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File: 276 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210102-230956_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25441672 No.25441672 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't even own 1 bitcoin

God fucking damnit, that graph doesn't even look real, when will the top get blown off.

Should I just liquidate my entire stock portfolio and buy .80 of 1 coin? That seems retarded.

>> No.25441703

No. Keep buying stocks, but also start buying up satoshis.

>> No.25441707

you seem retarded

>> No.25441718

>tfw can't decide whether to take my profits and walk for now
$32k is fucking nice.

>> No.25441739

Dude ur straight buggin on a stack btcs fuckin cracked rn

>> No.25441744

No. Im just angry that I missed out. I want it to crash.

>> No.25441789

i bought at 21k for what may very well be my last time save for coinbase card rewards on my monthly bills. i'm not actively buying that chart, but i am buying usdc every week waiting for an opportunity.

>> No.25441827


>> No.25441902

It was real in my mind.

>> No.25441953

i bought 2k when it was at 11K in sept and 2K in december when it was 18K.
CB portfolio shows that im about $8500 total after 4K invested. not sure if its time to cut and run yet

>> No.25442076

same, whens that bloody dip gonna happen?

>> No.25442077

See i am not interested in owning a fraction. I want at least 1 whole God damn bitcoin.

>> No.25442133
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>MFW own 1.25 bitcoin + 1.15 in altcoins

>> No.25442223

Stocks are garbage. It’s always closed what’s the point

>> No.25442275

Sell all your fucking Altcoond and buy bitcoin, wtf are you doing?

>> No.25442314

Options if omyou want to gamble nigga. Consistent gains. Not this guess the cycle shit with crypto.

>> No.25442339

Earnings check kekw altcoin stans kinda cringe bro, just buy doge or bitcoin dont be an altcoin andy

>> No.25442360

Asymmetric upside. If you're LUCKY, you'll see 10% returns on your stocks. That's a very liberal estimate considering stocks are already looney tunes.

Meanwhile every major wealth manager that means anything is saying it's going to eat up golds market cap. That's a 25x from here. Everyone is waiting for a correction, and has been, guess what? The price IS correcting.

>> No.25442384

zoomers are fucking brain damaged

>> No.25442399
File: 348 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210102-230830_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make big stock gains not just 10%

Options even more.

I need it to dip. I can justify buying it this high.

>> No.25442423


>> No.25442473

Yeah, you CAN make higher than 10%. The overwhelming majority of people don't.

If you can come up with a reason not to buy besides the price is high, then at least you have an argument. I've been hearing it since 10k, it doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.25442550

I just don't want to buy, and be like those people that bought bitcoin at 20k in 2017. Then watch my gains wiped out.

>> No.25442653

I think people are unable to comprehend what happens when you combine billionaires with an illiquid asset. It is going to shock minds and make people cry, economists and liberal rag journalists are going to reee it will be like election night 2016 all over again. I’ve converted most of my altcoin wealth over not because I don’t think alts won’t rise one day, but they will be the penny stocks to Bitcoin’s gold. You had over 10 years, it’s now or never.

>> No.25442687

It's one of the hardest things to do, to commit a large amount to buy this far in a bull run. There are a lot of angry bears on /biz/ these days. I would DCA in, or at least have a plan. And stick to that plan no matter what.

Yes, Bitcoin is volatile, but back in March - blue chips like DIS and VISA fell 50% when BTC fell 60%. The days of 90% drops are gone. And remember, you're buying in before institutions, this is like front-running Google pre-IPO.

>> No.25442714

it's 33k now.. we're doing fine... Unless you have "made-it" profits then chill.

>> No.25442731


>> No.25442759


>> No.25442763

we're back at 33k bros

>> No.25442813

Nah fuck it. I missed it. Its not going to x25 this cycle. I will be surprised if it gets to 100k this cycle. But thats x3 from here.

I can find safer x3 to invest my 20k~ in stocks.

I'll catch bitcoin next cycle or not at all.

>> No.25442846

The chart has to correct. We are on the verge of going completely vertical.

>> No.25442868


>> No.25442869

Expect only 10% pullbacks for a while... We had one today already.

>> No.25442906

I just bought at 33k bros. See you at 300k at the end of the year.

