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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25442765 No.25442765 [Reply] [Original]

Remember /biz/ is only a few IQ points above /pol/

>> No.25442788

A win is still a win. I’ll take it, Anon.

>> No.25442823
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, 1608991343704m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The have a thread about bitcoin. Go read it and say it again..

>> No.25442836

>2020 +1
>still owning being a no coiner


>> No.25442849

>a fucking leaf

>> No.25442851

>95% correlated with stock market

>> No.25442877

Why does /pol/ willfully choose to be poor and then bitch over jews. Don't get me wrong, I hate jews but it's like these faggots are completely averted towards making any sort of money due to the jewish greed meme, even though jews aren't bad because they're rich but because of how they become rich (by leeching and preying on their host nations and subverting the people). Seriously I almost want these faggots to be the cattle that the great reset wants them to be due to their complete resistance towards doing anything to stop it.

>> No.25442888

Nocoiner mass suicides incoming. Bitcoin is going to make a lot of people and destroy a hell of a lot more

>> No.25442918

Jews have made me tons of money. Stop being stupid, read a book, and start making money.

>> No.25442930

All those /pol/tards should get shot in the street. Seriously, I am not joking. All they do is talk 24/7 about politics (which is a rigged reality show and they don't notice it) and complain how bad life is. Truely the NPC's of this website

>> No.25442960

based poltards deserve their shitty lives

>> No.25442997

>Seriously I almost want these faggots to be the cattle that the great reset wants them to be
And that's what they will rightfully be. Fucking subhuman scum over there. It's fucking 2021 and they still haven't realized that all of politics is rigged and that they should rather focus on getting ahead instead of complaining about some random bullshit. They deserve to be vaxxed and chipped and treated like the cattle they are for being so fucking low IQ

>> No.25443042

i don't understand how a board obsessed with da joos makes no effort to escape from jewish debt slavery. do they think it's some kind of trick or something?

>> No.25443132

>Remember /biz/ is only a few IQ points above /pol/
More like Americans are the only ones who know how to operate in life. Look at all those foreign retards.

>> No.25443205

/pol/ was my entertainment (still is from time to time) but ultimately unproductive

>> No.25443532
File: 165 KB, 994x411, the_day_bobo_went_too_far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every post in that thread is a dumb myth that's been around for ten years
>Hurr quantum computing
They actually think no one has thought of this shit before?
No developer, engineer, investor, or likely genius satoshi ever thought of this eventuality but you the retard /pol/ anon did?
The hubris of /pol/tards

This is more proof that we get to 40 or 50 thousand before the fomo really starts this time
Then in order to cope they'll at least have to reckon with the fact that it's a trillion dollar "scam"

>> No.25443571

This proves that normie entry theory is completely wrong. Beavis and butthead are not here yet.

>> No.25444311

pol has the lowest iq in 4chan, even lower than b

>> No.25444416

It's seriously possible. Definitely Dunning Kruger effect where people read some graphs (likely made by Russians seeking to polarize Americans politically) with uncited sources and spout of "knowledge" all day like they're a genius. If you look up the sources on half the infographics there, you generally end up with some right wing whack job's website misinterpreting data at some point.

>> No.25444476

all the anons that make that leap in thinking end up here

>> No.25444528
File: 102 KB, 1110x1239, C8E6787B-C707-4B65-80EF-E0E34DCFDAFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up kike

>> No.25444579

/pol/ is redpilled about the Jews. But they completely miss the fucking mark about Jews controlling the central banks of basically every nation states and printing unlimited fiat for their banker friends.

Instead, /pol/ focuses on race, politics, events, twitter, and other shit which is exactly what the Jews would want. You give them the Bitcoin redpill and they spit it out.

>> No.25444581

/pol/ was funny until they started supporting mass shootings. That was the point of no return. Chip those chimps.

>> No.25444589

/pol/ has an IQ of 140

>> No.25444669
File: 39 KB, 400x387, 928B14C6-450E-4D87-94B4-4A71A5CDD41A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has the highest concentration of poorfags on the whole site because they spend all day getting mad about tweets no one gives a fuck about

>> No.25444698

Just told the wife if she sees me on the phone or computer these days I'm checking biz not pol kek

>> No.25444699

post your net worth

>> No.25445756

Yfw bread becomes 600 dollars a loaf

>> No.25445764

Holy shit I literally told my wife that too the other day. Hivemind.... I don't want to go back. I wasted 15 years screeching on the internet about stupid political crap.