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File: 39 KB, 565x266, MtGox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25435183 No.25435183 [Reply] [Original]

You are witnessing incredible market manipulation via Tether. I hold 8 BTC and even I can admit what's happening. This is painfully obvious and now I realize Bitcoin as an idea is dead. It's completely void and without a doubt a ponzi. The crypto space has been compromised.

But that doesn't mean you can't make money with a ponzi. Will we see 100k? Probably, 400k? maybe.

This is the most magnificent human experiment in free market monetary speculation. What the big question is... When Bitcoin does hit 100k, will the masterminds behind it dump Bitcoin as hard as they can? or will this be a generational ponzi scheme like gold?

>> No.25435312

Tether has until January 15, 2021 to report and prove Tether was backed 1 to 1 on the days they printed the Tether's. If they can't then the case is passed to the FBI. Exit Scam will happen before then.

>> No.25435520


Stop larping faggot. You are obviously priced out. Cope harder. Bitcoin is way bigger than just tether. You are either just larping or dumb.

>> No.25435755

>Bitcoin is way bigger than just tether
statement not entirely without truth, the question more, whether Bitcoin will survive forthcoming Tether implosion. And the longer that bullshit goes on leveraging itself unchecked, the more damage it is going to cause when it does inevitably go boom.

>> No.25435793

youre about 4 years late, bitcoin has been artifficially propped for years

they can't. they're totally fucked

>> No.25435838

So upset, you must have like .5 tops, right? I have over 250k right now sitting in BTC. Do even a little bit of research on Tether, they are fooling everyone. This is WillyBot 2.0. Let me guess, you don't even know what WillyBot is lmao

>> No.25435898

I'll bite for everyone too proud and pretentious to admit they dont know everything...

What in fucking shit's hell is a willybot?

>> No.25436223

>I'll bite for everyone too proud and pretentious to admit they dont know everything

Wish there were more people like you.

Willybot manipulated the price of Bitcoin during 2013's bullrun from 100$ to 1200$. There were 2 bots operating on the Mt.Gox exchange, 1 buying about 20 bitcoin every 10 minutes, another market buying ~15K BTC at random intervals. Interestingly enough, these bots would buy Bitcoin for mere cents, up to prices of 50,000 USD per BTC.

How is this possible? Mt.Gox was insolvent, no real money was being spent to buy these Bitcoin.

Now you know, Bitcoin's price is merely determined by what people THINK it's worth, but it is artificially inflated, just like many stocks in the real world.

>> No.25436628

What can the FBI do to a company that operates in HK though? Sure they can ban it in the land of the free and should cause a huge sell-off short term but they will just print more to prop the market again after they load their bags with cheap coins from panic sellers.

>> No.25436890

>Bitcoin's price is merely determined by what people THINK it's worth
unironically its most important feature after the security model

>> No.25436938

have the mtgox coins been paid back yet? i read they are paying back coins and usd value so i expect some sell off when that happens

>> No.25437073

Yes we are clearly going to repeat the 2018 crash and burn Grayscale and financial institutions this time. You know, since retail is still afraid and these weak, billion dollar financial companies couldn't possibly have fiat on hand to defend their positions in the futures market.

You might be right about them letting the market soar so that a 60% retrace brings things close to their 16-20K averages, but you're high as fuck if you think it's crashing with no survivors in such a way that neither companies nor retail will touch crypto again. A 60% retrace from 40K is 16K, a 60% retrace from 50K is 20K. Do with that what you will.

>> No.25437092

It was supposed to be in December but they're always postponing it.

>> No.25437100

They're based in Singapore and the answer is nothing. New York State is already trying and is proving toothless.

>> No.25437464

you dont hold 8 btc. cope

>> No.25437705
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Tether market cap: $21,338,455,391
Bitcoin market cap: $605,956,817,295

Tether is 3.5% of Bitcoin's market cap.

If Tether implodes and takes away the corresponding market cap from Bitcoin, Bitcoin's price would correct from $32500 to $31362, just to recover as USDC and DAI take over Tether's business.

Please do your homework before posting bullshit fren

>> No.25437836

Its useless to post the obvious, anon.
Let the NOCOINERS scream and SEETHE. Its so fucking good. Please, nocoiners, post more gay and scat threads, polute more, your anger causes us pleasure.
Tether is only printed when there is demand for bitcoin, and right now... there is a LOT of demand.