>> No.25442943

That would be when you finally break and buy at 300k

>> No.25442959

Negative, altseason is not predictable, better to be 50/50

>> No.25442964

Good luck. It still has the greatest asymmetric upside of any other asset, as it does everything gold does, better, so long term I see it beating gold. In this sense it's prudent to swallow a little of your pride and at least have a small position. But if you day trade all day, I don't know what kind of returns your pulling so yeah, maybe it's worth it to stick to stocks.

I like MMEDF and SPCE.

>> No.25442990

I'm not going to buy .80 of one coin at this price.

You go ahead and do it. I hope it works out I genuinely do. And I think there is a good chance it will. But the risk is too great.

>> No.25443019

When 2017 is so small you can't even believe it anymore, that's when the top blows.

>> No.25443027

Nio and nio calls baby all fucking day.

>> No.25443031

In this macro environment where one company is consistently buying 3x the new supply coming in, the chart becomes a total fucking meme. It’s going to go up, then briefly consolidate sideways from here on out, just like it did over all of last month.

>> No.25443057

Its about to go over 34k Jesus fucking chrsit.

>> No.25443067


I felt like shit buying at 10k in September, not anymore

>> No.25443085

Take *some*

>> No.25443101

You'll never make it

>> No.25443102

What is the advantage of USDC? Just the interest?

>> No.25443130

Buy $ROPE, faggot

>> No.25443141
File: 122 KB, 750x959, 437453A3-05B8-457A-87E2-5FB89A625B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than TV

>> No.25443150

aaaannddd we're 34k now.. what like 15 minutes after this post.

>> No.25443196

This is pride. The psychological barrier of owning one whole of something is hard to overcome. Bitcoin isn't even a real tangible asset, so it's kind of irrelevant. I myself find it easier to buy tens of Ether and thousands of Chainlink, but these things are just as intangible as one whole Bitcoin. It's a relic of the primative monkey brain. We want our one whole rabbit to eat, not a few berries here and there. But this is a totally new age and our minds aren't equipped to even instinctually understand what is happening. Still, we have to adapt or get left behind like Neanderthals.

>> No.25443197

Those have to be fake walls

>> No.25443227

Fair. Im just angry that i didn't buy bitcoin earlier when I had the fucking chance for years.

>> No.25443228
File: 621 KB, 1125x2156, 485333B7-67CF-46BA-9BE8-03376F363A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the only reason people are so incredulous is because this is a rare time in which retail beat the wall st cocksuckers to the game.

>> No.25443251

Definitely, lmfao they’ve been that high since 20k but godamn do i love watching them get ground to shit

>> No.25443263

What fucking language is this post written in?

>> No.25443291


>> No.25443326

The past four cycle have had 10 SD moves. 10. All of them. In stats we consider the probability of any one of them happening randomly to be zero.
Now ask yourself what the probability is that the cycle this time is going to be different than all the rest.
It is actually more probable that we go to $200k than not.

>> No.25443329

they are. I will often place a high sale and if I see the market is climbing to fast my bot cancels it and keeps moving it up.

>> No.25443333


>> No.25443363
File: 116 KB, 1286x425, pUntitled72hz8K2107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly anon get in b4 40k locks as the new 20k bottom

>> No.25443364

I have 56k worthless linkies... They're now only worth 20 Bitcoin. Why live

>> No.25443377

Heh, when binance when new I used to parasite a bot that obviously did this when scalping orders.

>> No.25443394

lol yeap

>> No.25443407

Owning 21 Bitcoins makes you feel more of a Chad than a few hundred Ethies

>> No.25443418

I can't get in. All of my money is on my fidelity stock account.

And fomoing in seems like a awful idea and I always get fucked when I do. I cant just gamble my whole portfolio.

>> No.25443459

You need to fucking switch them to bitcoin. NOW

>> No.25443473

What you have here is the inexperience -> experience effect. Inexperienced people enter a market and create asset price bubbles. They get burned. Then going forward they don't make bubbles again. Since there are no obvious fundies in crypto, they use whatever the most recent upper price levels to determine value. They have no idea what's coming and buying is spooky because they get fucked over last time.

>> No.25443497

Do it

>> No.25443581

You had all year. Corona was the buy signal

>> No.25443596

There has to be some sort of shakeout that will happen right ?

