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25439033 No.25439033 [Reply] [Original]

>Made 2mil
>In Australia
>Will be taxed ~$470,000
>That's like 7 years of salary for me.
>Considering moving to Germany or Malta or Singapore or something to take out tax free.

Has anyone looked into moving country or somehow getting tax resident status so you can legally avoid paying your cap gains tax? Does it mean I have to live in the other country forever, or can I come back ...and not have a problem when I move 2mil into my Aus bank account... Pls advice. Seems stupid to throw away half a million $AUD... Or is this just complicating it all and I should just pay it up?

>> No.25439053

Read your passport

It will say if you are liable to taxes when overseas

>> No.25439107
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Bump. Pls I'm so ready to quit m job and find out im still depressed for other reasons.

>> No.25439108

im also Aussie expect to make a fuckton of money this year, I have Maltese heritage so considering a move there. Also wondering that if I cash everything into stablecoins and hold them for a year, will I get the long term capital gains discount? I should, right?

>> No.25439131

Are you just going to live off of passive income? You can live off of that. Just take out 6% a year or so, it will offset if you keep it invested and you'll never lose your principal.

There's a 4% rule calculator, just google it.

>> No.25439149

you owe tax on it already, not when you cash it out

>> No.25439198

Is kiwi land too close to down under to avoid the taxes? I thought there was a one time crypto tax exemption there?

>> No.25439199
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If you go from BTC-> stable coin .... Whenever you did that, it'll be a cap gain event...and you'll pay the tax... And your cost basis will start again with those stable coins.. You won't see much cap gains on them...but they'll need to be held 12months to get the 50% CGT reduction.

>> No.25439248

I am going to try and cash out at the end of the bullrun into stablecoins and hold for a year, the bear market should last longer than that. Then I can cash out 20-30% into fiat and leave the rest in stablecoins to rebuy the BTC and ETH lows in 2022-23

>> No.25439252
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>use money and take loan
>cash out loan
>a loan is not an income and cant be taxed

>> No.25439253

that's not true crypto works the same way stocks do in Australia so its taxed on the sale not from holding.

>> No.25439269

That's not too bad, so once you've made it just put your gains into stablecoins and wait a year?

>> No.25439277

yeah I have had crypto for 3 years and only cashed out around $1k so far, they dont care if you cash out less than 10k per year.

>> No.25439305

Can you really put anything into an air fryer? I've never even seen one.

>> No.25439314

BTW I feel like Australia has the most crypto investors per capita of any country, we have so much activity here in the investing side and on the dev side.

>> No.25439324

How does it work in the UK? You can widthdraw £12500 tax free right?

>> No.25439407
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the only way you can get out of Australia's taxes is renouncing your Australian citizenship -- which means you need to have dual citizenship somewhere else first (you might be interested to know that New Zealand has no capital gains tax)

>> No.25439417

idk but millenials fucking love them i guess its real easy to cook shit

>> No.25439474
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that's not how any of this works... JFC how many zoomer newfags have invaded this board?

>> No.25439513
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No... Its still not 'personal use' ...That would be taxable as CGT... Unless it was like you bought it yesterday, then spent under 10k today... the longer you've held it the higher likilihood of ATO considering it as an invesment and subject to CGT laws.

I don't think you understand... Stablecoins wont help you avoid tax. if you bought 1 btc at $1 and sold it for $10000. $9999 is subject to CGT. Doesn't matter if it was sold for AUD or stablecoins or into ETH etc... if you held the btc for a year b4 selling only 50% of it is CGT taxable.

>> No.25439530
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"so you take your TSLA gains, buy gold, wait one year, and then you don't owe the government any taxes!"

>> No.25439532

Eastern Euros still probably got you beat on that point. Lots of devs, low cost of living, shitty low paying jobs. Crypto is their ticket out

>> No.25439533


>> No.25439545

desu they're just regular mini convection ovens. Nothing special, just a better insulated toaster oven with a fan and a digital timer... gimmicky mostly.

>> No.25439610
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Yeah fuck... I posted this thinking I'd get some people who knew a little more than me around tax shit... but christ, tardos everywhere seem to have 0 clue.