SEETHE AND BURN, NOCOINER SCUM. They laughed at us, now they are reaping it.

>> No.25437878

Tether is backed by more than just dollars retard, this meme is really stale

>> No.25437926
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That's right.

Bitcoin is fully backed by Tether, and if Tether crashes, Bitcoin's value goes to zero.


> Bitcoin is the real shitcoin
> Buy Chainlink instead

>> No.25437933
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>Tether is only printed when there is demand for bitcoin
what if..
..its Tether..
..demanding Bitcoin?

>> No.25438015

Well, as long as there are btc holders demanding usdt tether would be able to make the trade. And as long as usdt owners are able to cash out to usd the whole thing keeps working. What do you think about that?

>> No.25438023

You're probably 15, but that's not how marketcap works. You're fucking retarded.

I do have 8 BTC, stay mad

Willybot happened is happening again

You have .1 maximum

>> No.25438047
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I have 173.

> Suck my pp

>> No.25438062
File: 75 KB, 1948x869, EqvjH2sXYAArJzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely and utterly retarded

>> No.25438088

Tether kind of cut the middle man here a bit (too much) tho. Cake baking, eating and regurgitating for all, kind of thing.
>as long as usdt owners are able to cash out to usd the whole thing keeps working
and that stopped being true, for everyone, a long time ago. Even you wouldn't argue that

>> No.25438091

Is this what happened today? Lmfao. Literally the price did that. Someone at Tether withdrawing a small portion of their positions to be in line for an audit?

>> No.25438104
File: 198 KB, 1060x883, 64ddaabf-6f7c-4985-a32e-dffa78e57acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fren, that's money flowing from the liquidity pool.
If that money doesn't flow, Bitcoin is fine.
Think, please

>> No.25438185

Market cap is not the market value of a company/asset.
It is the product of the MARGINAL value of an company/asset at the market clearing price and the total quantity.
Anyone that has an IQ above 80 knows it's a shitty metric, but it's best we have since we have no way to sum up the total value.

>> No.25438187

Collapse of tether will bring the crypto market to its knees. Bitcoin will be 3 digits again. I will buy

When it rises from the ashes it will be fully decentralized, stablecoins and all and replace the traditional financial system

>> No.25438219

yeah no but thx for the laugh

>> No.25438247


>> No.25438251

I dumped for a 6 figure profit on Thursday. The fraud is so obvious, and extensive, it is not only going to tank BTC it will also cause exchanges that use Tether to implode. Even if you decide to hold BTC through this, everyone should get their BTC off of Tether exchanges and onto an”real” exchange that uses US$.

>> No.25438269

>has a reaction folder
>posts elon memes
>types like an autistic zoomer
>doesn't understand how marketcap works, possibly one of the simplest concepts to understand

You have 500$ in bitcoin don't you

>> No.25438296


>> No.25438499

Yes, totally retarded. Tether and Bitfinex are co-owned. They print and place Tether on the exchange and then buy and sell BTC back and forth among multiple accounts, bidding it up with the same Tethers. They also take leveraged long positions right before the pump that they know they are about to initiate. And then they transfer BTC to US dollar based exchanges and cash out. And you can bet that that will be heavily short BTC when they stop this pump. They made $ on the way up and will make more on the way down.

Easy to do with your own printing press and your own exchange. $20B is plenty enough Tether to accomplish this ... and keep in mind there are $1Trillion in Tether transactions worldwide everyday. If Tether goes away the market is blown. Bitcoin will survive and be better for it.

>> No.25438533
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I buy $500 dinners.

Please do us all a favor:


>> No.25438568

You do not own any BTC and you will never be a real woman.

>> No.25438624

>I buy $500 dinners
Ha, you need someone to help you manage your money. Lucky you consulted me. For a fee, of course. Now, bitcoin is a scam and TSLA will hit $1,000 this year.

>> No.25438644


>> No.25438645

This is the essence of the 2017 pump, it was a trader and his bot colluding on bitfinex that ran btc to 20k.
The question now is is this different or not. Do all these hedge funds, grayscale, corps buying in, all against global currency's being printed faster than ever i. History do it, ornis it really just bots? Coinbase and binance are supposedly the market makers now, do you think coinbase is doing this sort of manipulation on the eve of going public?