>> No.25443612

>tfw very late into this
>tfw if I knew this in 2012 would've bought
>tfw only .005 of a btc
life isn't fair

>> No.25443618
File: 513 KB, 640x699, 1607575802392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is anon. I am a fucking loser who has made every wrong turn in life. I am a nobody. But I bought one full bitcoin in 2018. And now, who knows? Maybe ill be rich. Maybe ill kill myself and no one will ever have access to this 1 bitcoin ever again, it will be lost forever - just to spite the world. This digital coin is my last glimmer of humanity. It is the only thing I have control over in my life. And im never fucking selling.

>> No.25443661

Anon. Bitcoin will unironically be 300k in the next 5 years.

I'm about 70% sure.

Source: my ass, but I have a feeling.

>> No.25443699
File: 238 KB, 1366x611, 71762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an IQ filter. One of the first arguments I hear is "it's too expensive", meanwhile, the price of a coin is completely arbitrary. There'll be a day when entire integer Bitcoin will be like owning real estate. And it's the single asset in history, where the more it goes up, the more people want to buy it and the institutions feel comfortable holding it. We all love Elon, but we can't have TSLA being worth a trillion fucking dollars. With Bitcoin we can.

It's checking all the boxes with macro and is a Cinderella/underdog story. It could really change the world, and the best part is, it would be for the better and help destroy the cyclical boom and bust economic cycle/create sound money.

>> No.25443756

Bump for this

>> No.25443773

Well I missed it. Fuck.

If I can get it end of next week I will but im worried if this is thr tru bull run yall are going to straight to 200k-400k then next cycle will be 10 mil

>> No.25443794

Don't fomo lads

>> No.25443800

Nobody has fucking held since 2012. Every single person here could probably tell you a story of when they had a shitload of btc that would be worth millions. I personally heard about btc during the run up to $20 in 2011, took one look at the chart, and called it a pnd scam. I had like 20 btc in 2015. The important thing is to get in now, and maybe next time try fucking buying when nobody is talking about it. Next bear market it will be at $50k and you'll think "man I'd have to be retarded to put $50k into an asset that will go to 0". Well guess what, shut the fuck up and do it. BTC could legitimately be worth millions with a $50T marketcap some day. It will eventually be the world reserve currency, just get on board before you get left behind completely.

>> No.25443801

Yes, why else, they pay interest.

>> No.25443814

>but we can't have TSLA being worth a trillion fucking dollars
Why not? It's 2/3 there already.

>> No.25443837

Will you stop whining, you didn't miss it. Most people either have no clue what it is or still think it's a scam.

>> No.25443840


>> No.25443873

Well I won't buy it this cycle.

>> No.25443879

Don't FOMO ya retards

>> No.25443900

You sure? ;)

>> No.25443923

Which is why you will miss put of those gains this cycle

>> No.25443930

>you will live to see bitcoin surpass both the berkshire market cap and class A share price

>> No.25444001


>> No.25444003


>> No.25444033

Anon.... I'm trying to be respectful....
The growth curve is logarithmic... there's not going to be infinite cycles of growth this large...
Economies only reallocate to new asset classes once, then they're fully capitalized... given the market cap's practical ceiling against comparable assets, the one following this could be the last one...
You will not make it with one cycle and $20k...

>> No.25444077

Bull run hasn't started yet retard

>> No.25444081

Small potatoes, the fact that Apple is still worth 3x+ more is ridiculous. It's going to gobble up finance. Where the fuck is the 60/40 portfolio going? Does anyone here realize just how much money is in bonds?

>> No.25444137

Fine if thats what you want im just going to go all in next week. No matter the price. Even if i get half a coin thats still 5 million at then of the following cycle.

>> No.25444211


Oh shit to think I cashed out half of my coins last week. Fuuuuc

>> No.25444298

If it makes you feel better I dropped another $5k on $28k and didn't give a fuck about it.
You seem like a smart guy. Then you understand risk premia? Try this out sometime. Get some long bitcoin charts, you want ten years. Take the price on Jan 1 of every year and come up with a geometric yield, then an arithmetic yield.
Do the same thing for whatever stock index you like. Hell you can even use a leveraged ETF if you want.
Consider that bitcoin's volatility is 8x the stock market. Now consider how many dollars you make for every $1 you risk in stocks vs bitcoin over the past ten years. It's going to shock you. You're being paid literally thousands of times more for your risk in bitcoin than you are in stocks.