>> No.25439616

Same OP
23 yr old with 1.5million in ausbux crypto. Don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. My parents are Dutch so I might just fuck off there lol

>> No.25439745

Yes but is for say converting your LINK to aLINK on AAVE a trade? I think I fucked myself this year for taxes because of this

>> No.25439755
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No capital gains here, just a ~1% wealth tax that starts at 50k EUR net worth (debts included, except for mortgage). Pretty comfy.

>t. student with 70k debt at 0% apr, 100k+ in crypto. Not paying any taxes

>> No.25439792
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Best advice so far... Probs gonna see the ATO change laws around crypto lending bs though... And call it a disposable for CGT purposes when putting it down as collateral for the loan... It's kinda undefined atm.

>> No.25439802

What’s the lifestyle like in the Netherlands? Visited there when I was 16 last. It’s nice, but very cold and everyone is so fucking tall. Despite having 100% Dutch heritage in a 5’11” manlet lol

>> No.25439827

In the UK for example:
>Buy £1000 worth BTC
>Your BTC is now worth £20000
>Trade BTC for £20000 worth of ETH
>Your ETH value goes all the way down to £1000
You now have to pay 20% tax when you traded your BTC for ETH.

>> No.25439829

...Where? Is getting residency easy?

>> No.25439864

but the thing is how would the government know about it? If you just kept quiet. They can't just get it from Binance right?

>> No.25439903

Yeah, it's fucked like that here too... Can legit cause you to become bankrupt on taxes if you don't cash out the tax amount into fiat to pay... fucking grubberment parasites.

>> No.25439944

I doubt it.

Everyone in Australia invests in property.

>> No.25439978

Because the gov pours 100's of millions into tax collection. If you get audited ...Which you fucking will if you just randomly get a fat stack of money into your bank..you'll need to provide the paper train of all your trades... Then you'll get butt blasted in prison for tax fraud.

>> No.25440030

Yes, they can just get it from Binance

>> No.25440050

As an australian citizen you are only obliged to pay taxes to australia on all income if you are a resident in australia for tax purposes. If you move from australia and are no longer a resident, you no longer have to pay tax on any income you make abroad. However, you cant just move abroad and THEN cash out, because that was money that you made as an australian resident and the ATO want their cut.

There MAY be a loophole that will allow you to cash out offshore and not get raped by the ATO, but i highly doubt it.

If you made $2 mil, and they want to take 470k, thats a tax of 23.5%. Now, as a non cuck thats hard to take. BUT its actually no where no NEAR as extortionate as many other western countries, and as a one time 'make it' fee, its a small price to pay for peace of mind imo.

Think about it, you pay up, and then you take your $1,530,000 and move wherever in the world treats you best. Set up offshore tax havens and conduct the rest of your investing activity away from prying eyes and grabbing hands. Do whatever you want. You've made it bro.

>> No.25440064

defs owe tax on that trade. sorry fren

>> No.25440067

I'm 6'1, in at least 2 social circles I frequently hang out with I'm the shortest guy lmao. 5'11 is more than enough though, maybe just slightly under the average. It is cold here yeah, and Dutch people can be a bit weird and direct. /int/ likes to shit on us but I think as far as autism goes, the Dutch fit in right in the middle of the ultra autistic Finns and the super open and warm meds. I also like to think we're funnier and less autistic than Germans, but they think the inverse so whatever. At least we have beaches.

I don't think so. Not at least when I skim this page: https://www.expatica.com/nl/moving/visas/permanent-residence-netherlands-108418/
I am acquinted with a christian Syrian refugee that has been trying the get a permanent residence permit for 5 years now. Seems like it takes a lot of effort but should be easier for someone with money. Money talks.

>> No.25440113

if this isn't a larp heres an amazing tax resource.


>> No.25440117

I have trades dating back from 2017 and the history isn't there on exchanges. How would I even get them when my trade history is already gone?

>> No.25440174
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>everyone is really tall; bad place to be a manlet
>everybody leaves the office at 5 PM; I wouldn't start a company there
>50% income tax; fucking socialists
>everyone is a godless atheist
>nobody wears bright colors; the unofficial uniform is to wear a black coat when you're outside
>cigarette smoke everywhere
>serious, German-like culture where being silly in public is considered shameful

>> No.25440188

Never even thought of it before diving into it to take loans on it but desu it is probably for the better. Will keep my gains in the 15% bracket vs the 20% if I were to cash out all at once. Just need to somehow come up with the cash without liquidating my positions

>> No.25440193

doesnt matter
can't show it? pay up (and you have to assume your cost basis is zero)

>> No.25440227

pay how much? 20% of everything I widthdraw?