>> No.25438660

they def won't dump on a big number, they'll dump when nobody expects, also they're greedy, so maybe at like 104k.
People will think that if it got past 100 it will keep going, also I guess it will dump at a time when most traders are asleep

>> No.25438695

this asshole doesn't know all about willybot lmao

>> No.25438698

Only partially. They still have 141k to sell off. Hopefully they will do this gently when they finally get ok from courts to do so.

>> No.25438715

Well I guess Tether will get delisted from exchanges by the SEC, just like XRP. And we all now what happen to BTC after that

>> No.25438723

it is a ponzi but as long as i keep making money that's totally OK
you just need to be cool with the risk

>> No.25438794

Exactly my sentiment.

>this time it's different

Maybe, slightly

Someone gets it

>> No.25439059

No this is FOMO, from smaller institutions.

>> No.25439067
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, satania-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m starting to wonder if tether is such a big deal anymore, now that they’re printing REAL U.S. dollerinos even faster

>> No.25439179

Mtgox wallets are unironically still dumping along with kike institutions now

>> No.25439232

how would you feel if you finally got access to 1000 btcs after having lost it 10 years ago?

>> No.25439270

shouldnt have put this on twitter if you didnt want to dox yourself.

>> No.25439278

sell 30% for quick millionaire just in case it crashes hard, hodl rest on hardware wallet with own keys.

>> No.25439390

and if 1000 people got 1000 bitcoins each and they market sold 300k bitcoins, that would be 9 billion dollars worth. tether could print that much, pretty much the only way to avoid apocalypse

>> No.25439419

i guess tether will save us all then. they wont exit scam us, they're trying to help us!

>> No.25439540


Check market cap of Tether (and all stablecoins) over the last year in comparison to Bitcoin.

Even when Bitcoin stagnated and dumped, stablecoins went up.

Why? DeFi. Tether is inseprably linked to stablecoins. Bitcoin couldn't give a fuck. You don't need Tether, ever, for Bitcoin. The '17 bull run happened no problem without Tether.

Just because you own 8 BTC doesn't mean you're smart. Do more research before you jump into conspiracies.

>> No.25439564

>what is liquidity
Btc buy for $1 inflates marketcap by $100.
The pump during the last 24h was purely coinbase other exchanges lagged. Compare volume to price rise yourself.

>> No.25439587

What proof do you have that tether is insolvent?

Unless you have something this entire conversation amounts to nothing but mental masturbation.

>> No.25439701

**Tether is inseparably linked to DeFi/ETH

>> No.25439806

>I sold and am waiting for a buy in.

Fuck off.

>> No.25440065

>how would you feel if you finally got access to 1000 btcs after having lost it 10 years ago?
Well, the people that got robbed are not getting btc, they are getting cash settlents that are worth a fraction of the stolen btc.

>> No.25440636

If this were the case then why are institutions buying in?

>> No.25440701

If you actually look into the lawsuit documentation it has nothing to do with "1:1 backing". The NY AG is requesting documents relating to the incident with Crypto Capital in 2019 and the loans between Bitfinex and Tether

>> No.25440723

uh, the fact that they refuse to be audited
*might be* something of a red flag

>> No.25441135

Based take
Very good thread. Bitcoin maximalists are a fucking cancer. True ley the most retarded people in all of crypto, the normies of crypto really. How do you niggers see how it glows so hard? Jed McCaleb is a massive glower who has planted seeds of poison. Monero is the real privacy crypto and they’re about to get fucked. Nothing ads up. I do believe crypto is the future but Bitcoin is going to do some serious damage to everyone including the retarded oldfags.

>> No.25441136

>Bitcoin as an idea is dead

>> No.25441148
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Yep. Tether is designed to sucker in fomo and then steal your bitcoins. Institutions fomoing now? They too, had 12 years to buy BTC.

>> No.25441173

Tether collapse is the great reset. You will die poor and hungry outside the citadel walls because you declared it a dead ponzi

>> No.25441227

I can’t believe I share a board with retards like you holy shit.

>> No.25441290
File: 237 KB, 800x2000, EqpL5qHXcAM-sYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it. Bitcoin was a great experiment. Shit is not the future of anything. Was the first car the last? Stop and think for a minute instead of saying cope.

>> No.25441317

what else is it backed by?

>> No.25441371

you missed out fag.
maybe you can tell other people about all the lowcap gems and "real exciting tech" when you're put in the camps together.