>> No.25444374

That is unfortunately why it will become outlawed very soon. See the digital currency initiatives of the central banks. They won't give up on their currency sovereignty as it would mean the end of qe and ability of governments to deal with their debt through inflation. They don't have another way of reacting. And don't tell me they can't, also gold is regularly outlawed before every currency default. This shouldn't be a fud as i have my stack, but i simply fear this must inevitably come. The simple man cannot have a hard asset and escape inflation. This would be the end of financing governments.

>> No.25444391

I just bought. Should I buy some more?

>> No.25444400

ok bucko

>> No.25444461

>tfw been DCA'ing since 5k but poor as fuck so only have 9k now.

I want to die, only richfags get richer in this market.

>> No.25444680

We live in a plutocracy, not a democracy or dictatorship. That means that the wealth managers that are buying in now, are precisely the people that manage the world. They don't like their money fucked with. This is why the unbelievable wealth gap continues and no one seems to talk about it or think it's a problem. The more BItcoin grows, the less of a chance there will be of some sort of ban, which would be futile and lead to geo-arbitrage.

They'll have their CBDC's which will give rise to a new toolset of behavioral economics. The Fed are looking at an unsustainable system, and they know that, so I don't think there's anyone in a smoke filled boardroom saying they have to ban it lest risk their "control".

>> No.25444681

Think about what it’s going to do to debt. Why would anyone want to buy debt that is less secure and appreciates less than bitcoin style assets? This will destroy banking and the debt based economy.

>> No.25444748


A fool. It will be 3k, not 300k by the end of year

>> No.25444768

lol it's above 34k now

you had 12 years

>> No.25444784

You realized that it's supply chain just halved and people are going to hold knowing the value will eventually appreciate. i see 15k as the bottom this cycle. Stock 2 flow doesn't even predict it topping out until well into the year.

>> No.25444810

Learn market cap bruh

>> No.25444811

anon I don't even have 0.1 BTC.
I have 0.0875 will I make it?

>> No.25444839

>didn't do his risk premia homework

>> No.25444843

I can't fund Coinbase with fiat through my credit card bros, it detects it as a suspicious transaction. what do?

>> No.25444856

more than i got

>> No.25444874

Use Gemini

>> No.25444880

Yes, that's what i'm saying. Therefore governments will have to react.

>> No.25444894

>every major wealth manager that means anything is saying it's going to eat up golds market cap. That's a 25x from here.
I've heard scientists saying soon btc's market cap will be worth more than half the combined assets' value on earth.

>> No.25444943

>not a dictatorship
Believe me, governments and central banks have more far reaching authorities than you think and they will use them when their policy making is endangered. Also don't forget, the majority of voters are still nocoiners, they are more or less envious of people profiting from sth they didn't. Most people will not have a problem with btc prohibition at all.

>> No.25444988

They're flatly wrong
Global annual GDP is $92T. Gold's market cap is $12.5T, the value of everyone's shit is much more than either figure
Guess which one is likely the top of the curve

>> No.25445003

but I retardedly bought in at $4,000 a year ago and sold it at $10k thinking it was the top and used it to buy a nicer car....now I realize what a retarded fuck I was for selling my one and only Bitcoin. I'm priced out forever, I'll never own a whole coin. but if it does hit a million, I'll definitely be riding that shit as much as I can. if it does go beyond a million, that 0.0875 stack will pay off my house at least.

>> No.25445015

Those are spoofed walls no doubt

>> No.25445045

We live during the exception, not the rule. Fiat has only been around for 50 years. Prior to that, gold has backed currency, we are in uncharted territory. You have to think first principles. So if you could design money, from scratch, would it be controlled by a handful of people? Or would it be completely free and trustless?

>> No.25445072

The only reason we have any sort of peace is the ability to finance infinite debt through inflation. Inflating value away from people is theft, but it’s non violent. If Bitcoin destroys this mechanism the only way for the oligarchs to remain in power is to expropriate value through other means, namely violence. I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before.

>> No.25445077


>> No.25445115

Bro it is going up according to mathematics. Ppl on here can post the old prediction. If you just let it come down a bit first, then buy the fucking dip. Dont buy now. It is close to a top. Be patient.