>> No.25440271

this is good advice OP.

>> No.25440288


>> No.25440362

HMRC doesnt have access to binance so they cant

>> No.25440414
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Yeah thanks. I've somewhat accepted that really the answer is just gonna be to pay it... Just sounded too good (to be true) that I could live abroad for a year or two essentially on $450k...

How do the billionaires do it?

Seems kinda shitty Aus would get that tax just because I was living here while it appreciated (without realizing those gains while here) ... but I can see why (((they)) would interpret it that way...

I guess its the tax cuck life for me.

>> No.25440453

If you move to a tax haven like Hong Kong for 6 months, you become a tax resident and no longer have to pay gains on your crypto. You just get a certificate and ScoMo can’t do shit about it
>t. Living in HK for 4 years and paid like 15 percent income tax compared to 50%

>> No.25440486

yah, I'm scared of China...Not moving to hongkong. Sounds pretty neato tho...Surly it work the same elsewhere.

>> No.25440518

Puerto Rico in the states, I've heard, has a similar low crypto tax rate.
T.ignorant new friend

>> No.25440541

Belgium as well and we can be frens (pls)

>> No.25440591

OP if you are anything like Canada then you will need to be a non-tax resident. You will likely need to leave the country for a year, file for being a non-tax resident, and then get your money.

>> No.25440596

But wait just come in Belgium and transfer it by yourself on my Kraken account and take it from my bank account yourself!
You’ll leave me a part in exchange.
No scam, I’m white and I’ll give you all necessary in your hands

>> No.25440620

okay so I traded on etherdelta, Huobi, some shitty exchange not sure they are there, binance, kraken and I I didn't use any identity on all of them.

How would the HMRC know info about me on these exchanges? I don't have access to these anymore and history is gone on them as I've not traded for years until recently.

>> No.25440647

Head over NZ or the Caymen Isles

>> No.25440660

>give us your address
looks through etherscan
>mate looks like you use some shitty exchange mate, why don't you give us your trades mate

>> No.25440683

can you come back to canada after 3 years or something after youve done that?

>> No.25440693

>cash out 200k
>put the rest in XMR
nothing personnel ATO

>> No.25440713

Transfer it all into hard storage BTC then just live off that using BTCs ATMs. There’s always a risk you will be audited at someone point and get forced into paying but this will potentially minimise it.

>> No.25440720

I don't have access to the exchanges anymore. I've traded privacy coins.

Can't I just widthdraw £12300 tax free every year instead and no need to report? there's a Capital Gains Tax allowances of £12300

>> No.25440727

Yeah, as soon as you are back for 183 days you would be considered a tax resident again (if you fucking told the CRA lmao they have no idea).

I am a non-tax resident who usually lives in Asia but I am currently in Canada due to Wu Flu and the CRA has no fucking clue

>> No.25440742

Literally sounds perfect, I just want to be among the beautiful and dreary.

>> No.25440751

that's a pretty good idea. in burgerland you can cash out 40k free + 12.4k more because standard deduction

>> No.25440770

also if you marry your allowance gets doubled, though your wife might run away with the bitcorns in a divorce.

>> No.25440778

Taxes are that low in australia? Would be almost double that in USA

>> No.25440829

It’s capital gains tax. I pay a net income tax of about 40%, 10% sales tax on everything I purchase and then 30% capital gains on any asset I sell.

>> No.25440839

stop being greedy and pay a good accountant

>> No.25440848

I choose to believe this is b8

>> No.25440849

>though your wife might run away with the bitcorns
not if you break her legs! we were so sad when sarah took a spill down the stairs. but she's doing well now...

>> No.25440850

It is double... (~47%) ..but I've had it for over a year so CGT is halved...which is nice I giess..but ~25% of my money is still a lot..

>> No.25440864
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I hate the tax rate in this cunt.

>> No.25441126

CGT is 30% not 47%.

>> No.25441128

Hire a tax accountant and pay the 25%, it will be the easiest way to go about things then you focus on tripling your cash to 4mil+.

