too, but at least make decent picks
Rsr, prq, grt, loopring, algo, band ocean, lto, theres a ton of actual utility/product coins that might make it, i was joking about rlc, but out of your entire list its the only one i would barely accept

>> No.25447423
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1595261215063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one rational choice anon

>> No.25447445

You guys also deserve a round 2 desu to free all the bagholders on this board

>> No.25447462

Sorry none of those are wanted or needed desu

>> No.25447500

so what alt coins do you suggest then

>> No.25447544
File: 5 KB, 229x221, COMFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at 12k, moved out at 34.5k. Got balls deep into ETH and TOMO, waiting for that correction.

>> No.25447578

Good play my man

>> No.25447690

I prefer real returns to imaginary ones.

>> No.25447783

Profit = probability * potential profit.
For bitcoin, a 2x potential profit has a relatively high probability. You want to talk about some alt with a 100x potential profit? Which alt, and what's the probability it happens?