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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 100 KB, 1200x675, bubble_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25444012 No.25444012 [Reply] [Original]

the bubble will pop. the pink fields will be rife once again.

>> No.25444097

No doubt, writing is on the wall at this point

>> No.25444124

This is getting ridiculously based

>> No.25444130

>t. panic sold at $25k

>> No.25444214

I give it 48h

>> No.25444466

The writing on the wall is that we are seeing true inflation doubled to around 15% inflation. Bonds are dead. Stocks are overvalued. Real Estate is at ATH. The entire world is going through an unprecedented massive governmental injection of monetary fuckery with no end in sight. The boom and bust economic cycle becomes more and more unstable each time as debts build up more and more.

Institutions eventually start buying in and espousing the new gold theory paradigm, mixed with the ominous fact that Millennials, the future wealth managers of the world, only hold 5% of the wealth today. And yet Bitcoin is still only worth 1/25th of gold, despite being better as a store of value in every conceivable way, and ways that haven't been programmed in yet. It rides the same digital and parabolic wave that Google, Facebook and Apple ride via network effect and yet it is infinitely more valuable because it is the network effect of money itself, or what money should be - a pristine and non-manipulatable store of wealth and uncorruptable medium of exchange. That's the writing on the wall, did you not see it?

>> No.25444658

holy quads of quad

>> No.25444703

checked, based and beatifully written

>> No.25444705

That's not quads

>> No.25444836
File: 379 KB, 220x124, ntd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444934

Panic-selling cause the price goes up too quickly...

Crazy times.

>> No.25445035

You are psychologically and soon to be financially priced out RIP

>> No.25445088
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>> No.25445118

Literally this. It's exactly the time that Bitcoin was created for, and Satoshi basically predicted would happen. If you think fiat will regain strength anytime soon you're retarded.

>> No.25445184

will crash pretty hard before trump inauguration, so buy the dip. then exponential rise again. bet.

>> No.25445194

Nice "trips" u fuckin morons

>> No.25445354

We all know this already. Everyone knows BTC dumps hard from time to time. Why be a buzzkill when things are going so well? Or are you just trying to get others to dump to get the dump started with non necessary fear.... Hmm....

>> No.25445519
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Even if the bubble does pop and it goes down, I highly doubt it'll fall below what it was worth before this matador race began. Face it, Bitcoin is here to stay no matter what. Even if it does dip only a retard would sell considering the fact that it always bounces back. I'm upset I never got enough cash to invest before it rose to unprecedented levels, but I'm glad it's becoming a global powerhouse. Bitcoin is our only hope of a financially stable future.