In NZ we will soon have to pay 39% on all income over 180k lol...... what a fucking joke. 25% is nothing

>> No.25441167

A good lawyer and tax accountant would cost a tiny fraction of that

>> No.25441192

what if you widthdraw money to your mum's thailand bank account then your mum send money from her bank account to your UK bank account?

Your mum gifted you that money from abroad

>> No.25441243

>send BTC to thailand exchange
>sell BTC to fiat then to parent's thailand bank account
>parent sends money to your UK bank account
how is it?

>> No.25441276

In most western countries gifting crypto is liable for CGT.

>> No.25441277

Become a resident of another country for tax purposes and hire a tax accountant to make sure you dont fuck it up

>> No.25441333

they won't know though. Its seen as my parent gifting me money. They won't ever know about me transfering crypto over to another country on an exchange like Binance since the exchange is in Melta

>> No.25441378

I’m not saying you won’t get away with it, I’m just saying in theory it’s taxable.

>> No.25441391

just don't report any moves except fiat -> crypto or crypto -> fiat, how hard is this, the irs isn't going to dive into etherscan over some 100k bullshit

>> No.25441534

>25% is nothing
it's a full fucking quarter you dipshit. this mindset is how you cucks got to 39% in the first place.

>> No.25441557

How did you get the 450k figure?
You would be on the 45% tax rate if you tried to cash it all out?

Also your taxes would be spread over the last 4 years, going back to 2017, depending on how you traded. I'm in a similar situation OP and I don't know what to do. If I get audited I'm fucked because I havent kept any records

>> No.25441639
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It's basically just the new Easy Bake Oven. Millennials like me buy them because it reminds us of our childhood

>> No.25441642

Capital Gains isn’t the same as income tax. Goddam crypto has made millionaires out of morons.

>> No.25441655

Stop staying in countries that are going to tax you for having an IQ above fucking 90.

>> No.25441698

CGT is taxed at your income tax bracket in Australia

>> No.25441968

If I don't work, made $0 income.

How would I go about cashing out $100k? What about $300k?

A-asking for a me

>> No.25441993

fuck i meant
not me friend

>> No.25442103

If your salary is 0 then when you cash out your net taxable income will be 100k. On that you will pay $24,497 in tax.

Keep in mind Centrelink payments are taxed as well, almost no one has a $0 income

>> No.25442146

I haven't worked since june last year and i dont get gibs. I do have a certain amount of crypto that may or may not have gone up in value.

Cheers for you assistance ato nig.

>> No.25442180

Then how the fuck am going to explain how I turned 1 bitcoin into 20 bitcoin

>> No.25442200

Have you held the asset for more than a year? If so there is a 50% CGT discount and you will only pay tax on 50k

>> No.25442232

why don't you just pay 20% tax on all of it then? You'd lose 2 worth of BTC only.

Though I question if you still have to give a history of your trades or something, which I won't have.

>> No.25442244

Anything sealed. I wouldn't throw a liquid or semiliquid in there, it's basically a oven with a circulating fan. Good for fried stuff if you want less oil

>> No.25442253

CGT works off income tax brackets, at the upper end it's 47% or close to it.

>> No.25442308

Not sure what you mean. Here's the problem, in the US, up to 500k is taxed at 15% long term, everything over is 20%. Creating a new cost basis and realizing gains is beneficial if I spread it out every year and keep it below 500k. Only problem is I need to put money aside from my stack to pay these taxes unless I can find the cash elsewhere

>> No.25442362

sup jimmy

>> No.25442386

I haven't read he CGT tax shit recently but is that how it really works? Seems kinda retarded. Especially since anyone with a brain already has zero "income".

>> No.25442631
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I have 44 pages worth of trades from 2017 and haven't reported anything. I went from £3000 invest and everything was a blur after that. So many trades, gains and losses. I don't even have the reports for the other exchanges since I don't have access to them.

>> No.25442655


>Will only walk away with a meager 1.5 mil

Fuck off

>> No.25442681

do u not know how to launder money? lol

>> No.25442689

1) when you sell BTC, you just say "i sold 5 btc for 500k, here's your taxes" and then if they question shit you bought btc off mylocalbitcoin for cash back in 2013. when you give them 150k in taxes they aren't gonna call in the feds to investigate where you got 5 bitcoin, if you say you bought them for 500$ awhile back they'll just have to accept it

>> No.25442703

also I was up a lot so I owe more tax than I came out with since I had losses thereafter.
This is retarded.