>> No.25441385

What's so retarded about it. He's implying there is a corresponding link between BTC and USDT, and if USDT did in fact crash. There would be a small corresponding crash with Bitcoin. They're not linked directly like this, but he's probably right in terms of how much BTC would crash, which I would argue would be less. As Tether is mostly used for ETH shit, not Bitcoin.

>> No.25441423

90% of the people in this thread talking about the lawsuit and tether collapsing haven't even read the lawsuit!

Hilarious, see you guys at 100k

>> No.25441424

it still doesn't mean their insolvent, there are many different things you could want to cover
OP is a fag because he's not bringing anything new on the table except saying he's a midfag and he once watched a youtube vid on mt.gox

>> No.25441426
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You retarded. There are plenty with an actual use case that are looking to being adopted, and are being used right now. Bitcoins use case is “peer-to-peer” payment with a 1MB block size top kek

>> No.25441495

Oh no, then BTC will dump back to 4 digits and I’ll have to accumulate TONS of it for the low low while another stablecoin project that CAN prove it’s backed 1:1 gains popularity! Oh woe is me!!

>> No.25441500

Bitcoin is not dead but Adam Back selling out and Hal Finney passing was not good for it. It needs a block size bigger than 2 mb. It needs less centralized exchanges that kyc. Tether has to die. Then usdt exchanges will die or have to delist usdt. Its fucking software. Its not hard to manipulate it and creating bots for it.

>> No.25441560

yeah, audits are just like the generally accepted way to *prove* you are solvent. But don't let facts (and independently verified accounts) get in your way, or anything. I'm sure everyone can take Tether at their word. Whether 100% backed, or 76% backed, or whatever shit 'totally backed, source: just trust us' % figure they wish to pluck from their lying scamming arses this week. After all, when its NOT 100% - what difference does the actual figure make?

>> No.25442097

it's not dead as a project but as an idea yes, nothing new there and look at the people joining in the recent years, they are buying its price not an ideology.
insolvency is not even their biggest problem at this point

>> No.25442156

It’s actually the opposite, kyc WILL be mandatory. Tether must die. I can’t believe the smoothness of the brains of people who feel it’s fine and normal that CCP is printing digital versions of USD for gambling and operating the BTC Ponzi.

>> No.25442185

NANO is more decentralized right now and it's $1. put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.25442293

CCP is behind Tether
but what about BTC?
if so, i dont want to give these commies a damn cent

>> No.25442370

thanks anon just looked it up. Really cool history that people will look back on and study in school.

>> No.25442451

unless you enjoy being a tether millionaire, its not gonna be only burgers selling. if tether is proved to be backed by nothing then everyone will sell.

>> No.25442528

glowies have their hand all over the world
lookup how the US fought Huawei, a Chinese company

>> No.25443240

I dunno what to think about the logic of these theories.

If Tether is proven insolvent, or otherwise damaged as an asset, it will lose the peg. In other words if Tether fails, tether will fail. Happened before on fud. Has happened to other pegged stable coins. In those cases every time it was a buy.

>> No.25444192

yeah that shit was uncalled for fr

>> No.25444276

i have areal problem believe OG retail crypto traders would fail the marshmello test at the foot of the GBR. really doesnt make any sense. they're probably already balls deep with new funds.

>> No.25444352

not even a drop in global USD ponzi bucket. have you not paid any attention all year?

>> No.25444411

Jesus fuck you people are spewing stupid shit.
Fucking fuck i hold 2.5 btc but it's clear that the next crash/retrace will come around jan15 and will be centered around tether.
Every stupid maxi saying "muh fiat brrr printer will CoLlaPsE the USD" not seeing tether doing the exact same shit only WAY fucking worse, being a private company and doing it purely for profit, is delusional

>> No.25444569

"they load their bags with cheap coins from panic sellers."
You think they are going to buy BTC with USD? Omg you are so dumb I cant believe it

>> No.25444570

everything is a ponzi, the entire economic model, bitcoin is no different so who cares

>> No.25444600


you've been saying this shit for half a decade now, there will be no implosion

>> No.25444905

lol tether pumped btc in '17 too, weve been talking about this bubble for a long time

>> No.25445316

Unironically, XRP is an American product; they want to comply with the law in their land, hence why you see so much hate on this project. BTC otoh, was supposedly be a global currency for ALL (it's its initial objective), has been compromised by the chinese. DYOR.