>> No.25445170

We'll see. Banning an opt-out option from a massive inflationary event probably wouldn't sit well with a lot of people. Also, in this scenario, I'd imagine there'd be a sell off - right up until people realize this is exactly the reason Bitcoin exists in the first place. Making Bitcoin appealing not only at the investment level, but the existential.

Also, in a roundabout way, you're arguing that Bitcoin goes up in price so much, that governments are forced to respond. Not a bad problem to have.

>> No.25445189

It's probably halfway to the top, but it's not their yet.

>> No.25445193

1 BTC will be worth 50 billions USD.

>> No.25445212

I also see s massive standoff. The agenda is set out, look at ezb's twitter account, they're constantly blabering about this e-euro that the people apparently need because they put their money in a private token aka btc. When they come and destroy my stacks, this will literally be the first time i'm going into the streets. Never been interested in any blm, environment or other protester shit. But that means war for me.

>> No.25445223

The part on the left is going to look like a straight line.

>> No.25445240

Got any penny psychedelic stocks?

>> No.25445241

shit anon I'll have 4 Billion dollars, so I will make it?

>> No.25445251

You're telling the reasons for a ban yourself. I'd like to trust they won't use their authority but i don't think so. This e-euro shit the ezb is coming up is too obvious.

>> No.25445292

The opposite worst case scenario is true as well i.e. populism. We already are seeing this play out in the world, a lot of angry people that aren't quite sure why they're angry. The wealth inequality gap widening isn't sustainable and can lead to a major upheaval, be it violent or political.

Debt never goes away, debt is good to a certain extent. But mitigating the debt is prudent. People are tired of having their life savings vaporized, and it almost happened again in March - we've only postponed an inevitability.

>> No.25445376

This. A lot of the protests around the world, blm, environment stuff is for me a valve and proxy for that frustration the people are feeling because of endless qe and asset inflation. Lower classes simply can't afford a house in a lifetime where i live.

>> No.25445387

Maybe I'm an optimist but I don't think it's going to be banned. Check out Brian Brooks, he's helping out Bitcoin in a large way. Banks can now custody digital assets, seems like a strange path towards a ban. Good night.

>> No.25445405

Let's hope so, good night.

>> No.25445420
File: 107 KB, 694x800, 1F0DEC2F-8D41-427A-BD7A-B320261FB3A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it?

>> No.25445452
File: 2.27 MB, 1000x1460, 63a1a83f6b575aacd9e8dfeaba60b633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fud

>> No.25445453

What will happen ae Chinese ny

>> No.25445502

Please tell you me at least have 5 btc

>> No.25445520

All government action is predicated on a monopoly of violence

>> No.25445563

dear god

>> No.25445566
File: 446 KB, 1851x804, uuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no coiner fomo is starting to kick in

>> No.25445584

Wrong. It will be the return to sound money. 1871-1914 was peak human civilization with the entire world under one gold standard. No government will return to the gold standard now because it would require them to admit an unacceptable amount of inflation has occured. No government can control Bitcoin. No one can shut it down. It has become hard money, and easy money will flow into it because money is like electricity: it follows the path of least resistance. At some point governments will stop fighting it and realize it is better to adopt it. Bitcoin will become the new global reserve currency and usher in a golden age of human prosperity with no inflation and no central bank manipulation. You don't get it yet. Read the Bitcoin Standard. Download the PDF and read it tonight in one sitting.

>> No.25445619
File: 245 KB, 483x368, 1588382664348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you went full retard didn't you

>> No.25445711

my dumbass friends back in HS built a mining machine and they agreed to let one kid buy them all out when BTC hit like $60, probably like 12 coins mined over a few months RIP

>> No.25445734

And at some point if governments want to ban Bitcoin, people would rather renounce their citizenship and flee somewhere else as the wealthy elite than continue living in an impoverished society that will openly fight to keep them poor, indebted, and ultimately enslaved.

>> No.25445802

Should i keep buying right now? We are clearly going to 50k.

>> No.25445804

Imagine buying stocks in 2020/21...

>> No.25446389


Another hundred thousand bobos will try to short the start of CNY and the exchanges will pump again to liquidate them.