>> No.25442738

they'll ask where you got the cash from, and backtrace it. If you have no proof to show then youre screwed

>> No.25442780

I dunno, it's in my private wallet so if i move it to sell does that count? Also what about staking rewards?

>> No.25442809

you can't cash out without giving oz their duty. you made the money there, you owe the tax there. i can't believe i share a board with you retards.

>> No.25442863

Fuck off glowie. I already laid tax from i got paid from waging. Why should I have to pay more taxes.

>> No.25442867

you can move it between wallets fine, but if you sell it / dispose of it (eg. gift, trade for alt coin) then that's the CGT event.

Staking rewards and interest accrued for crypto lending are considered INCOME for the tax year you got it...(the value of it at the time of aquire - which is also the cost basis - so when u sell it theres CGT too...)

>> No.25442890

here an idea boys, get like 2 million stack and then find a 10-20% apy LP or farm and just cash out what you farm only, then you only pay tax on that every year.

>> No.25442972

I'm in a similar position to you, I have 6 figures of a staking coin. My plan is to wait for 1 year (as demonstratable on the blockchain) and then start selling to AUD with the 50% CGT discount. I'm going to use a zero cost basis because I can't be bothered tracking all my prior crypto trades and for staking rewards I will just pay full CGT on them with a zero cost basis.

In a sense I'm overpaying but I think the ATO will accept it as a genuine attempt to pay tax and they won't pursue me for tax evasion, given that I havent declared any of my crypto to crypto trades for the last 4 years.

>> No.25443016
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You're the fucking retard here m8. Being in Aus literally had nothing to do with it appreciating in value. The money wasn't 'made' here. Its just been going up in value while I've been living here. fucking cuck.

>> No.25443080


>> No.25443109


In the US, every-single-transaction is taxed if there was a capital gain.

If you bought BTC@ $1000 and sold BTC@$10000 to buy a shit coin. Then you just made taxable income because you traded something that is now worth $10k. You now would owe tax on the $9k you made as "income" REGARDLESS if it is fiat or not.

You may want to look into what your country does about about taxes and how it defines capital gains.

I almost got fucked because of this in 2017, but thankfully I had fiat reserves to cover the taxes...$30k of it. Im sure many other got fucked.

>> No.25443160

>while I've been living here
and sealed. i'm sure the down under version of the IRS aren't going to pursue their dollars. just be free m8, do what feels right.

>> No.25443434

Have you guys ever got a call from the ATO? They're a bunch of clueless pajeets who can't string words together much less chase down obfuscated crypto trails. Anyone who pays a cent of their hard-earned to those retards didn't deserve to get rich with crypto in the first place

>> No.25443533

You have to research trusts and off shore accounts. I think the cook islands is good for aussies

>> No.25443605

what's the worst that can happen anyway? If they do find out you haven't paid taxes don't they ask for it before throwing you in jail?

>> No.25443643

based, thanks for the info

>> No.25443715


>> No.25443720

dont fucking touch it until you move to a different country. australia is the most cucked country for taxation

>> No.25443755

Are you Craig Wright?

>> No.25443769

thanks SN

>> No.25443806

Every time I cook chicken in mine it always comes out tender and juicy.

>> No.25443961

>they'll ask where you got the cash from, and backtrace it.
I'll be honest, I've never been audited, but that sounds fucking absurd. if you're worried about that, just come up with a more elaborate lie, "My uncle gave me 10btc before he died" or "I bought link at .20 cents" and show 1 trade instead of 1000

>> No.25444046

look up countries that have a territorial taxation or no capital gains tax, find one you like go live there and cash out to a bank outside that country tax free. you could use your aus bank even.

the important thing is to get a certificate of residency every year from your new country of residence, this is how you prove to your country of origin that you are a resident somewhere else. make sure to look up the double tax agreement treaty between your new country of residence and your country of origin, without a DTA you could be taxed twice by both countries.

>> No.25444075

Lol people like you give me a lot of faith I won't be audited for at least trying my best to stay tax compliant. ...I forgot how many retards like you are out there that think they're so clever to be ble to avoid it all so simply.

>> No.25444123

just to be clear, any trade you made while in australia is a capital gain event and is taxable the year it happened. hopefully you just bought and hold there, otherwise game over.

>> No.25444153

If you do your trades over layer 2 they cant track anything fyi.

>> No.25444266
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You should have been born in the United States of America, we fucking rebelled over representation and taxes.

Assuming $150,000 initial start and a $75,000 salary I would only have to pay.....$573,773

Fuck we really are the cocksleeves of the (((them))) and modern slaves.

>> No.25444305

Oh and that assumes you HOLDld for over a year. If you made crypto to crypto conversions those are taxable too and you have better have HOLDld for a year between each of those at a much higher tax rate.

>> No.25444319

Why don’t you just cash out the little as you need it? Do you want to cash all of it out?

>> No.25444426


It's not a risk worth taking unless you are 100% sure of not having to pay tax. Just get an account with Koinly or one of the many other crypt tax websites out there, upload your buys, sells, receives and sends and present the tax report to your accountant to include it in taxable income.

Not saying I dont think tax isnt theft because it fucking is in this country especially the way they spend it to support foreign takeover of this country but if they catch you, you are fucked.

>> No.25444547

Does someone here have experience of creating a holding company in a low taxation country to transfer your crypto in it and to use it to buy other investments like stocks?
Even if it has to be in our home country the company structure could bring some tax optimization and would be worth looking into.

>> No.25444791

does Australia have an Exit Tax ? if OP you are fucked, no way to escape legally.

>> No.25444802

you should have faith you won't get audited, man. and don't be so dramatic, if you make a mistake you just pay, they don't pull out a hairbrush and assfuck you over the desk
>With fewer agents available to perform audits, the agency's audit rate has been whittled to 0.45% of individual returns in fiscal 2019, the IRS said recently. That compares with an audit rate of 0.9% in the fiscal 2014

>> No.25444876

If you’re a resident in aus for tax purposes you must pay tax here, the ato is ruthless, that said if you move away with a visa for 2-3 years and come back you may get away with it. If you think ducking away for a 3-6 month Holliday, cashing out and coming back transferring 2m to your bank from offshore will go well for you then Na you’ll get fucked

>> No.25445090

advice is to just move for years, murky it up and try it, best advice is just pay your taxes it sucks and people still cry about the Jewishness of it all but you fucked up by not protecting yourself here at all, 2m is enough to acquire a good life of wealth, why fuck your self when the ato cucks you and destroys you with Interest and fees and if they decide to make an example out of you being crypto, freeze your assets and run you through expensive court and a criminal charge for evasion. 2m is not 10k and it’s enough to build Great wealth, also remember you can negate that capital gains against capital losses for years to come, so open a business and go nuts if you’re not a brainlet. Don’t take advicefrom broke people they’ll get you rekt
t Aussie with 4m net worth

>> No.25445117

Can confirm, in Puerto Rico now. Look up Act 60.

>> No.25445185

You won it gambling

>> No.25445300

Find someone smart to advise you ASAP

>> No.25445301

"Yeah nah mate
All started with a big win on the pokies , then a young fella told me to invest it in these , whattayacallit cryptographuck i dunno
Anyways i had a double hoorah win it looks and their worth a motsa
This is what i made mate heres your taxes hoorah
God save the queen
Waltsing matilda and all that"

We are not gifted with spinning a yarn for nothing anon.

>> No.25445359


>> No.25445511

> the only way you can get out of Australia's taxes is renouncing your Australian citizenship -- which means you need to have dual citizenship somewhere else first (you might be interested to know that New Zealand has no capital gains tax)

Kek, great advice if true. based kiwi

>> No.25446012

>also remember you can negate that capital gains against capital losses for years to come, so open a business and go nuts if you’re not a brainlet. Don’t take advicefrom broke people they’ll get you rekt

pretty sure cap gains don't carry over...cap loses do...So If I had a shit tonne of cap gains this year and a bunch of losses made next... thne I just have to wait until I make gains again to properly offset those loses...won't save me any money from the past gains.

>> No.25446310

I’ve carried them over From crypto, so they do. Get a good accountant Not a cuck for $99

>> No.25446450

If I deposit £3000 from 2017 and then buy £3000 worth BTC then in 2021 its worth £30000 and I sell.
How am I taxed? 30000-3000-12300=£14700

>> No.25446549

NZ taxes Crypto the same as it taxes FX gains. They don't count it as Capital gains so it is not exempt.